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File metadata and controls

101 lines (81 loc) · 12.4 KB


eZcash stores its wallet data in a MessagePack binary format. The following schema was taken from this JSON Schema. Note that the table representation may be harder to interpret due to the nesting of fields:

  "DataRoot": {
    // Check the table below for more details
    "ZcashWallet": {...},
    "ContactManager": {...},
    "ExchangeRateRecord": {...}
Name Type Description Properties Additional Properties
DataRoot object Root object that contains the wallet, contacts, and exchange rates. ZcashWallet, ContactManager, ExchangeRateRecord
ZcashWallet object OR array [!HDWallets, !Accounts, integer]
Accounts array Array of accounts. [Account, ... , len(Accounts)]
Account object OR array A Zcash account. [!ZcashAccount, string, integer, ZcashTransactions, (integer OR null), (integer OR null), (integer OR null)]
HDWallets array [HDWallet, ..., len(HDWallets)]
HDWallet object OR array [!Bip39Mnemonic, !string (name), boolean]
ContactManager object OR array [Contact, integer]
ExchangeRateRecord object The keys in this object are TradingPair values. - {TradingPairValues: { DateTimeOffsetValues }}
Dict<K, V> object Dictionary from K to V. {K: V}
Collection array Collection of T. [T, ..., len(Collection)]
Contact object OR array Contact [(integer OR null), string, !Collection, !IntKeyedAddressMap]
IntKeyedAddressMap object This object uses System.Int32 values as its keys instead of strings. Dict<Int32, AssignedSendingAddresses> AssignedSendingAddresses
ZcashAddress string Zcash address. string
ZcashAccount array (1 to N items) [UnifiedViewingKey, (Seed OR Mnemonic), AccountIndex, BirthdayHeight, MaxTransparentIndex]
UnifiedViewingKey string Unified Viewing Key. string
Seed array (2 to N items) Seed (no mnemonic). [!ZcashNetwork, string (pattern: "msgpack binary as base64")]
Mnemonic array (2 to N items) [string (seed phrase), string (password)]
AccountIndex integer (0 to N) Account index. integer
BirthdayHeight integer (0 to N) Birthday height. integer
MaxTransparentIndex integer (0 to N) Maximum transparent address index. integer
AssignedSendingAddresses array (1 to 2 items) Diversifier with prefix and transparent address index. [string (pattern: "msgpack binary as base64"), integer (transparent address index)]
ZcashTransactions array [ZcashTransaction, ..., len(ZcashTransactions)]
ZcashTransaction object OR array Zcash transaction. Check the JSON Schema file for easier reading. [((TxId OR null) OR null), (integer OR null), boolean, ((DateTimeOffset OR null) OR null), ((Decimal OR null) OR null), string, ZcashTransactions, ZcashTransactions, boolean]
TxId string pattern: "msgpack binary as base64" string
DateTimeOffset array [string (pattern: "msgpack extension -1 as base64"), integer]
Decimal string pattern: "^-?\d\u002B(\.\d\u002B)?$" string
Bip39Mnemonic array (1 to N items) [string (seed phrase), string (password)]
ZcashNetwork integer (0 OR 1) 0 = MainNet, 1 = TestNet 0 OR 1

eZCash Data Tree


flowchart TB
DataRoot --> ZcashWallet
DataRoot --> ContactManager
DataRoot --> ExchangeRateRecord

ZcashWallet --> HDWallets
ZcashWallet --> Accounts

Accounts --> Account
HDWallets --> HDWallet

Account --> ZcashAccount
Account --> ZcashTransactions

ZcashAccount --> _seeBelow_

ZcashTransactions --> ZcashTransaction
ZcashTransaction --> TxId
ZcashTransaction --> DateTimeOffset

HDWallet --> BIP39Mnemonic

ContactManager --> Contact

Contact --> Collection
Contact --> IntKeyedAddressMap

IntKeyedAddressMap --> AssignedSendingAddresses



flowchart TB

ZcashAccount --> Id
ZcashAccount --> BirthdayHeight
ZcashAccount --> MaxTransparentIndex
ZcashAccount --> UnifiedViewingKey
ZcashAccount --> Seed
ZcashAccount --> Mnemonic

Seed --> ZcashNetwork
Seed --> _base64_

Mnemonic --> _phrase_
Mnemonic --> _password_