ZIP: 1001 Title: Keep the Block Distribution as Initially Defined — 90% to Miners Owners: mistfpga (zcash forums) <> Status: Obsolete Category: Consensus Process Created: 2019-08-01 License: CC BY-SA 4.0 <> Discussions-To: <>
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "SHOULD", and "SHOULD NOT" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. [2]
For clarity this ZIP defines these terms:
- Mining software in the context of this ZIP refers to pool software, local mining software, or staking software.
- Mining is defined as the action of processing transactions, so this would include proof of stake, if Zcash would switch to that.
- Mining coins transferred via fees are considered rewards (infinite), coins generated via block generation are considered distribution (finite).
- Block distribution is defined as the block reward minus transaction fees. the protocol specification uses "block subsidy".
- Spirit is defined as what is the intended outcome of the ZIP. [1]
- Initial promise is non-neutral language referencing the block distribution rules as initially set out. [3]
[1] | If there is contradiction between Spirit and any other part of the proposal that needs to be addressed, in the event it is not addressed Spirit is assumed to overrule all. |
The spirit of this ZIP is to is to ensure that the Founders’ Reward ends. It is not the intention of this ZIP to stop protocol-based donations.
It is a simple short ZIP.
Hopefully it will be compatible with a number of other ZIPs and can be worked into them.
- Governance on how decisions are made; this ZIP is not meant to be used as a form of governance.
- Future funding.
- It does not cover other donations or revenue streams.
- The Founders’ Reward is set to expire in 2020.
- To honour the initial promise of giving 90% of total block distribution to miners. Therefore the protocol will give them 100% of the block distribution after the first halving.
- The Founders’ Reward MUST end at the first halving in October 2020.
- This ZIP does not preclude the Electric Coin Company from sourcing funding elsewhere, or from donations.
- The existing Founders’ Reward consensus rules [4] [5] MUST be preserved.
- Specifically,
MUST equal0
ifHalving(height) >= 1
. (For clarity once the halving happens the Founders’ Reward stops, as per the rules outlined in [4] and [5].) - This specification is only meant to stop the Founders’ Reward, not protocol-based donations.
- Enforcing some kind of mandatory donation via whatever mechanism would be seen as continuation of the Founders’ Reward.
- Block distribution payouts to Founders’ Reward addresses will cease at the first halving.
- Pools and other software need to take this into account.
This ZIP requires no changes to current consensus implementations.
[2] | RFC 2119: Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels |
[3] | Zcash blog: Funding, Incentives, and Governance. February 1, 2016 |
[4] | (1, 2) Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2019.0.8 exactly. Section 7.7: Calculation of Block Subsidy and Founders Reward |
[5] | (1, 2) Zcash Protocol Specification, Version 2019.0.8 exactly. Section 7.8: Payment of Founders’ Reward |