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Data Structures and Algorithms lab repository


Lab 1: Introduction to GIT and the work-flow of the lab + starting with Singly Linked Lists
Lab 2: Circular Linked Lists and Doubly Linked Lists (+ Introduction to complexity)
Lab 3: Test 1 - Lists
Lab 4: Trees - more precisely, Binary Trees, Balanced Binary Trees (the theory)
Lab 5: Binary Search Trees
Lab 6: Test 2 - Trees
Lab 7: Graphs - representation and traversals
Lab 8: Graphs - Graph Processing Algorithms (Dijkstra, Prim, Kursal, Floyd etc.)
Lab 9: Test 3 - Graphs
Lab 10: Hash Tables - introduction, collision detection, usages
Lab 11: Sorting Algorithms - Bubble, Insertion, Selection, Merge, Quick, Radix.
  • Assignments 8: TBA
Lab 12: Test 4 - Sorting Algorithms & Hash Tables
  • Assignments: none
Lab 13: Exam problem practice
  • Assignments: none


  • Assignments = 10% of total lab grade (each graded individually and separately, no 'collective' assignments)
  • Test 1 - 20%
  • Test 2 - 25%
  • Test 3 - 25%
  • Test 4 - 20%


  • Max number of absences = 1 (NOT applicable for test days - if you miss a test day, you'll have to take the test separately, problem will be more difficult)
  • Assignments will be given dynamic feedback through GIT and will be graded only after one says he/she is thoroughly done with it.
  • Only assignments which are pushed to GIT will be graded and taken into consideration.
  • "Extra credit" assignments can only be completed by those who already have completed the 'normal' assignments. They will be even more thoroughly inspected and evaluated.

About tests

  • Grades range: 1-10
  • Code does not even compile: 1 (by default, no excuses)
  • For every warning: -0.25 on the grade - your code should be clean enough to surpass any Codeblocks warnings
  • Cheating attempts: 1 (by default, no excuses)
  • Work will be copied to USB stick and will be graded in maximum 48 hours
  • Results on GIT - check grades.xls file in every group folder

GIT Tutorials

Interesting Stuff

  • Generic Lists more exactly, how to create a (reusable) node which can remain the same for most of the functionality of the list regardless of the problem to be solved?
  • Pointers to functions a cute example of how you can use a structure to simulate OOP behaviour.

Catalysts Coding Contest

  • Anyone who chooses to participate in the Catalysts Coding Contest (<-- LINK) will be awarded 0.3 points to the final mark
  • For every level successfully completed (with or without a team) an additional 0.1 points will be added to everyone in the team (or to the solo participant) up to a total of 0.7 points if you somehow manage to complete all 7 levels
  • If you manage to be in the top 10 contestants you will get an additional 1 point to the final grade
  • Don't forget - free pizza and drinks at the end!
  • Helpful hint #1: the first two levels are terribly simple most of the times
  • Helpful hint #2: you sample a few problems here (<-- LINK)


Data Structures and Algorithms lab repository






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