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What are those

These are my leetcode solutions along with some other stuff:

  • Each id.problem_title.rb is a leetcode solution in ruby.
  • other contains problems which are not on leetcode.
  • data-structures contains the general data structures I use to solve problems. They are used throughout my solutions.

What you get

  • Solutions have problem description with it so that you don’t need to visit leetcode. You can also use this repo with leetcode-cli. If you are using Emacs, you can use my plugin lain-leetcode.el.
  • Well documented code, see 4.median-of-two-sorted-arrays.rb for an example.
  • Some problems are difficult to understand if I just shove the optimal solution in your face, therefore I write my thought process and code evolving process, see 10.regular-expression-matching.rb for an example.
  • Well written code, maybe? Coming from FP and OOP background, I tend to write concise function and class with clean API.


Ruby, as Matz said, really is a programming language that makes my happy (with leetcode problems of course, being a dynamically typed language after all). But Ruby is not the language to solve intense problems on codeforces or spoj, you’ll get TLE most of the time. However I like to prototype using Ruby for its easy-to-write nature, then rewrite in C/C++.

Ruby arrays are dynamic, it’s kind of like C++’s std::vector or Java’s ArrayList. Its shift (delete at beginning), unshift (insert at beginning), push (insert at end) and pop (delete at end) are amortized O(1) ops. With those amortized O(1) ops it can simulate stack and queue:


stack = []
stack << 2    # push 2 => stack = [2]
stack << 3    # push 3 => stack = [2, 3]
stack.pop     # pop  3 => stack = [2]


queue = []
queue << 2    # push 2 => queue = [2]
queue << 3    # push 3 => queue = [2, 3]
queue.shift   # pop  2 => queue = [3]


Maps in ruby are hashes:

map = {}           # empty map
map =  # or a map with a default value of 0
map[:a] = 1        # map = {a:1}
map[:b] = 2        # map = {a:1,b:2}


set =      # empty set
set << 1           # set = #{1}
set << 2           # set = #{1,2}
set << 1           # set = #{1,2}

Other Data Structures

Other data structures such as Priority Queue, Heap, BST, Ruby doesn’t have them build-in, so I implement them when I need to, see data-structures directory:

  • uniou-find.rb Union Find (weighed quick-union with path compression).
  • heap.rb Min Heap, Max Heap and Priority Queue.
  • fenwick-tree.rb 1d Fenwick Tree with range sum query.
  • segment-tree.rb 1d Segment Tree with various query examples.
  • sparse-table.rb 1d Sparse Table with range minimum/maximum query.
  • treap.rb Treap (rotation based and merge/split based).





Other Useful Stuff


System design


  • TODO Knight Tour
  • Fair Work Load (Binary Search)
  • TODO HashMap With Expiration Time


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