.Net Core Solution to CodeEval Public Challenge 48: "Discount Offers"
- .Net Core SDK
- If using an IDE, Visual Studio 2015 Premium, Pro, or Community with Update 3 & .Net Core 1.00 VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2
- Follow the latest instructions here
- .Net Core SDK (
sudo apt-get install dotnet-dev-1.0.0-preview2-003131
- Open your command line app of choice (cough PowerShell cough)
- Navigate to the \src\DiscountOffers\ directory on Windows or /src/DiscountOffers on Linux
- Type
dotnet restore
- You should see dotnet restoring all the NuGet packages. If not, troubleshoot your .Net Core install. - Run
- (Windows) Type
dotnet run .\InputSample\InputSample.txt
- (Linux) Type
dotnet run ./InputSample/InputSample.txt
- Open your command line app of choice (cough PowerShell cough)
- Navigate to the \src\DiscountOffers.Tests\ directory on Windows or /src/DiscountOffers.Tests/ on Linux
- Type
dotnet restore
- You should see dotnet restoring all the NuGet packages. If not, troubleshoot your .Net Core install. - Type
dotnet test
- You should see the tests excute and the summary output.