This gem is no longer supported. I'd recommend exploring ruby-next as a replacement.
Polyfill implements newer Ruby features into older versions. If the Ruby version already supports the polyfill then calling it does nothing. This is designed to allow gem maintainers to use newer methods and gain their advantages while retaining backwards compatibility. It can also be used for code that would like newer features but is not completely ready to upgrade Ruby versions. The polyfills are built using refinements so there is no monkey patching that may cause issues outside of your use.
Add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'polyfill', '~> 1.9'
Or install it manually:
$ gem install polyfill
This project uses Semantic Versioning.
- Features should ideally mimic the true behavior (quirks, error messages, etc).
- Features should not significantly burden the runtime.
- Keep everything modular so users can be specific or broad in their usage.
With the Polyfill
method, you can polyfill methods for one or more Ruby
objects. Each object is passed as a key. The value is an array of strings
containing the methods you would like to polyfill. Instance methods need to
start with "#" and class methods need to start with ".".
using Polyfill(
Array: %w[#concat],
Dir: %w[.empty?],
Hash: %w[#compact! #transform_values]
If you want all of the methods for a particular object you can use :all
place of the array.
using Polyfill(Numeric: :all)
Polyfills can be halted at a maximum version with the :version
option. The
version must be a string with the major and minor version only.
using Polyfill(version: '2.3', Numeric: :all)
When you add a method it will not be available in all of the ways a normal
method is. For example, you can't call send
on a refined method prior to
Ruby 2.4. To gain back some of this support you can set native: true
This currently adds support for respond_to?
, __send__
, and send
using Polyfill(native: true, Numeric: :all)
Prior to Ruby 2.4, refinements do not work on Modules. When using a polyfill
on a module it will instead refine the core classes that use the module. If
you're building your own class, it will not receive the polyfill. Instead,
you can include
(or extend
or prepend
) in a polyfill with Polyfill.get
class Foo
include Comparable
include Polyfill.get(:Comparable, :all)
To use specific methods you can pass an array of symbols in place of :all
class Foo
include Comparable
include Polyfill.get(:Comparable, %i[clamp])
Like before, the polyfills can be halted at a maximum version with the
option. The version must be a string with the major and minor
version only.
class Foo
include Comparable
include Polyfill.get(:Comparable, :all, version: '2.3')
✓ = Implemented, ✗ = Not Implemented, P = Partially Implemented
Partial implemented features will be explained in the "Changes" section of the table. The explanation will follow "Differences:".
Object | Method | Changes | |
✓ | Array | #difference | New |
✗ | #filter | New (alias of select ) |
✗ | #filter! | New (alias of select! ) |
✓ | #to_h | Accepts a block that maps elements to new key/value pairs. | |
✓ | #union | New | |
✗ | Binding | #source_location | New |
✗ | Coverage | .line_stub | New |
✗ | .result | Accepts new optional keyword arguments, :clear and :stop . |
✗ | .start | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :oneshot_line . |
✗ | Dir | #children | New |
✗ | #each_child | New | |
✗ | Enumerable | #+ | New |
✗ | #chain | New | |
✗ | #filter | New (alias of select ) |
✓ | #to_h | Accepts a block that maps elements to new key/value pairs. | |
✗ | Enumerator::Lazy | #filter | New (alias of select ) |
✗ | ENV | #to_h | Accepts a block that maps elements to new key/value pairs. |
✗ | ERB | .new | Accepts new optional keyword arguments, :eoutvar and :trim_mode . |
✗ | Exception | #full_message | Accepts new optional keyword arguments, :highlight and :order . |
✗ | File | .binread | Does not invoke external commands even if the path starts with | . |
✗ | .binwrite | Does not invoke external commands even if the path starts with | . |
✗ | .foreach | Does not invoke external commands even if the path starts with | . |
✗ | .read | Does not invoke external commands even if the path starts with | . |
✗ | .readlines | Does not invoke external commands even if the path starts with | . |
✗ | .write | Does not invoke external commands even if the path starts with | . |
✗ | FileUtils | #cp_lr | New |
✗ | Hash | #filter | New (alias of select ) |
✗ | #filter! | New (alias of select! ) |
✓ | #merge | Accepts multiple arguments. | |
✓ | #merge! | Accepts multiple arguments. | |
✓ | #to_h | Accepts a block that maps elements to new key/value pairs. | |
✓ | #update | Accepts multiple arguments. | |
✗ | Kernel | #BigDecimal | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :exception . |
✓ | #Complex | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :exception . |
✗ | #exec | Does not close non-standard file descriptors. | |
✓ | #Float | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :exception . |
✓ | #Integer | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :exception . |
✓ | #Rational | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :exception . |
✓ | #then | New (alias of yield_self ) |
✗ | #system | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :exception . Does not close non-standard file descriptors. |
✗ | KeyError | .new | Accepts new optional keyword arguments, :receiver and :key . |
✗ | Matrix | #[]= | New |
✗ | #antisymmetric? | New | |
✗ | #collect! | New | |
✗ | #map! | New | |
✗ | #skew_symmetric? | New | |
✗ | Method | #<< | New |
✗ | #>> | New | |
✗ | Module | #method_defined? | Accepts a second optional argument (default: true ). If false , it only checks the class and not the ancestors. |
✗ | #private_method_defined? | Accepts a second optional argument (default: true ). If false , it only checks the class and not the ancestors. |
✗ | #protected_method_defined? | Accepts a second optional argument (default: true ). If false , it only checks the class and not the ancestors. |
✗ | NameError | .new | Accepts new optional keyword arguments, :receiver and :key . |
✗ | Net::HTTP | .new | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :write_timeout . |
✗ | #write_timeout | New | |
✗ | #write_timeout= | New | |
✗ | NilClass | #=~ | New |
✗ | NoMethodError | .new | Accepts new optional keyword arguments, :receiver and :key . |
✗ | Numeric | #step | Now returns an instance of the Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence class rather than one of the Enumerator class. |
✓ | OpenStruct | #to_h | Accepts a block that maps keys and values to new keys and values. |
✗ | Proc | #<< | New |
✗ | #>> | New | |
✗ | .call | No longer changes $SAFE . |
✗ | Random | .bytes | New |
✗ | Range | #% | New |
✗ | #=== | Now uses cover? instead of include? . |
✗ | #cover? | Accepts a Range. | |
✗ | #step | Now returns an instance of the Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence class rather than one of the Enumerator class. | |
✗ | RSS::Parser | .parse | Accepts options as a Hash. Options are :ignore_unknown_element , :parser_class , and :validate . |
✗ | Set | #filter! | New (alias of select! ) |
✓ | String | #split | Yields each substring to a block if given. |
✗ | Struct | #filter | New (alias of select ) |
✓ | #to_h | Accepts a block that maps keys and values to new keys and values. | |
✗ | Time | #+ | Preserves the timezone. |
✗ | #- | Preserves the timezone. | |
✗ | .new | Accepts a timezone object as well as a UTC offset string. | |
✗ | #getlocal | Accepts a timezone object as well as a UTC offset string. | |
✗ | #succ | Preserves the timezone. | |
✗ | TracePoint | #enable | Accepts new optional keyword arguments, :target and :target_line . |
✗ | #eval_script | New | |
✗ | #instruction_sequence | New | |
✗ | #parameters | New | |
✗ | Vector | #[]= | New |
✗ | #collect! | New | |
✗ | #map! | New |
Attempting to modify frozen objects now throws FrozenError
instead of
. Methods where this change occurred are not listed below even
though they have techically changed. FrozenError
is a subclass of
so it is safe to continue rescuing RuntimeError
if needed.
Object | Method | Changes | |
✓ | Array | #append | New (alias for push ) |
✓ | #prepend | New (alias for unshift ) |
✓ | BigDecimal | #clone | Returns the receiver itself instead of making a new instance. |
✓ | #dup | Returns the receiver itself instead of making a new instance. | |
✓ | Dir | .children | New |
✓ | .each_child | New | |
✗ | #glob | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :base . |
✓ | Enumerable | #all? | Accepts a pattern argument. |
✓ | #any? | Accepts a pattern argument. | |
✓ | #none? | Accepts a pattern argument. | |
✓ | #one? | Accepts a pattern argument. | |
✗ | ERB | .result_with_hash | New |
✗ | Exception | #full_message | New |
✗ | File | .identical? | Support ReFS 128bit ino on Windows 8.1 and later. |
✗ | .lutime | New | |
✗ | .open | Use of the optional argument newline now implies text mode. |
✗ | #path | Raises an IOError for files opened with File::Constants::TMPFILE option. |
✗ | File::Stat | #atime | Support fractional second timestamps on Windows 8 and later. |
✗ | #ctime | Support fractional second timestamps on Windows 8 and later. | |
✗ | #ino | Support ReFS 128bit ino on Windows 8.1 and later. | |
✗ | #mtime | Support fractional second timestamps on Windows 8 and later. | |
✓ | Hash | #slice | New |
✓ | #transform_keys | New | |
✗ | #transform_keys! | New | |
✓ | Integer | #allbits? | New |
✓ | #anybits? | New | |
✓ | #ceil | Always return an Integer. | |
✓ | #floor | Always return an Integer. | |
✓ | #nobits? | New | |
✗ | #pow | Same as ** but it accepts an optional modulo argument for calculating modular exponentiation. |
✓ | #round | Always return an Integer. | |
✓ | .sqrt | New | |
✓ | #truncate | Always return an Integer. | |
✗ | IO | #pread | New |
✗ | #pwrite | New | |
✗ | #write | Accepts multiple arguments. | |
✗ | IOError | #close | Instead of raising an error with the message "stream closed", the message will be "stream closed in another thread". |
✗ | IPAddr | #link_local? | New |
✗ | #loopback? | New | |
✗ | .new | No longer accepts an invalid address mask. | |
✗ | #prefix? | New | |
✗ | #private? | New | |
✓ | Kernel | #yield_self | New |
✗ | #pp | New | |
✗ | #warn | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :uplevel . |
✗ | KeyError | #key | New |
✗ | #receiver | New | |
✗ | Matrix | .combine | New |
✗ | #combine | New | |
✗ | #entrywise_product | New | |
✗ | #hadamard_product | New | |
✗ | Method | #=== | New |
✗ | Module | #attr | Is now public. |
✗ | #attr_accessor | Is now public. | |
✗ | #attr_reader | Is now public. | |
✗ | #attr_writer | Is now public. | |
✗ | #alias_method | Is now public. | |
✗ | #define_method | Is now public. | |
✗ | #remove_method | Is now public. | |
✗ | #undef_method | Is now public. | |
✗ | Net::HTTP | #max_version | New |
✗ | #min_version | New | |
✗ | .new | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :no_proxy . |
✗ | #proxy_pass | Reflects the http_proxy environment variable if the system's environment variable is multiuser safe. | |
✗ | #proxy_user | Reflects the http_proxy environment variable if the system's environment variable is multiuser safe. | |
✗ | Numeric | #< | No longer hide exceptions from #coerce and will return nil if coercion is impossible. |
✗ | #<= | No longer hide exceptions from #coerce and will return nil if coercion is impossible. |
✗ | #> | No longer hide exceptions from #coerce and will return nil if coercion is impossible. |
✗ | #>= | No longer hide exceptions from #coerce and will return nil if coercion is impossible. |
✗ | #step | No longer hides errors from coerce method when given a step value which cannot be compared with #> to 0. | |
✗ | Pathname | #glob | New |
✗ | Process | .last_status | New (alias of $? ) |
✗ | .times | Precision is improved if getrusage(2) exists. | |
✗ | Range | .initialize | No longer hides exceptions when comparing begin and end with <=> and raise a "bad value for range" ArgumentError but instead lets the exception from the <=> call go through. |
✗ | Random | #urandom | Renamed from raw_seed . |
✗ | SecureRandom | .alphanumeric | New |
✓ | Set | #=== | New (alias of include? ) |
✗ | #reset | New | |
✓ | #to_s | New (alias of inspect ) |
✓ | String | #casecmp | Returns nil for non-string arguments instead of raising a TypeError . |
✓ | #casecmp? | Returns nil for non-string arguments instead of raising a TypeError . |
✓ | #delete_prefix | New | |
P | #delete_prefix! | New Differences: Throws RuntimeError instead of FrozenError when attempting to modify a frozen string. |
✓ | #delete_suffix | New (alias of chomp ) |
P | #delete_suffix! | New (alias of chomp! ) Differences: Throws RuntimeError instead of FrozenError when attempting to modify a frozen string. |
✓ | #each_grapheme_cluster | New | |
✓ | #grapheme_clusters | New | |
P | #start_with? | Accepts regular expression arguments. Differences: Does not set Regexp globals. |
✗ | #undump | New | |
✗ | StringIO | #write | Accepts multiple arguments. |
✗ | StringScanner | #captures | New |
✗ | #size | New | |
✗ | #values_at | New | |
✓ | Struct | .new | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, :keyword_init . |
✗ | Thread | #fetch | New |
✗ | #name= | Description set by Thread#name= is now visible on Windows 10. |
✓ | Time | .at | Accepts a third argument which specifies the unit of the second argument. |
✗ | URI | .open | New (alias of ) |
✗ | Zlib::GzipWriter | #write | Accepts multiple arguments. |
Object | Method | Changes | |
✓ | Array | #concat | Accepts multiple arguments. |
✗ | #max | This method already existed but was inherited from Enumerable . It was optimized on Array so redefining Enumerable#max no longer affects this. |
✗ | #min | This method already existed but was inherited from Enumerable . It was optimized on Array so redefining Enumerable#min no longer affects this. |
✗ | #pack | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, buffer . |
✓ | #sum | Like Enumerable#sum but does not depend on the definition of each . |
✗ | BasicObject | #__send__ | Supports refined methods. |
✗ | Binding | #irb | Start a REPL session like binding.pry . |
✓ | Comparable | #clamp | New |
✗ | CSV | #new | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, liberal_parsing . |
✓ | Dir | .empty? | New |
✓ | Enumerable | #chunk | Calling without a block returns an enumerator. |
✓ | #sum | New | |
✓ | #uniq | New | |
✓ | Enumerator::Lazy | #chunk_while | New |
✓ | #uniq | New | |
✓ | File | .empty? | New (alias of zero? ) |
✗ | FileTest | .empty? | New (alias of zero? ) |
✓ | Float | #ceil | Accepts an optional digits argument. |
✓ | #floor | Accepts an optional digits argument. | |
✗ | #round | Accepts an optional digits argument and provides a new optional keyword argument, half . |
✓ | #truncate | Accepts an optional digits argument. | |
✓ | Hash | #compact | New |
✓ | #compact! | New | |
✓ | #transform_values | New | |
✓ | #transform_values! | New | |
✓ | Integer | #ceil | Accepts an optional digits argument. |
✓ | #digits | New | |
✓ | #floor | Accepts an optional digits argument. | |
✓ | #round | Accepts an optional digits argument and provides a new optional keyword argument, half . |
✓ | #truncate | Accepts an optional digits argument. | |
✓ | IO | #each_line | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | .foreach | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | #gets | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | #lines | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | #readline | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | #readlines | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | .readlines | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | IPAddr | #== | No longer raises an exception if coercion fails. |
✓ | #<=> | No longer raises an exception if coercion fails. | |
✗ | Kernel | #send | Supports refined methods. |
✗ | Logger | #new | Allow specifying logger parameters in constructor such as level , progname , datetime_format , formatter . Add shift_period_suffix option. |
✓ | MatchData | #named_captures | New |
✓ | #values_at | Supports named captures. | |
✗ | Module | #refine | Accepts a module as an argument. |
✗ | .used_modules | New | |
✗ | Net::HTTP | #post | New |
✗ | Net::FTP | #new | Supports hash style options. |
✗ | #status | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, pathname . |
✓ | Numeric | #clone | Returns self instead of raising an error. |
✓ | #dup | Returns self instead of raising an error. | |
✓ | #finite? | New | |
✓ | #infinite? | New | |
✓ | Object | #clone | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, freeze . |
✗ | OptionParser | #order | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, into . |
✗ | #order! | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, into . |
✗ | #parse | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, into . |
✗ | #parse! | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, into . |
✗ | #permute | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, into . |
✗ | #permute! | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, into . |
✓ | Pathname | #empty? | New |
✗ | Readline | #quoting_detection_proc | New |
✗ | #quoting_detection_proc= | New | |
✗ | REXML::Element | #[] | If String or Symbol is specified, attribute value is returned. Otherwise, Nth child is returned. |
✗ | Rational | #round | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, half . |
✓ | Regexp | #match? | New |
✗ | Set | #compare_by_identity | New |
✗ | #compare_by_identity? | New | |
✗ | String | #capitalize | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. |
✗ | #capitalize! | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
P | #casecmp? | New Differences: Does not support Unicode characters. | |
✓ | #concat | Now accepts multiple arguments. | |
✗ | #downcase | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✗ | #downcase! | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✓ | #each_line | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | #lines | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | #match? | New | |
P | .new | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, capacity . Differences: Allows :capacity option to pass but does nothing with it. |
✓ | #prepend | Now accepts multiple arguments. | |
✗ | #swapcase | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✗ | #swapcase! | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✓ | #unpack1 | New | |
✗ | #upcase | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✗ | #upcase! | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✓ | StringIO | #each_line | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | #gets | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | #readline | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✓ | #readlines | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, chomp . |
✗ | Symbol | #capitalize | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. |
✗ | #capitalize! | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
P | #casecmp? | New Differences: Does not support Unicode characters. | |
✗ | #downcase | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✗ | #downcase! | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✓ | #match | Now returns MatchData instead of match position. |
✓ | #match? | New | |
✗ | #swapcase | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✗ | #swapcase! | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✗ | #to_proc | Supports refinements. | |
✗ | #upcase | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✗ | #upcase! | Supports Unicode and accepts several new keyword arguments. | |
✗ | Thread | #report_on_exception | New |
✗ | #report_on_exception= | New | |
✗ | .report_on_exception | New | |
✗ | .report_on_exception= | New | |
✗ | TracePoint | #callee_id | New |
✗ | Warning | #warn | New |
Object | Method | Changes | |
✗ | ARGF | #read_nonblock | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, exception . |
✓ | Array | #bsearch_index | New |
✓ | #dig | New | |
✗ | #flatten | No longer calls to_ary on elements beyond the given level. |
✗ | #flatten! | No longer calls to_ary on elements beyond the given level. |
✗ | #inspect | No longer raises an error if its content returns a string which is not compatible with Encoding.default_external . |
✗ | #pack | Add j and J directives for pointer width integer type. |
✗ | Base64 | .urlsafe_encode64 | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, padding . |
✗ | .urlsafe_decode64 | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, padding . |
✗ | BasicSocket | #recv | Allow an output String buffer argument. |
✗ | #recv_nonblock | Allow an output String buffer argument. |
✗ | #recvmsg_nonblock | Accepts a new keyword argument, exception . |
✗ | #sendmsg_nonblock | Accepts a new keyword argument, exception . |
✗ | Comparable | #== | No longer rescues exceptions. |
✗ | Coverage | .peek_result | New |
✗ | Enumerable | #chunk | No longer accepts the initial_state keyword argument. |
✓ | #chunk_while | New | |
✓ | #grep_v | New | |
✓ | #slice_before | No longer accepts the initial_state keyword argument. |
✓ | Enumerator::Lazy | #grep_v | New |
✗ | File | .mkfifo | New |
✗ | File::Stat | #ino | On Windows, it always returned 0 , but now returns BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION.nFileIndexHigh/Low . |
✓ | Hash | #< | New |
✓ | #<= | New | |
✓ | #> | New | |
✓ | #>= | New | |
✓ | #dig | New | |
✓ | #fetch_values | New | |
✗ | #inspect | No longer raises an error if its content returns a string which is not compatible with Encoding.default_external . |
P | #to_proc | New Differences: Works in every respect but returns a lambda instead of a proc . Returning a proc may be an error in MRI's implementation. See: |
✗ | IO | #advise | No longer raises Errno::ENOSYS in cases where it was detected at build time but not available at runtime. |
✗ | #close | Doesn't raise when the IO object is closed. | |
✗ | #each_codepoint | Raises an exception at incomplete character before EOF when conversion takes place. | |
✗ | #wait_readable | No longer checks FIONREAD. | |
✓ | Kernel | #loop | When stopped by a StopIteration exception, returns what the enumerator has returned instead of nil. |
✗ | Logger | #level= | New |
✗ | #reopen | New | |
✗ | Module | #define_method | Now requires a method body, Proc , Method , or a block. |
✗ | #deprecate_constant | New | |
✗ | NameError | #receiver | New |
✗ | Net::FTP | .default_passive= | New |
✗ | #mlst | New | |
✗ | #mlsd | New | |
✗ | Net::HTTP | #open_timeout | Now has a default value of 60 . |
✓ | Numeric | #negative? | New |
✓ | #positive? | New | |
✗ | Object | #define_singleton_method | Now requires a method body, Proc , Method , or a block. |
✗ | ObjectSpace | .count_symbols | New |
✗ | .count_imemo_objects | New | |
✗ | .internal_class_of | New | |
✗ | .internal_super_of | New | |
✗ | OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket | #accept_nonblock | Accepts a new keyword argument, exception . |
✗ | #connect_nonblock | Accepts a new keyword argument, exception . |
✗ | Pathname | #ascend | Returns an enumerator if no block is given. |
✗ | #descend | Returns an enumerator if no block is given. | |
✓ | Prime | .prime? | ArgumentError message says that an integer is expected instead of it being a comparison error. |
✗ | Queue | #close | New |
✗ | Socket | #accept_nonblock | Accepts a new keyword argument, exception . |
✗ | #connect_nonblock | Accepts a new keyword argument, exception . |
✓ | String | #+@ | New |
✓ | #-@ | New | |
✓ | .new | Accepts a new keyword argument, encoding . |
✗ | #unpack | Add j and J directives for pointer width integer type. |
✗ | StringIO | #set_encoding | No longer sets the encoding of its buffer string. |
✓ | Struct | #dig | New |
✗ | TCPServer | #accept_nonblock | Accepts a new keyword argument, exception . |
✗ | Thread | #name | New |
✗ | #name= | New | |
✗ | UNIXServer | #accept_nonblock | Accepts a new keyword argument, exception . |
✗ | Vector | #round | New |
Object | Method | Changes | |
✗ | Binding | #local_variables | New |
✗ | #receiver | New | |
✗ | Dir | #fileno | New |
✓ | Enumerable | #max | Accepts a new optional argument to return multiple elements. |
✓ | #max_by | Accepts a new optional argument to return multiple elements. | |
✓ | #min | Accepts a new optional argument to return multiple elements. | |
✓ | #min_by | Accepts a new optional argument to return multiple elements. | |
✓ | #slice_after | New | |
✓ | #slice_when | New | |
✗ | Etc | .confstr | New |
✗ | .sysconf | New | |
✗ | .nprocessors | New | |
✗ | .uname | New | |
✗ | Float | #next_float | New |
✗ | #prev_float | New | |
✗ | File | .birthtime | New |
✗ | #birthtime | New | |
✗ | File::Stat | #birthtime | New |
✗ | Find | .find | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, ignore_error . |
✗ | GC | .latest_gc_info | Returns :state to represent current GC status. |
✗ | .stat | Some keys were renamed and new keys were added. | |
✗ | IO | #each_codepoint | Raises an exception at incomplete character before EOF when conversion takes place. |
✗ | #nonblock_read | Supports pipes on Windows. | |
✗ | #nonblock_write | Supports pipes on Windows. | |
✗ | #pathconf | New | |
✓ | Kernel | #itself | New |
✗ | #throw | Raises UncaughtThrowError , subclass of ArgumentError when there is no corresponding catch block, instead of ArgumentError . |
✗ | Math | .atan2 | Now returns values like as expected by C99 if both two arguments are infinity. |
✓ | .log | Now raises Math::DomainError instead of returning NaN if the base is less than 0, and returns NaN instead of -infinity if both of two arguments are 0. |
✗ | Matrix | #+@ | New |
✗ | #-@ | New | |
✗ | #adjugate | New | |
✗ | #cofactor | New | |
✗ | #first_minor | New | |
✗ | .hstack | New | |
✗ | #hstack | New | |
✗ | #laplace_expansion | New | |
✗ | .vstack | New | |
✗ | #vstack | New | |
✗ | Method | #curry | New |
✗ | #super_method | New | |
✗ | ObjectSpace | .memsize_of | Returns a size including sizeof(RVALUE). |
✗ | Pathname | #/ | New (alias of #+ ) |
✗ | #birthtime | New | |
✗ | #find | Accepts a new optional keyword argument, ignore_error . |
✓ | Prime | .prime? | Now returns false for negative numbers. |
✗ | Process | .spawn | Opens the file in write mode for redirect from [:out, :err] . |
✗ | String | #unicode_normalize | New |
✗ | #unicode_normalize! | New | |
✗ | #unicode_normalized? | New | |
✗ | Time | .httpdate | Always produces a UTC Time object. |
✗ | .parse | May produce fixed-offset Time objects. |
✗ | .rfc2822 | May produce fixed-offset Time objects. |
✗ | .strptime | May produce fixed-offset Time objects. Raises ArgumentError when there is no date information. |
✗ | .xmlschema | May produce fixed-offset Time objects. |
✗ | TSort | .each_strongly_connected_component | Returns an enumerator if no block is given. |
✗ | .each_strongly_connected_component_from | Returns an enumerator if no block is given. | |
✗ | .tsort_each | Returns an enumerator if no block is given. | |
✓ | Vector | #+@ | New |
✗ | #-@ | New | |
✗ | #angle_with | New | |
✗ | .basis | New | |
✗ | #cross | New (alias of #cross_product ) |
✗ | #cross_product | New | |
✗ | #dot | New (alias of #inner_product ) |
✗ | .independent? | New | |
✗ | #independent? | New |
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at Please read the contributing file prior to pull requests.
Polyfill is licensed under the MIT License.