- Pro
abd3lwahab.tech Public
My personal website where I share my side projects and write about different aspects of software development
pulse-talk Public
Pulse Talk is a chat application built using the latest Next.js app structure and NextAuth for authentication, Pusher for real-time WebSocket communication, and Upstash Redis as the database.
thr Public
Forked from ishaan1013/thrA clone of Meta's new app using Next.js server components, Vercel Postgres, shadcn UI, Clerk, and Prisma.
TypeScript UpdatedJul 28, 2023 -
Meme-It Public
Meme-it is a simple meme generator built using Javascript library Fabric.Js, and it allows you to manipulate text or images on a chosen meme template.
median Public
Median is a backend REST API for blog built with NestJS, Prisma, PostgreSQL and documented with Swagger
product-feedback-app Public
Next.js app that allow user to add feedback and comment on others feedbacks. used MongoDB and Prisma with Next.js api for backend and Tailwind CSS for frontend.
spotify-clone Public
Spotify clone using Next.js, Spotify API, Tailwind, NextAuth, Recoil
MyReads-A-Book-Tracking-App Public
Udacity Front-End Web Developer Nanodegree web application that allows you to select and categorize books you have read, are currently reading, or want to read.
ar.javascript.info Public
Forked from javascript-tutorial/ar.javascript.infoModern JavaScript Tutorial in Arabic
Problem-Solving Public
This repo contains all the problems that I solved through the competitive programming platforms.
Test-Cases Public
Test-Cases is a shell script that compiles and test given C++ file on given test cases in a text file and print the output of each test case into a new text file.
Education-Management-System Public
This C++ project creates a database for the students and teacher in a college. User can log in as a student or a teachers and perform the wanting operations.