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This repository contains a Verilog implementation of a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) queue. FIFO is a commonly used data structure in digital design, where the first data written into the queue is the first one read out. This is particularly useful in communication systems, buffers, and other applications where data order needs to be maintained.

Additionally, the repository includes a FIFO control module (fifo_ctrl) and a register file (reg_file), which further expand the functionality of the FIFO system.


  • Parameterizable depth: The FIFO depth (number of entries) can be configured as needed.
  • Synchronous write: write operation is synchronized to the clock.
  • ASynchronous read: read operation is asynchronous.
  • Full and Empty flags: Status flags are provided to indicate when the FIFO is full or empty.
  • Configurable data width: Data width is configurable through a parameter.
  • Control logic: FIFO control module for managing the read/write operations and handling overflow/underflow conditions.
  • Register file: A register file module for storing and accessing data efficiently.


  • fifo.v: Main Verilog file containing the FIFO module implementation.
  • fifo_ctrl.v: A control module that handles the read and write operations of the FIFO.
  • reg_file.v: A register file module for storing and retrieving data.
  • fifo_tb.v: Testbench for the FIFO, used for simulation and verification of the FIFO's functionality.


FIFO Module Parameters

  • data_width: Specifies the width of the data being stored in the FIFO (default: 8 bits).
  • addr_width: Specifies the depth (number of entries) in the FIFO (default: 16).

FIFO Ports

Port Direction Description
clk Input Clock signal (rising edge active).
reset Input Reset signal (active high).
wr Input Write enable signal (1 = write data).
rd Input Read enable signal (1 = read data).
w_data Input Data input bus (size defined by DATA_WIDTH).
r_data Output Data output bus (size defined by DATA_WIDTH).
full Output Full flag (1 = FIFO is full).
empty Output Empty flag (1 = FIFO is empty).

FIFO Control Module (fifo_ctrl.v)

The fifo_ctrl module is responsible for controlling the read and write operations of the FIFO. It monitors the status flags (full/empty) and ensures that no overflow or underflow occurs during operation.

FIFO Control Ports

Port Direction Description
clk Input Clock signal.
reset Input Reset signal.
wr_en Input Write enable signal.
rd_en Input Read enable signal.
full Output Full flag.
empty Output Empty flag.

Register File Module (reg_file.v)

The reg_file module is a simple register file for storing and retrieving data. It acts as the memory backend for the FIFO, providing the storage for the FIFO's data entries.

Register File Ports

Port Direction Description
clk Input Clock signal.
reset Input Reset signal.
wr_addr Input Write address.
rd_addr Input Read address.
wr_data Input Data input for writing.
rd_data Output Data output after reading.


To run the testbench for the FIFO:

# Using a Verilog simulator like Icarus Verilog or ModelSim
iverilog -o fifo_tb fifo_tb.v fifo.v fifo_ctrl.v reg_file.v
vvp fifo_tb


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