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✈️Multilingual Chatbot Integrated Museum Ticket Booking System 🎟️🤖

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📚Table of Contents

🚦About the Project

This project is a Multilingual Chatbot Ticket Booking System that allows users to:

  • Book tickets
  • View museum items (3D models)
  • Chat with a chatbot for assistance
  • Choose the language they prefer for the web app interface

The chatbot is integrated with predefined responses and can assist users with booking tickets or answering common queries about services.


  • 📌Multilingual support: Users can select their preferred language.
  • 📌Chatbot Integration: A chatbot to assist users with ticket booking and FAQs.
  • 📌Museum 3D Item Viewer: A section where users can view 3D models of museum items.
  • 📌User Authentication: Users can log in and register to manage bookings.
  • 📌Flask and PostgreSQL Integration: Ticket bookings are stored and managed in a PostgreSQL database.
  • 📌Responsive Design: The web app is mobile-friendly and works across devices.


You can view a live demo of the application here.


To get a local copy of the project up and running, follow these steps:


  • Python 3.12 or higher
  • PostgreSQL database

🔖Setup Instructions

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory

    cd multilingual-chatbot-ticket-booking-system
  3. Install the required Python packages

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Set up your PostgreSQL database

    Set up your PostgreSQL database on Render or locally. Add your database URL in the .env file:

  5. Run the Flask app

  6. Open your browser

    Go to http://localhost:5000.

🔖Tech Stack

  • Backend: Flask (Python), Render (for PostgreSQL database hosting)
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Chatbot: Transformers (with predefined responses or AI-powered chatbot)
  • 3D Models: Integrated viewer for 3D museum items


  • 📌Homepage: Users can browse and book tickets or view museum items.
  • 📌Chatbot: Available to assist users with booking and answering common queries.
  • 📌User Authentication: Users can log in or sign up to manage their bookings.


The app is deployed using Vercel for the frontend and Render for the PostgreSQL database.

📓Steps to Deploy

  1. Set up the environment variables on Vercel.
  2. Connect your project’s GitHub repository to Vercel.
  3. Configure Render for PostgreSQL and add the DATABASE_URL to Vercel's environment variables.


Contributions are welcome!


Repository protected through License .