A serverless AWS Lambda function that handles chat interactions using JWT authentication and DynamoDB for storage.
This Lambda function provides a secure chat API endpoint that:
- Validates JWT tokens for authentication
- Processes chat messages using AWS Bedrock
- Stores chat history in DynamoDB
- Handles error cases and provides appropriate responses
- Python 3.9+
- AWS Account with access to:
- Lambda
- DynamoDB
- Bedrock
- Required Python packages:
- boto3
- pydantic
- Create a new directory for your Lambda package:
mkdir package
- Install required packages to the package directory:
pip install --target ./package boto3 PyJWT pydantic
- Copy Python files to the package directory:
cp -r ./*.py ./package
- Create deployment package:
zip -r9 lambda_function.zip ./package
The following environment variables need to be set in your Lambda function:
: Your AWS Bedrock Agent IDAGENT_ALIAS_ID
: Your AWS Bedrock Agent Alias ID
Example .env
# AWS Bedrock Configuration
# DynamoDB Configuration
# JWT Configuration (optional)
# AWS Credentials (for local development)
Note: Never commit your actual
file to version control. Add.env
to your.gitignore
Create a DynamoDB table with the following structure:
- Table Name:
(configurable) - Partition Key:
(String) - Sort Key:
This Lambda function exposes a single endpoint for chat interactions.
Primary endpoint for chat interactions with the AI assistant.
- Process user messages
- Generate AI responses using AWS Bedrock
- Store chat history in DynamoDB
- Manage chat sessions
JWT token-based authentication is required for all requests.
Header | Type | Required | Description |
Content-Type |
string | Yes | Must be application/json |
id_token |
string | Yes | Valid JWT authentication token |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
prompt |
string | Yes | The user's message or question |
chat_id |
string | No | Existing chat ID for continuing a conversation |
Example Request:
"prompt": "Your message here",
"chat_id": "optional-existing-chat-id"
Field | Type | Description |
response |
string | The AI assistant's response |
chat |
object | Chat session details |
chat.id |
string | Unique chat identifier |
chat.user_id |
string | User identifier from JWT |
chat.title |
string | Auto-generated chat title |
chat.created_at |
string | Creation timestamp (ISO) |
chat.updated_at |
string | Last update timestamp (ISO) |
chat.messages |
array | Message history |
Example Success Response:
"response": "AI response message",
"chat": {
"id": "chat-uuid",
"user_id": "user-id",
"title": "Chat title",
"created_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"updated_at": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z",
"messages": [
"role": "user",
"content": "user message"
"role": "assistant",
"content": "AI response"
Status Code | Description | Example Response |
400 | Bad Request | {"error": "Field 'prompt' is required"} |
401 | Unauthorized | {"error": "Invalid id_token: token has expired"} |
500 | Server Error | {"error": "Internal server error", "message": "..."} |
- All requests require JWT authentication
- Chat history is automatically persisted to DynamoDB
- Chat titles are generated from the first message
- Responses are streamed from AWS Bedrock
The API returns appropriate HTTP status codes:
- 200: Success
- 400: Bad Request (invalid input)
- 401: Unauthorized (invalid token)
- 500: Internal Server Error
- Create project directory and set up virtual environment:
# Create project directory
mkdir aws-lambda-chat
cd aws-lambda-chat
# Create virtual environment
python -m venv venv
# Activate virtual environment
# On Windows:
# On macOS/Linux:
source venv/bin/activate
- Install required packages:
pip install boto3 PyJWT pydantic aws-sam-cli
pip freeze > requirements.txt
- Create the package directory and copy your code:
# Create directories
mkdir package
mkdir events
# Copy Lambda function files
cp main.py package/
cp utils.py package/
- Create SAM template (template.yaml):
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31
Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
CodeUri: ./package
Handler: main.lambda_handler
Runtime: python3.9
Timeout: 30
MemorySize: 256
AGENT_ID: your_agent_id_here
AGENT_ALIAS_ID: your_agent_alias_id_here
- DynamoDBCrudPolicy:
TableName: test-chat
- Statement:
- Effect: Allow
- bedrock:*
Resource: '*'
Type: Api
Path: /chat
Method: post
- Create a test event file (events/event.json):
"body": "{\"prompt\": \"Hello, how are you?\"}",
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"id_token": "your.test.token"
- Create environment file (env.json):
"ChatFunction": {
"AGENT_ID": "your_agent_id_here",
"AGENT_ALIAS_ID": "your_agent_alias_id_here",
"DYNAMODB_TABLE": "test-chat",
"AWS_REGION": "us-east-1"
- Start local DynamoDB:
docker run -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local
- Create test table:
aws dynamodb create-table \
--table-name test-chat \
--attribute-definitions \
AttributeName=id,AttributeType=S \
AttributeName=user_id,AttributeType=S \
--key-schema \
AttributeName=id,KeyType=HASH \
AttributeName=user_id,KeyType=RANGE \
--provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5 \
--endpoint-url http://localhost:8000
- Build the SAM application:
sam build
- Test locally:
# Test single invocation
sam local invoke ChatFunction \
-e events/event.json \
-n env.json
# Start local API
sam local start-api \
-n env.json \
--warm-containers EAGER
- Test the API endpoint:
curl -X POST http://localhost:3000/chat \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "id_token: your.test.token" \
-d '{"prompt": "Hello, how are you?"}'
- First-time deployment:
sam deploy --guided
Follow the prompts:
- Stack Name:
- AWS Region: your preferred region
- Confirm changes before deploy: Yes
- Allow SAM CLI IAM role creation: Yes
- Save arguments to configuration file: Yes
- Stack Name:
Subsequent deployments:
sam deploy
├── package/
│ ├── main.py # Lambda handler
│ └── utils.py # Utility functions
├── events/
│ └── event.json # Test event
├── template.yaml # SAM template
├── main.py # Lambda handler
│── utils.py # Utility functions
├── env.json # Local environment variables
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
└── README.md # Documentation
Local Testing:
- Ensure Docker is running for SAM local testing
- Use local DynamoDB for development
- JWT tokens can be mocked for testing
Environment Variables:
- Update env.json with your actual values
- Never commit sensitive values to version control
AWS Credentials:
- Configure AWS credentials using
aws configure
- Ensure proper IAM permissions for deployment
- Configure AWS credentials using
- All requests must include a valid JWT token
- Tokens are validated for:
- Expiration
- Required claims (email, username)
- Signature (if configured)
MIT License - See LICENSE file for details