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This is official code for the USENIX Security 24 paper:

MAGIC: Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats via Masked Graph Representation Learning

In this paper, we introduce MAGIC, a novel and flexible self-supervised approach for multi-granularity APT detection. MAGIC leverages masked graph representation learning to model benign system entities and behaviors, performing efficient deep feature extraction and structure abstraction on provenance graphs. By ferreting out anomalous system behaviors via outlier detection methods, MAGIC is able to perform both system entity level and batched log level detection. MAGIC is specially designed to handle concept drift with a model adaption mechanism and successfully applies to universal conditions and detection scenarios.


conda install -c dglteam/label/th24_cu121 dgl
conda install packaging
conda install gdown 
conda install pandas 
conda install scikit-learn


# Evaluation for pretrained-model
(clinical_multimodal) ubuntu@ip-10-0-15-201:~/workspace/MAGIC$ python --dataset trace
AUC: 0.9998153809050484
F1: 0.995736028228789
PRECISION: 0.9917104937282383
RECALL: 0.9997943776987928
TN: 615452
FN: 14
TP: 68072
FP: 569
#Test_AUC: 0.9998±0.0000

# Re-training
(clinical_multimodal) ubuntu@ip-10-0-15-201:~/workspace/MAGIC$ time python --dataset trace
Epoch 49 | train_loss: 0.1469: 100%|███████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 50/50 [03:53<00:00,  4.67s/it]

real    3m57.884s
user    3m35.311s
sys     0m22.623s

# evaluation for re-trained model
(clinical_multimodal) ubuntu@ip-10-0-15-201:~/workspace/MAGIC$ time python --dataset trace
Accuracy: 0.9982736618686843
AUC: 0.9999333852470714
F1: 0.991399963090059
PRECISION: 0.9831453371654704
RECALL: 0.9997943776987928
TN: 614854
FN: 14
TP: 68072
FP: 1167
#Test_AUC: 0.9999±0.0000

real    47m55.508s
user    190m8.796s
sys     0m4.776s

Theia data

Download the dataset and ground truth, and then unzip the dataset to the data/theia folder.

Preprocessing dataset

python --dataset theia  413.85s user 45.03s system 77% cpu 9:54.83 total


python --dataset theia  182.05s user 15.45s system 98% cpu 3:19.70 total


(py310) ➜  MAGIC git:(main) ✗ time python --dataset theia 
Accuracy: 0.9986860691423484
AUC: 0.9987634942492317
F1: 0.9911331201326604
PRECISION: 0.9824602250679084
RECALL: 0.9999605039693511
TN: 318996
FN: 1
TP: 25318
FP: 452
#Test_AUC: 0.9988±0.0000
python --dataset theia  3042.40s user 12.92s system 392% cpu 12:57.63 total


Pre-processing data

python --dataset cadets  317.55s user 15.70s system 99% cpu 5:33.33 total


python --dataset cadets  223.21s user 23.28s system 99% cpu 4:06.98 total


(py310) ➜  MAGIC git:(main) ✗ time python --dataset cadets 
Accuracy: 0.993778925058725
AUC: 0.9935882910556456
F1: 0.9202326244312197
PRECISION: 0.8538974017321785
RECALL: 0.9977424879339872
TN: 342134
FN: 29
TP: 12817
FP: 2193
#Test_AUC: 0.9936±0.0000
python --dataset cadets  3147.44s user 14.26s system 388% cpu 13:34.76 total


We use two public datasets for evaluation on batched log level detection: StreamSpot and Unicorn Wget. We use the DARPA Transparent Computing Engagement 3 sub-datasets E3-Trace, E3-THEIA and E3-CADETS for evaluation on system entity level detection. Due to the enormous size of these datasets, we include our pre-processed datasets in the data/ folder. In each sub-directory under the .data folder, there is a .zip file. You need to unzip these .zip files into one graphs.pkl for each dataset.

To pre-process these datasets from scratch, do as the follows:

  • StreamSpot Dataset
    • Download and unzip all.tar.gz from StreamSpot, which includes a single data file all.tsv. Copy all.tsv to data/streamspot.
    • Go to directory utils and run This will result in 600 graph data files in the JSON format.
    • During training and evaluation, function load_batch_level_dataset in utils/ will automatically read and label these graphs and store them into the compressed data archive graphs.pkl for efficient data loading.
  • Unicorn Wget Dataset
    • Download and unzip attack_baseline.tar.gz and benign.tar.gz from Wget. Copy all .log files into data/wget/raw/. Ignore contents in base and stream.
    • Go to directory utils and run This will result in 150 graph data files in the JSON format.
    • During training and evaluation, function load_batch_level_dataset in utils/ will automatically read and label these graphs and store them into the compressed data archive graphs.pkl for efficient data loading.
  • DARPA TC E3 Sub-datasets
    • Go to DAPRA TC Engagement 3 data release.
    • Download and unzip ta1-trace-e3-official-1.json.tar.gz into data/trace/.
    • Download and unzip ta1-theia-e3-official-6r.json.tar.gz into data/theia/.
    • Download and unzip ta1-cadets-e3-official-2.json.tar.gz and ta1-cadets-e3-official.json.tar.gz into data/cadets/.
    • Do not delete log files that are not directly used for training and test purpose (e.g. ta1-theia-e3-official-6r.4-7.json). These files provide entity definitions for subsequent event records, including definitions for malicious entities.
    • Go to directory utils and run with argument --dataset. Valid choices are trace, theia, and cadets.
    • MAGIC is evaluated on the DARPA TC datasets using the ThreaTrace label. Go to ThreaTrace, download the .txt groundtruth files from the folder "groundtruth" and put them into the corresponding dataset folder of MAGIC. For example, theia.txt into data/theia/theia.txt.

Meanwhile, we elaborated an alternative labeling methodology on the DARPA TC datasets in our paper(Appendix G). We also provided the corresponding ground truth labels in the same appendix section for sub-datasets E3-Trace, E3-THEIA and E3-CADETS.


This is a guildline on reproducing MAGIC's evaluations. There are three options: Quick Evaluation, Standard Evaluation and Training from Scratch.

Quick Evaluation

Make sure you have MAGIC's parameters saved in checkpoints/ and KNN distances saved in eval_result/. Then execute and assign the evaluation dataset using the following command:

  python --dataset *your_dataset*

Standard Evaluation

Standard evaluation trains the detection module from scratch, so the KNN distances saved in eval_result/ need to be removed. MAGIC's parameters in checkpoints/ are still needed. Execute with the same command to run standard evaluation:

  python --dataset *your_dataset*

Training from Scratch

Namely, everything, including MAGIC's graph representation module and its detection module, are going to be trained from raw data. Remove model parameters from checkpoints/ and saved KNN distances from eval_result/ and execute to train the graph representation module.

  python --dataset *your_dataset*

Then execute the same as in standard evaluation:

  python --dataset *your_dataset*

For more running options, please refer to utils/


If you make advantage of MAGIC in your research, please cite the following in your manuscript:

  title        = {MAGIC: Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats via Masked Graph Representation Learning},
  author       = {Zian Jia and
                  Yun Xiong and
                  Yuhong Nan and
                  Yao Zhang and
                  Jinjing Zhao and
                  Mi Wen},
  booktitle    = {33rd USENIX Security Symposium, USENIX Security 2024},
  year         = {2024},


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