This is IL2CPP managed function calling library.
Based on the great idea of Meetem/ILCall
Unity 2022.3.13
Requires two modifications in Unity.IL2CPP.dll
in {Your Edior Location}\Editor\Data\il2cpp\build\deploy
You can do following steps to make it work.
- Download dnspy
- Use dnspy to open
- Find
and replace the code in blockcase Code.Calli
with following.
case Code.Calli:
MethodBodyWriter.FunctionPointerCallType functionPointerCallType = MethodBodyWriter.FunctionPointerCallType.Native;
ResolvedCallSiteInfo callSiteInfo = ((CallSiteInfoResolvedInstruction)ins).CallSiteInfo;
bool flag = this._methodReference.DeclaringType.Name == "FuncIL2CPP";
if (callSiteInfo.HasThis && !flag)
this._writer.WriteStatement(Emit.RaiseManagedException("il2cpp_codegen_get_not_supported_exception(\"Calli is not supported on instance methods\")", null));
string callConvStr = "";
switch (callSiteInfo.CallingConvention)
case MethodCallingConvention.C:
callConvStr = "CDECL";
case MethodCallingConvention.StdCall:
callConvStr = "STDCALL";
case MethodCallingConvention.ThisCall:
callConvStr = "THISCALL";
case MethodCallingConvention.FastCall:
callConvStr = "FASTCALL";
if (!this._context.Global.Parameters.UsingTinyBackend)
functionPointerCallType = MethodBodyWriter.FunctionPointerCallType.Managed;
if (flag)
functionPointerCallType = MethodBodyWriter.FunctionPointerCallType.Managed;
string text = this._valueStack.Pop().Expression;
string text2 = null;
if (functionPointerCallType != MethodBodyWriter.FunctionPointerCallType.Native)
text2 = "(const RuntimeMethod*)" + text;
text = "il2cpp_codegen_get_direct_method_pointer(" + text2 + ")";
if (flag)
ResolvedTypeInfo parameterType = this._resolvedMethodContext.Parameters[0].ParameterType;
this.WriteCallViaMethodPointer(ins, text, text2, MethodBodyWriter.PopItemsFromStack(callSiteInfo.Parameters.Count + 1, this._valueStack), parameterType, functionPointerCallType, callSiteInfo, callConvStr);
this.WriteCallViaMethodPointer(ins, text, text2, MethodBodyWriter.PopItemsFromStack(callSiteInfo.Parameters.Count, this._valueStack), null, functionPointerCallType, callSiteInfo, callConvStr);
- Find
and replace the code in blockusing (Returnable<StringBuilder> returnable = this._context.Global.Services.Factory.CheckoutStringBuilder())
with following. - Save and overwrite dll. (Do not forget to backup the original one!)
StringBuilder value = returnable.Value;
bool flag = false;
if (callType == MethodBodyWriter.FunctionPointerCallType.Invoker)
funcPointerExp = this._writer.VirtualCallInvokeMethod(methodSig.UnresolvedMethodSignature, this._typeResolver, VirtualMethodCallType.InvokerCall, false, array);
if (thisType == null)
flag = true;
Calling IL2CPP generated functions with lower overhead when using reflection.
public class MyClass
private int addValue = 1;
public int AddOne(int inputValue)
return inputValue + addValue;
int input = 5;
MyClass target = new MyClass();
var functionPtr = (void*)typeof(MyClass).GetMethod("AddOne").MethodHandle.Value;
var result = FuncIL2CPP.Generic<int, MyClass, Tint1>(target, input, functionPtr);
Debug.Log(result); // Console: 6
IL support Calli instruction. It can be used to call both managed and unmanaged function.
We can do following managed call on static method in C# directly.
public class MyClass
public static int StaticAddOne(int arg1)
return arg1 + 1;
var functionPtr = (delegate* <int, int>)&MyClass.StaticAddOne;
var result = ((delegate* <int, TintR>)functionPtr)(arg1);
However, C# does not provide a way to get function pointer from managed instance function, see issues in Calling instance-based methods with function pointers is not supported .
public class MyClass
private int addValue = 1;
public int AddOne(int inputValue)
return inputValue + addValue;
int input = 5;
MyClass target = new MyClass();
// Not Allowed!
var functionPtr = (delegate* <int, MyClass, int>)&MyClass.AddOne;
The original repo Meetem/ILCall uses the umanaged cdecl convention, which is a rather clever and hacky way to directly call the functions generated by IL2CPP. But it is not supported in Full Generic Sharing generated code since compiler can not know the pointer type.
let you can call managed instance function with function pointer in IL2CPP.
However, Unity.IL2CPP.dll
which is the aot compiler does not support managed instance (with CallingConventions.HasThis
flag) calli instruction.
So we need to modify the Unity.IL2CPP.dll
to reach our goal.
The final IL2CPP generated code will like following.
/* FuncIL2CPP.Generic<TR, TThisType, T1>(TThisType thisType, T1 arg1, void* methodPtr); */
IL2CPP_EXTERN_C IL2CPP_METHOD_ATTR void FuncIL2CPP_Generic_gshared (
Il2CppFullySharedGenericAny thisType,
Il2CppFullySharedGenericAny arg1,
void* methodPtr,
Il2CppFullySharedGenericAny* il2cppRetVal,
const RuntimeMethod* method
const uint32_t SizeOf_TThis = il2cpp_codegen_sizeof(il2cpp_rgctx_data_no_init(method->rgctx_data, 0));
const uint32_t SizeOf_T1 = il2cpp_codegen_sizeof(il2cpp_rgctx_data_no_init(method->rgctx_data, 1));
const uint32_t SizeOf_TReturn = il2cpp_codegen_sizeof(il2cpp_rgctx_data_no_init(method->rgctx_data, 2));
const Il2CppFullySharedGenericAny L_3 = alloca(SizeOf_TReturn);
const Il2CppFullySharedGenericAny L_0 = alloca(SizeOf_TThis);
const Il2CppFullySharedGenericAny L_1 = alloca(SizeOf_T1);
il2cpp_codegen_memcpy(L_0, (il2cpp_codegen_class_is_value_type(il2cpp_rgctx_data_no_init(method->rgctx_data, 0)) ? ___0_thisType : &___0_thisType), SizeOf_TThis);
il2cpp_codegen_memcpy(L_1, (il2cpp_codegen_class_is_value_type(il2cpp_rgctx_data_no_init(method->rgctx_data, 1)) ? ___1_arg1 : &___1_arg1), SizeOf_T1);
void* L_2 = ___2_methodPtr;
InvokerActionInvoker2< Il2CppFullySharedGenericAny, Il2CppFullySharedGenericAny* >::Invoke(
il2cpp_codegen_get_direct_method_pointer((const RuntimeMethod*)L_2),
(const RuntimeMethod*)L_2,
(il2cpp_codegen_class_is_value_type(il2cpp_rgctx_data_no_init(method->rgctx_data, 0)) ? L_0: *(void**)L_0),
(il2cpp_codegen_class_is_value_type(il2cpp_rgctx_data_no_init(method->rgctx_data, 1)) ? L_1: *(void**)L_1),
il2cpp_codegen_memcpy(il2cppRetVal, L_3, SizeOf_TReturn);