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Automatically generate a Netlify _redirects file for your Eleventy site using front matter.


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This plugin is only compatible with Eleventy versions >= 3.0.0-alpha.6.

Automatically generate a Netlify _redirects file for your Eleventy site using front matter.

Getting Started

Install the plugin in your project using your preferred package manager:

npm install --save-dev eleventy-plugin-netlify-redirects

And update your Eleventy config to import and use the plugin:

const EleventyPluginNetlifyRedirects = require("eleventy-plugin-netlify-redirects");

module.exports = (eleventyConfig) => {
    /** @type {import("eleventy-plugin-netlify-redirects").EleventyPluginNetlifyRedirectsOptions} */
    const eleventyPluginNetlifyRedirectsOptions = {};
    eleventyConfig.addPlugin(EleventyPluginNetlifyRedirects, eleventyPluginNetlifyRedirectsOptions);

Example Usage

Add redirectFrom to the front matter of any input file to specify which URL(s) to redirect from.

For single redirects, redirectFrom can be a string:


redirectFrom: /old-url/

If a page's URL changed multiple times, redirectFrom can be an array of strings:


    - /one/
    - /two/

In both cases, the plugin will automatically map the old URLs to the template's current URL (page.url in Eleventy).

For example, if the above redirects are specified in a post with a current permalink/URL of /posts/my-post-slug/, then you would get the following output:


/one/   /posts/my-post-slug/
/two/   /posts/my-post-slug/

Netlify will detect this file after Eleventy builds your site.

See the example folder or run pnpm run serve for more examples.


The following plugin options are available for use in your .eleventy.js configuration:

Option Type Description Example
staticRedirects Record<string, string>|undefined (Optional) A hard-coded mapping from old URLs to new URLs. For example, you might want to use this for Netlify splats or any other redirect rules Netlify supports that you cannot implement via the redirectFrom front-matter variable. { "/blog/*": "/articles/:splat" }
frontMatterOverrides Record<string, string>|undefined (Optional) Any front matter variables you want to set for the redirects file. By default, the plugin will set eleventyExcludeFromCollections: true as well as permalink: /_redirects. These can be overridden too, but it's not recommended. { "customFrontMatter": "value" }


You can define Netlify redirect rules by hand, but this requires keeping the new/current URL up to date and in sync with your template files' slugs/permalinks. If you change a template file name multiple times, that becomes a headache to manage. This plugin allows you to define your redirect rules right inside your templates' front matter; the new/current URL is always page.url.

Inspired by:



Automatically generate a Netlify _redirects file for your Eleventy site using front matter.








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