I'm a Software Developer based in Berlin with a focus on Backend and Fullstack development, passionate about creating powerful, scalable systems. I'm always curious about how things work behind the scenes and strive to build solutions that are not only functional but also efficient
🔭 I’m currently working on frontend development for my backend project, the crypto trading platform “Cassandra Treading”
🌱 I’m currently learning Apache Kafka for Event-Driven Spring Boot Microservices at Udemy
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on fullstack development, with a strong focus on backend systems and scalable solutions
📫 How to reach me:
⚡ Fun fact: In my free time, I enjoy diving into new ideas and projects—whether it’s something related to self-development or simply exploring interesting topics
Development Practices
Here are some of my notable projects:
Beauty Treatment Booking System
I'm always open to discuss new projects, creative ideas, or opportunities to be part of your vision. Connect with me through the following platforms: