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πŸ’§ Template for a contributed Drupal module or theme with CI and mirroring to


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Drupal extension scaffold

Template for a contributed Drupal module or theme with CI and mirroring to

GitHub Issues GitHub Pull Requests Build, test and deploy CircleCI codecov GitHub release (latest by date) LICENSE Renovate

PHP 8.2 PHP 8.3 PHP 8.4 Drupal 10 Drupal 11

Use case

Develop a module or theme on GitHub, test it using GitHub Actions or CircleCI, and push the code to



  • Turnkey CI configuration:
  • Develop locally using PHP running on your host using identical .devtools scripts as in CI:
    • Uses drupal-composer/drupal-project to create drupal site structure. Providing a custom fork of drupal-project is also supported.
    • Additional development dependenices provided in These are merged during the codebase assembly.
    • The extension can be installed as a module or a theme: modify type property set in the info.yml file.
    • Additional dependencies can be added for integration testing between extensions: add dependencies into suggest section of composer.json and they will be included into the assembled codebase.
    • Patches can be applied to the dependencies: add a patch to the patches section of composer.json. Local patches are sourced from the patches directory.
    • Command wrappers using make and Ahoy for common tasks.
  • Codings standards checking:
    • PHP code standards checking against Drupal and DrupalPractice standards.
    • PHP code static analysis with PHPStan ( including PHPStan Drupal).
    • PHP deprecated code analysis and auto-fixing with Drupal Rector.
    • PHP code mess detection with PHPMD.
    • Twig code analysis with Twig CS Fixer.
  • PHPUnit testing support
  • Renovate configuration to keep your repository dependencies up-to-date.
  • template
  • Deployment:
    • Mirroring of the repo to (or any other git repo) on release.
    • Deploy to a destination branch different from the source branch.
    • Tags mirroring.
  • This template is tested in the same way as a project using it. See examples of the deployment destination repositories for GitHub Actions and CircleCI

Setup overview

  1. Download this extension's code by pressing 'Clone or download' button in GitHub UI.
  2. Expand into a new directory.
  3. Run the initial codebase setup script: ./
  4. If you already have an existing extension code, copy it into the directory created in step 2.
  5. Build website with make build or ahoy build to check that everything is set up correctly.
  6. Check coding standards with make lint or ahoy lint.
  7. Run tests with make test or ahoy test.
  8. Create your extension's repository on GitHub.
  9. Commit and push to your new GitHub repo.
  10. If using CircleCI, login and add your new GitHub repository. Your project build will start momentarily.
  11. Configure branch protection in GitHub.
  12. Configure deployment to

See the sections below for more details.

Codebase setup

The initial codebase setup script ./ will ask you for some information and update the codebase to reflect your extension's name and other details.

Click to see ./ in action

Init process

Building website

make build or ahoy build assembles the codebase, starts the PHP server and provisions the Drupal website with your extension enabled. These operations are executed using scripts within .devtools directory. CI uses the same scripts to build and test your extension.

The resulting codebase is then placed in the build directory. Your extension files are symlinked into the Drupal site structure.

The build command is a wrapper for more granular commands:

make assemble     # Assemble the codebase
make start        # Start the PHP server
make provision    # Provision the Drupal website

ahoy assemble     # Assemble the codebase
ahoy start        # Start the PHP server
ahoy provision    # Provision the Drupal website

The provision command is useful for re-installing the Drupal website without re-assembling the codebase.

See for more development commands.

Click to see ahoy build in action

Build process

Drupal versions

The Drupal version used for the codebase assembly is determined by the DRUPAL_VERSION variable and defaults to the latest stable version.

You can specify a different version by setting the DRUPAL_VERSION environment variable before running the make build or ahoy build command:

DRUPAL_VERSION=11 make build        # Drupal 11
DRUPAL_VERSION=11@alpha make build  # Drupal 11 alpha
DRUPAL_VERSION=10@beta make build   # Drupal 10 beta
DRUPAL_VERSION=11.1 make build      # Drupal 11.1

The minimum-stability setting in the composer.json file is automatically adjusted to match the specified Drupal version's stability.

Using Drupal project fork

If you want to use a custom fork of drupal-composer/drupal-project, set the DRUPAL_PROJECT_REPO environment variable before running the make build or ahoy build command:


Patching dependencies

To apply patches to the dependencies, add a patch to the patches section of composer.json. Local patches are sourced from the patches directory.


To overcome GitHub API rate limits, you may provide a GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable with a personal access token.

Optional dependencies

If your extension requires additional dependencies for integration testing between extensions, add the dependency into the suggest section of composer.json. The dependency is included in the assembled codebase and enabled in the Drupal website.

Frontend dependencies

If your extension requires frontend dependencies for testing, add them to the package.json file. The package-lock.json file is expected to be committed to the repository.

The assemble command installs (npm install) and builds (npm ci) the frontend dependencies. You can add and commit .skip_npm_build file to skip the frontend dependencies build.

Provisioning the website

The provision command installs the Drupal website from the standard profile with your extension (and any suggest'ed extensions) enabled. The profile can be changed by setting the DRUPAL_PROFILE environment variable.

The website will be available at http://localhost:8000. The hostname and port can be changed by setting the WEBSERVER_HOST and WEBSERVER_PORT environment variables.

An SQLite database is created in /tmp/site_[EXTENSION_NAME].sqlite file. You can browse the contents of the created SQLite database using DB Browser for SQLite.

A one-time login link will be printed to the console.

Coding standards

The make lint or ahoy lint command checks the codebase using multiple tools:

  • PHP code standards checking against Drupal and DrupalPractice standards.
  • PHP code static analysis with PHPStan.
  • PHP deprecated code analysis and auto-fixing with Drupal Rector.
  • PHP code mess detection with PHPMD.
  • Twig code analysis with Twig CS Fixer.

The configuration files for these tools are located in the root of the codebase.

Click to see ahoy lint in action

Lint process

Fixing coding standards issues

To fix coding standards issues automatically, run the make lint-fix or ahoy lint-fix. This runs the same tools as lint command but with the --fix option (for the tools that support it).

If automatic fixes are not accurate, you can adjust the configuration files to either suppress the issue or adjust the fix.


The make test or ahoy test command runs the PHPUnit tests for your extension.

The tests are located in the tests/src directory. The phpunit.xml file configures PHPUnit to run the tests. It uses Drupal core's bootstrap file core/tests/bootstrap.php to bootstrap the Drupal environment before running the tests.

The test command is a wrapper for multiple test commands:

make test-unit        # Run Unit tests
make test-kernel      # Run Kernel tests
make test-functional  # Run Functional tests

ahoy test-unit        # Run Unit tests
ahoy test-kernel      # Run Kernel tests
ahoy test-functional  # Run Functional tests
Click to see ahoy test in action

Test process

Running specific tests

You can run specific tests by passing a path to the test file or PHPUnit CLI option (--filter, --group, etc.) to the make test or ahoy test command:

make test-unit tests/src/Unit/MyUnitTest.php
make test-unit -- --group=wip

ahoy test-unit tests/src/Unit/MyUnitTest.php
ahoy test-unit -- --group=wip

You may also run tests using the phpunit command directly:

cd build
./vendor/bin/phpunit tests/src/Unit/MyUnitTest.php
./vendor/bin/phpunit --group=wip

Deprecated code testing

The tests are configured to check for deprecated code usage and fail if any is found. You can fix the deprecated code or suppress the test by adding .deprecation-ignore.txt file to the root of the codebase and updating the SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER environment variable in the phpunit.xml. See for more details.

Note that the CI configuration has jobs that run the unstable canary versions of Drupal which may have different deprecations. These versions have the SYMFONY_DEPRECATIONS_HELPER environment variable set to disable to ignore deprecation errors. You may want to adjust this Ci configuration for your project depending on your deprecated code policy.

Branch protection

Whether you are using GitHub Actions or CircleCI, you should configure branch protection rules in GitHub to ensure that the code tests pass before merging.

Make sure to add all jobs for your default branch:

GitHub branch protection jobs


The CI supports deployment of the code via mirroring of main branches (1.x, 10.x-1.x etc.) to repository.

The deploy job runs when commits are pushed to main branches (1.x, 2.x, 10.x-1.x etc.) or when release tags are created. This means that out-of-the-box, the deployment job will not run for other branches or pull requests, but you can adjust the CI configuration to suit your needs.

See these examples of the deployment destination repository: GitHub Actions and CircleCI

CI will use the SSH key to push the code to the destination repository. The public part of the SSH key should be added to your account. The private part of the SSH key should be added to the CI provider.

It is a good practice to use a dedicated SSH key for every project.

Setting up SSH key for deployment

  1. Generate a new SSH key without the pass phrase:
ssh-keygen -m PEM -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""
  1. Add public key to your account
  2. Add private key to your CI:
  • GitHub Actions:

    • Go to your project -> Settings -> Secrets
    • Add a new secret with the DEPLOY_SSH_KEY name and the private key as the value.
  • CircleCI:

    • Go to your project -> Settings -> SSH Permissions
    • Put your private SSH key into the box. Leave Hostname empty.
    • Copy the fingerprint string from the CircleCI User Interface. Then, replace the deploy_ssh_fingerprint value in the .circleci/config.yml file with this copied fingerprint string.
    • Push the code to your repository.
  1. In CI, use UI to add the following variables as secrets:
  • DEPLOY_REMOTE - your extension's repository ( i.e.
  • DEPLOY_USER_NAME - the name of the user who commits to the remote repository (i.e., your name on
  • DEPLOY_USER_EMAIL - the email address of the user who commits to the remote repository (i.e., your email on
  • DEPLOY_PROCEED - set to 1 once CI is working, and you are ready to deploy. Without this variable, the deployment job will run but will not push the code. This is useful for testing the deployment job.

Updating your extension

When this template is updated, you can merge the changes into your extension codebase.

There is no easy way to automate this process, as the changes in the template may conflict with the changes in your extension. However, you can use the following steps to update your extension:

  1. Download the latest version of this codebase by pressing 'Clone or download' button in GitHub UI.
  2. Expand into a new directory.
  3. Run the initial codebase setup script: ./ and repeat the answers you provided during the initial setup.
  4. Create a new branch in your extension's repository.
  5. Copy all files into your extension's directory and override the existing files.
  6. Resolve any conflicts between the new files and your extension's files. Refer to the release notes for any breaking changes and accept/reject them as needed.
  7. Build website with make build or ahoy build to check that everything is set up correctly.
  8. Check coding standards with make lint or ahoy lint.
  9. Run tests with make test or ahoy test.
  10. Commit and push to your new GitHub repo.
  11. Check that all the CI jobs are finishing successfully.
  12. Merge the new branch into your main branch.
  13. Check that the deployment job is working correctly.


This template uses a demo extension code to test itself in a dedicated GitHub Actions CI pipeline.

The tests are written in BATS and located in the .scaffold/tests directory.