- Pro
Voice-Analysis-Pipeline Public
Production ready and scalable pipeline built for Voice(Audio) Analysis which includes Speech-to-Text and then Enrichment(Summary, Sentiment, Word Cloud etc.) using Chat GPT.
AI-ChatBot-MongoDB Public
AI Chatbot that can be integrated in applications specifically using MongoDB Database. Built using Streamlit, Langchain & OpenAI & Custom MongoDB Connector.
Python UpdatedAug 30, 2024 -
deploying-django-adventure Public
Deploying Django using Docker and setting up CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions & Workflows
Python UpdatedApr 24, 2024 -
python-with-secrets-manager Public
Testing a simple python application by making use of GCP Secrets Manager for the environment variables
Python UpdatedMar 22, 2024 -
Serverless-Python Public
In this repository we are going to write a very basic python application and focus mainly on its deployment using GCP Cloud Run and the various things involved in the deployment process.
Makefile UpdatedMar 21, 2024 -
Cooking-Core Public
Forked from thenewboston-developers/Cooking-CoreCooking website API(forked from https://github.com/thenewboston-developers/Cooking-Core/) for Learning Purposes
Python UpdatedMar 20, 2024 -
Django-Signup Public
Creating a simple sign up view and then moving onto more advanced sign up view with profile model and confirmation mail
Nvish-Python-Exercises Public
Python Interview Exercises | The purpose of these exercises is to establish a common, non-biased baseline for comparisons of developer skills and abillity using the development language Python.
UpdatedNov 17, 2023 -
Alert the users through email if the user's credentials were used to login from a new device.
Using Django backend with django-hosts and deploying using AWS ElasticBeanstalk
Boilerplate django project for AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Reactify-Django Public
Integrating React library for the frontend with the Django backend
Django-Angular-Blog Public
Tutorial on django2 backend and angular6 frontend blog webapp and delpoying on heroku
Learn-React Public
Learing ReactJS for developing the frontend web applications.
ExpressJS-Todo-List Public
A simple todo list web app in ExpressJS
django_chat Public
Creating a chatbot system using django2 and vue.js along with many modules.
Django-Rasa-Sockets Public
Rasa Chatbot using Django backend and Sockets for communication
Learning-Kivy Public
Learning to develop cross platform applications using the python Kivy library.
Web-Traffic-Monitor Public
Building a simple website and a traffic monitor, the traffic monitor will display details about visitors on the website.
Django-Pusher-Read-Receipts Public
Read receipt framework for your chat app with Django and Pusher following the official tutorial on pusher.
django-libs Public
testing out awesome Django apps, projects and resources.
Django-Email-Username-Login Public
Implementing custom backend to authenticate using the user's username or email
Django-Auth Public
Implementing social authentication in django using the famous django-allauth package
Django-Cache Public
Using redis and django-redis to perform caching for the django application
Django-Celery-Redis-AWSEB Public
Deploying Django application with Celery and Reddis as broker on AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Django-Basic-Cron Public
Running basic cron job in Django for background processing.
Django-Crop-Upload-Image Public
upload an image, display a preview in a modal, crop the image and finally upload it and save in the server.
Kubernetes-Python-Basics Public
Getting started with Kubernetes using Python(flask app) - For complete tutorial visit - https://kubernetes.io/blog/2019/07/23/get-started-with-kubernetes-using-python/
1 UpdatedAug 1, 2021