const altaf = {
experience: '3+ years in Full Stack Development',
code: ['JavaScript', 'TypeScript', 'HTML', 'CSS'],
technologies: {
frontEnd: {
js: ['React', 'Next.js'],
css: ['Tailwind', 'Material-UI'],
state: ['Redux', 'Context API'],
backEnd: {
js: ['Node.js', 'Express'],
python: ['Django', 'Flask'],
databases: ['MongoDB', 'PostgreSQL', 'MySQL'],
devOps: ['AWS', 'Docker', 'Kubernetes', 'CI/CD'],
tools: ['Git', 'Postman', 'Docker', 'Jira'],
architecture: ['Microservices', 'Event-Driven', 'Design System Pattern'],
currentFocus: 'Building Scalable Web Applications',
'There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works',
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