Some functions:
๐น Sharing / caching ongoing streams by key.
๐น Retrying with delay.
๐น Rx Preferences.
๐น RxValue / RxValueMutable like LiveData.
๐น ConsumableStream.
๐น observeWhenStarted() / observeUntilDetach() functions for LifecycleOwner and View.
๐น fromIoToMain() and other scheduling extensions.
- Add
maven { url '' }
to theallprojects
section in top-levelbuild.gradle
For example (settings.gradle
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
jcenter() // Warning: this repository is going to shut down soon
maven { url "" }
- Add
implementation 'com.github.Andrew0000:RxUtils:$latest_version'
to the module-levelbuild.gradle
Reusing ongoing Observable/Single work without duplication.
It may be helpful for reduce network traffic or another heavy or long-running work.
It also supports request keys and can be managed easier than ConnectableObservable.
val joint = JointObservableSimple.create {
// This work will be invoked only 1 time
// We can invoke joint many times but underlying work won't be duplicated
repeat(10) {
.subscribe { result ->
// Handle result
It has some modifications: JointObservable, JointObservableSimple, JointSingle, JointSingleSimple.
Lifecycle-aware subscription like with LiveData or some coroutines extensions based on LifecycleOwner.
Example for activity of fragment:
someObservable.observeWhenStarted(this) { newValue ->
// handle newValue
Lifecycle-aware subscription for View based on onViewAttachedToWindow / onViewDetachedFromWindow callbacks.
Example for View:
someObservable.observeWhenAttached(someView) { newValue ->
// handle newValue
Retries stream on errors with given interval:
fallbackValue = fallbackValue,
tryCnt = 3,
intervalMillis = { tryNum -> tryNum * 2000L },
It will retry 2 more times after first fail with 2 sec. delay for first retry and 4 sec. for second.
Rx preferences:
class PreferencesRepository(context: Context) {
private val prefs = context.getSharedPreferences("your_prefs_name", Context.MODE_PRIVATE)
private val clearSignal = PublishSubject.create<Unit>()
val rxPrefString = prefs.rxString("some_string", clearSignal = clearSignal)
fun clearAll() {
Note: clearSignal is needed if you want to clear you prefs with prefs.edit().clear()
Because OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener ignores edit().clear() on API < 30 so we need a signal to react on it.
If you clean you prefs individually then you can skip clearSignal.
Like that:
val rxPrefString = prefs.rxString("some_string")