As requested by many people over mail or linkedin.I am making stepwise Implementation playist on youtube.
Here is the link of stepwise implementation Youtube-
End-to-End Covid-19 chatbot using DialogFlow,Python/Flask,MongoDb Atlas and deployed on Pivotal Cloud foundary and Telegram
This chatbot developed using Dialoglow,python,flask,MongoDB and deployed on Telegram. search @bestcovid19_bot on telegram app BestCovid-19 Bot can give answers of all of your queries related to covid-19 also it can -
πππ DialogFlow Agents,entities,Intents backup has been added you just need to do import as zip on your Agent Setting.
I have also mentioned how to test it locally on PostMan.
1). Show you statisics based on Country,Indian States,Indian districts,Google Maps,WorldWide
2). can send Email to user email Address.
3). Can show Live news
4). Govt annoucements , videos and Images.
If you like my work kindly hit πππ
How to Setup the whole system ?
Setup Pivotal Cloud foundary account and install foundary CLI to your system
Setup MongoDB Atlas account
Setup Dialogflow Account
Download and Install Pycharm or any IDE to open my code.
use PostMan to test this code locally. localhost:5000/webhook , give header and body as Raw json. (Everything mentioned inside document.)
feel free to contact me in case of any problem reachout to me @ '' and Add subject-BestCovid Github Query