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94 lines (54 loc) · 3.57 KB

File metadata and controls

94 lines (54 loc) · 3.57 KB


  • Enabled using diff:ignoreAttributes and diff:ignoreChildren together on the same element.
  • Corrected list of attributes that is considered as boolean attributes. Removed hidden, added inert, playsinline, shadowrootclonable, shadowrootdelegatesfocus, and shadowrootserializable.
  • Upgrade to v1.x of AngleSharp.


  • Changed CompareStrategy such that it now can control the IDiff type that should be returned in case a difference is found in a comparison. This allows a comparer to embed additional context in the IDiff object. By @SebastianStehle.
  • Changed ElementComparer to skip comparing two nodes of different types. By @SebastianStehle.


  • Fixed element comparer such that it can strictly check if the closing tags in the source markup is the same.


  • Added a new comparer, which ensures element tags are closed the same way, e.g. <br> and <br /> would not be considered equal, but <br> and <br> would be.


Released on Friday, February 3, 2023.

  • Added a new style comparer which orders the styles before comparing them. By @grishat.
  • Change Core.ComparisonSource.GetPathIndex() to return the index inside ChildNodes instead of Children. By @edxlhornung.
  • Fixed element comparison such that it uses case insensitive comparison of the name of the node. By @egil.


Released on Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

  • Added the ability to ignore an elements children or its attributes. By @grishat.


Released on Wednesday, June 24, 2021.

  • Upgraded to version 0.16.0 of AngleSharp.


Released on Wednesday, April 28, 2021.

  • Upgraded to version 0.15.0 of AngleSharp.
  • Added strong name signing of assembly.


Released on Wednesday, April 16, 2020.

  • Bug: custom whitespace options on <pre>/<style>/<script> not being applied during comparison.
  • Upgraded to version 0.14.0 of AngleSharp.


Released on Thursday, December 27, 2019.

  • Added code documentation to all public methods.
  • Refactored IDiffingStrategyCollection's methods to take a StrategyType strategyType = StrategyType.Specialized as input instead of bool isSpecialized* = true argument.
  • Fixed bug where TextNodeFilter would not give <style> and <script> the WhitespaceOption.Preserve by default.
  • Fixed bug where IgnoreElementComparer would not change a current decision to SKip if it was Same.


Released on Thursday, December 26, 2019.

Small point release with an additional method added to the HtmlDiffer class.


Released on Wednesday, December 25, 2019.

  • Updated path's index' calculation in ComparisonSource to only include nodes that implement the IParentNode.
  • Small change to HtmlDifferenceEngine. It now takes the control and test sources during construction. This makes it clear it is single use. For reusable differ, use HtmlDiffer going forward.
  • Added interface IDiffContext and made DiffContext internal.


Released on Sunday, November 24, 2019.

  • Added Compare(INode controlNode, INode testNode) to HtmlDifferenceEngine
  • Changed existing Compare method in HtmlDifferenceEngine to take IEnumerable<INode> instead of INodeList.


Released on Sunday, November 3, 2019.

  • Fixed error in repository url reported to nuget.


Released on Sunday, November 3, 2019.

This is the initial preview release of AngleSharp.Diffing.