This Docker image sets up a Kubernetes node (either a master or a worker) using Alpine Linux as the base image. It includes all the necessary tools to initialize and manage Kubernetes clusters, such as kubectl
, kubeadm
, and kubelet
, as well as Docker for container management.
This image simplifies the process of deploying Kubernetes clusters, either by initializing a master node or joining a worker node to an existing cluster. The role of the node (master or worker) is determined by environment variables passed during the container's runtime.
- Based on Alpine Linux: Small, efficient, and secure base image.
- Includes kubectl, kubeadm, and kubelet for Kubernetes management.
- Installs and runs Docker within the container for managing containers on Kubernetes nodes.
- Supports both master and worker node roles based on environment variables.
- Automatically sets up a Flannel network for Kubernetes pods when initializing a master node.
- Exposes necessary ports for Kubernetes operation (6443, 2379, 2380, etc.).
- Pull the image:
docker pull ankoayfeno/kubernetes:latest```
- Run the Image
The behavior of the container is determined by the environment variables:
docker run -d --name k8s-master \
-e NODE_ROLE=master \
-p 6443:6443 -p 2379:2379 -p 2380:2380 -p 10250:10250 \
docker run -d --name k8s-worker \
-e NODE_ROLE=worker \
-e MASTER_IP=<master-ip> \
-e TOKEN=<your-token> \
-e DISCOVERY_HASH=<your-discovery-hash> \
- 6443: Kubernetes API server
- 2379-2380: etcd server client API
- 10250: Kubelet API
- 30000-32767: NodePort services