🌱 I’m currently learning Blockchain and Smart Contracts.
👯 I’m open to collaborate
🤝 I’m looking for interesting open source projects.
⚡ Fun fact I think I am funny.
🌱 I’m currently learning Blockchain and Smart Contracts.
👯 I’m open to collaborate
🤝 I’m looking for interesting open source projects.
⚡ Fun fact I think I am funny.
Welcome to campusSwap! 🎓 A project designed for individuals looking to buy or sell items within their university or college campus community. With campusSwap, you can easily connect with others nea…
TypeScript 2
A React Native app for quick and efficient PDF and image compression. Save time and space with our user-friendly tools that reduce file sizes without compromising quality. Perfect for easy sharing …
OpenAI 2.0 empowers developers with ChatGPT and DALL·E, cutting-edge AI models for natural language processing and image generation. Seamlessly integrate these powerful tools into your projects, en…
LinkLoom: Weave connections effortlessly with seamless group video calls. Unite, collaborate, and communicate through a single platform designed for cohesive interactions
Just a fund me contract with different types of tests.