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Microservices Concert Tickets App

This project shows an approach of a microservices implementation, as well as event-driven architecture.

The app is basically a platform where you can buy and sell concert tickets. It implements tickets+orders listing and creation, as well as payments and expiration management.

tickets, orders, expiration and payments constitute the microservices of this system.

common is a common package used accross the microservices.

When a user buys a ticket, he creates an order. Then, the ticket is locked for 1 min (default), giving him the time to pay, or not, his order.

The payments service implements Stripe.

Configuration to make this run

  • You'll need kubectl and minikube installed on your machine

  • You'll need a stripe account, get your keys, and then create a .stripe-secret.env file at the root of the project

    • Populate it with STRIPE_KEY=<secret-key>and PUBLIC_STRIPE_KEY=<public-key>
  • The github actions build and pushes the images to DockerHub, but to my repositories by using my username. So change that too.

    • My dockerhub username is tmprimitivo, replace it with your DockerHub username.
  • If you want to deploy, the github actions workflow files are ready

    • I've made the config to deploy with DigitalOcean
    • Once you've signed in, create a Kubernetes Cluster, and install+config your doctl on your local machine
    • You'll just have to change the cluster name in the Github actions file. The current name used is concert-tickets-app
    • Also, in infra/k8s-prod/ingress-service.yml, set your production hostname. Current one used is
  • You'll also have to register a few secrets in your Github repo, so the GitHub CI can use them

    • DIGITALOCEAN_ACCESS_TOKEN -> Your DigitalOcean API key
    • DOCKERHUB_TOKEN -> Your Dockerhub token
    • DOCKERHUB_USERNAME -> Your Dockerhub username
  • On local machine, set a GITHUB_AUTH_TOKEN env var with your Github Token value

  • After starting up Minikube :

    • Get minikube's ip with minikube ip
    • Modifiy /etc/hosts to match the minikube's ip with "" (
  • Browse freely the Makefile, it contains a lot of things that might help you in dev mode

ONE last thing :

  • If you decide to publish the common pkg to your own repo, you'll have to publish it to Github packages.
    • So, replace every applinh or AppliNH with your github username. They mostly lie in the .npmrc files or in the Makefile, but also in the package.json of common, auth, payments, orders, expiration and tickets.
    • You then can run make pub-common to publish to your Github packages
    • and make sync-common-all to install package in all the microservices.

Local dev

  • make start-dev Then head to

If you've got a certificate error, just type "thisisunsafe" in the middle of the page, whithout selecting any input box.

If you wanna restart the app, and that minikube is already running and everything is configured properly, just run skaffold dev.