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πŸ“¦ Modern strongly typed Python library for managing system dependencies with package managers like apt, brew, pip, npm, etc.


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abx-pkg         πŸ“¦ apt  brew  pip  npm  β‚Šβ‚Šβ‚Š
Simple Python interfaces for package managers + installed binaries.

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It's an ORM for your package managers, providing a nice python types for packages + installers.

This is a Python library for installing & managing packages locally with a variety of package managers.
It's designed for when requirements.txt isn't enough, and you have to detect or install dependencies at runtime.

pip install abx-pkg

✨ Built with pydantic v2 for strong static typing guarantees and json import/export compatibility
πŸ“¦ Provides consistent cross-platform interfaces for dependency resolution & installation at runtime
🌈 Integrates with django >= 4.0, django-ninja, and OpenAPI + django-jsonform out-of-the-box
πŸ¦„ Lets you use the builtin abx-pkg methods, or pyinfra / ansible for the install operations

Built by ArchiveBox to install & auto-update our extractor dependencies at runtime (chrome, wget, curl, etc.) on macOS/Linux/Docker.


This is BETA software, the API is mostly stable but there may be minor changes later on.

Source Code:


from abx_pkg import *

apt, brew, pip, npm, env = AptProvider(), BrewProvider(), PipProvider(), NpmProvider(), EnvProvider()

dependencies = [
    Binary(name='curl',       binproviders=[env, apt, brew]),
    Binary(name='wget',       binproviders=[env, apt, brew]),
    Binary(name='yt-dlp',     binproviders=[env, pip, apt, brew]),
    Binary(name='playwright', binproviders=[env, pip, npm]),
    Binary(name='puppeteer',  binproviders=[env, npm]),
for binary in dependencies:
    binary = binary.load_or_install()

    print(binary.abspath, binary.version, binary.binprovider, binary.is_valid, binary.sha256)
    # Path('/usr/bin/curl') SemVer('7.81.0') AptProvider() True abc134...

    binary.exec(cmd=['--version'])   # curl 7.81.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin23.0) libcurl/7.81.0 ...
from pydantic import InstanceOf
from abx_pkg import Binary, BinProvider, BrewProvider, EnvProvider

# you can also define binaries as classes, making them usable for type checking
class CurlBinary(Binary):
    name: str = 'curl'
    binproviders: list[InstanceOf[BinProvider]] = [BrewProvider(), EnvProvider()]

curl = CurlBinary().install()
assert isinstance(curl, CurlBinary)                                 # CurlBinary is a unique type you can use in annotations now
print(curl.abspath, curl.version, curl.binprovider, curl.is_valid)  # Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/curl') SemVer('8.4.0') BrewProvider() True
curl.exec(cmd=['--version'])                                        # curl 8.4.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin23.0) libcurl/8.4.0 ...
from abx_pkg import Binary, EnvProvider, PipProvider

# We also provide direct package manager (aka BinProvider) APIs
apt = AptProvider()
print(apt.PATH, apt.get_abspaths('wget'), apt.get_version('wget'))

# even if packages are installed by tools we don't control (e.g. pyinfra/ansible/puppet/etc.)
from pyinfra.operations import apt
apt.packages(name="Install ffmpeg", packages=['ffmpeg'], _sudo=True)

# our Binary API provides a nice type-checkable, validated, serializable handle
ffmpeg = Binary(name='ffmpeg').load()
print(ffmpeg)                       # name=ffmpeg abspath=/usr/bin/ffmpeg version=3.3.0 is_valid=True binprovider=apt ...
print(ffmpeg.abspaths)              # show all the ffmpeg binaries found in $PATH (in case theres more than one available)
print(ffmpeg.model_dump())          # ... everything can also be dumped/loaded as json-ready dict
print(ffmpeg.model_json_schema())   # ... OpenAPI-ready JSON schema showing all available fields

Supported Package Managers

So far it supports installing/finding installed/updating/removing packages on Linux/macOS with:

  • apt (Ubuntu/Debian/etc.)
  • brew (macOS/Linux)
  • pip (Linux/macOS/Windows)
  • npm (Linux/macOS/Windows)
  • env (looks for existing version of binary in user's $PATH at runtime)
  • vendor (you can bundle vendored copies of packages you depend on within your source)

Planned: docker, cargo, nix, apk, go get, gem, pkg, and more using ansible/pyinfra...


pip install abx-pkg

Implementations: EnvProvider, AptProvider, BrewProvider, PipProvider, NpmProvider

This type represents a "provider of binaries", e.g. a package manager like apt/pip/npm, or env (which finds binaries in your $PATH).

BinProviders implement the following interface:

  • .INSTALLER_BIN -> /opt/homebrew/bin/brew provider's pkg manager location
  • .PATH -> PATHStr('/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:...') where provider stores bins
  • get_packages(bin_name: str) -> InstallArgs(['curl', 'libcurl4', '...]) find pkg dependencies for a bin
  • install(bin_name: str) install a bin using binprovider to install needed packages
  • load(bin_name: str) find an existing installed binary
  • load_or_install(bin_name: str) -> Binary find existing / install if needed
  • get_version(bin_name: str) -> SemVer('1.0.0') get currently installed version
  • get_abspath(bin_name: str) -> Path('/absolute/path/to/bin') get installed bin abspath
  • get_abspaths(bin_name: str) -> [Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/curl'), Path('/other/paths/to/curl'), ...] get all matching bins found
  • get_sha256(bin_name: str) -> str get sha256 hash hexdigest of the binary
import platform
from typing import List
from abx_pkg import EnvProvider, PipProvider, AptProvider, BrewProvider

### Example: Finding an existing install of bash using the system $PATH environment
env = EnvProvider()
bash = env.load(bin_name='bash')      # Binary('bash', provider=env)
print(bash.abspath)                   # Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/bash')
print(bash.version)                   # SemVer('5.2.26')
bash.exec(['-c', 'echo hi'])          # hi

### Example: Installing curl using the apt package manager
apt = AptProvider()
curl = apt.install(bin_name='curl')   # Binary('curl', provider=apt)
print(curl.abspath)                   # Path('/usr/bin/curl')
print(curl.version)                   # SemVer('8.4.0')
print(curl.sha256)                    # 9fd780521c97365f94c90724d80a889097ae1eeb2ffce67b87869cb7e79688ec
curl.exec(['--version'])              # curl 7.81.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.81.0 ...

### Example: Finding/Installing django with pip (w/ customized binpath resolution behavior)
pip = PipProvider(
    abspath_handler={'*': lambda self, bin_name, **context: inspect.getfile(bin_name)},  # use python inspect to get path instead of os.which
django_bin = pip.load_or_install('django') # Binary('django', provider=pip)
print(django_bin.abspath)             # Path('/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/')
print(django_bin.version)             # SemVer('5.0.2')

This type represents a single binary dependency aka a package (e.g. wget, curl, ffmpeg, etc.).
It can define one or more BinProviders that it supports, along with overrides to customize the behavior for each.

Binarys implement the following interface:

  • load(), install(), load_or_install() -> Binary
  • binprovider: InstanceOf[BinProvider]
  • abspath: Path
  • abspaths: list[Path]
  • version: SemVer
  • sha256: str
from abx_pkg import BinProvider, Binary, BinProviderName, BinName, ProviderLookupDict, SemVer

class CustomBrewProvider(BrewProvider):
    name: str = 'custom_brew'

    def get_macos_packages(self, bin_name: str, **context) -> list[str]:
        extra_packages_lookup_table = json.load(Path('macos_packages.json'))
        return extra_packages_lookup_table.get(platform.machine(), [bin_name])

### Example: Create a re-usable class defining a binary and its providers
class YtdlpBinary(Binary):
    name: BinName = 'ytdlp'
    description: str = 'YT-DLP (Replacement for YouTube-DL) Media Downloader'

    binproviders_supported: list[BinProvider] = [EnvProvider(), PipProvider(), AptProvider(), CustomBrewProvider()]
    # customize installed package names for specific package managers
    provider_overrides: dict[BinProviderName, ProviderLookupDict] = {
        'pip': {'packages': ['yt-dlp[default,curl-cffi]']}, # can use literal values (packages -> list[str], version -> SemVer, abspath -> Path, install -> str log)
        'apt': {'packages': lambda: ['yt-dlp', 'ffmpeg']},  # also accepts any pure Callable that returns a list of packages
        'brew': {'packages': 'self.get_macos_packages'},    # also accepts string reference to function on self (where self is the BinProvider)

ytdlp = YtdlpBinary().load_or_install()
print(ytdlp.binprovider)                  # BrewProvider(...)
print(ytdlp.abspath)                      # Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/yt-dlp')
print(ytdlp.abspaths)                     # [Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/yt-dlp'), Path('/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp')]
print(ytdlp.version)                      # SemVer('2024.4.9')
print(ytdlp.sha256)                       # 46c3518cfa788090c42e379971485f56d007a6ce366dafb0556134ca724d6a36
print(ytdlp.is_valid)                     # True
from abx_pkg import BinProvider, Binary, BinProviderName, BinName, ProviderLookupDict, SemVer

#### Example: Create a binary that uses Podman if available, or Docker otherwise
class DockerBinary(Binary):
    name: BinName = 'docker'

    binproviders_supported: list[BinProvider] = [EnvProvider(), AptProvider()]
    provider_overrides: dict[BinProviderName, ProviderLookupDict] = {
        'env': {
            # example: prefer podman if installed (falling back to docker)
            'abspath': lambda: os.which('podman') or os.which('docker') or os.which('docker-ce'),
        'apt': {
            # example: vary installed package name based on your CPU architecture
            'packages': {
                'amd64': ['docker'],
                'armv7l': ['docker-ce'],
                'arm64': ['docker-ce'],
            }.get(platform.machine(), 'docker'),

docker = DockerBinary().load_or_install()
print(docker.binprovider)                 # EnvProvider()
print(docker.abspath)                     # Path('/usr/local/bin/podman')
print(docker.abspaths)                    # [Path('/usr/local/bin/podman'), Path('/opt/homebrew/bin/podman')]
print(docker.version)                     # SemVer('6.0.2')
print(docker.is_valid)                    # True

# You can also pass **kwargs to override properties at runtime,
# e.g. if you want to force the abspath to be at a specific path:
custom_docker = DockerBinary(abspath='~/custom/bin/podman').load()
print(                 # 'docker'
print(custom_docker.binprovider)          # EnvProvider()
print(custom_docker.abspath)              # Path('/Users/example/custom/bin/podman')
print(custom_docker.version)              # SemVer('5.0.2')
print(custom_docker.is_valid)             # True
from abx_pkg import SemVer

### Example: Use the SemVer type directly for parsing & verifying version strings
SemVer.parse('Google Chrome 124.0.6367.208+beta_234. 234.234.123')  # SemVer(124, 0, 6367')
SemVer.parse('2024.04.05)                                           # SemVer(2024, 4, 5)
SemVer.parse('1.9+beta')                                            # SemVer(1, 9, 0)
str(SemVer(1, 9, 0))                                                # '1.9.0'

These types are all meant to be used library-style to make writing your own apps easier.
e.g. you can use it to build things like: playwright install --with-deps)

Django Usage

With a few more packages, you get type-checked Django fields & forms that support BinProvider and Binary.


For the full Django experience, we recommend installing these 3 excellent packages:

Django Model Usage: Store BinProvider and Binary entries in your model fields

pip install django-pydantic-field

Fore more info see the django-pydantic-field docs...

Example Django showing how to store Binary and BinProvider instances in DB fields:

from typing import List
from django.db import models
from pydantic import InstanceOf
from abx_pkg import BinProvider, Binary, SemVer
from django_pydantic_field import SchemaField

class InstalledBinary(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=63)
    binary: Binary = SchemaField()
    binproviders: list[InstanceOf[BinProvider]] = SchemaField(default=[])
    version: SemVer = SchemaField(default=(0,0,1))

And here's how to save a Binary using the example model:

# find existing curl Binary in $PATH
curl = Binary(name='curl').load()

# save it to the DB using our new model
obj = InstalledBinary(
    binary=curl,                                  # store Binary/BinProvider/SemVer values directly in fields
    binproviders=[env],                           # no need for manual JSON serialization / schema checking

When fetching it back from the DB, the Binary field is auto-deserialized / immediately usable:

obj = InstalledBinary.objects.get(name='curl')    # everything is transparently serialized to/from the DB,
                                                  # and is ready to go immediately after querying:
assert obj.binary.abspath == curl.abspath
print(obj.binary.abspath)                         #   Path('/usr/local/bin/curl')
obj.binary.exec(['--version'])                    #   curl 7.81.0 (x86_64-apple-darwin23.0) libcurl/7.81.0 ...

For a full example see our provided django_example_project/...

Django Admin Usage: Display Binary objects nicely in the Admin UI

Django Admin binaries list viewDjango Admin binaries detail view

pip install abx-pkg django-admin-data-views

For more info see the django-admin-data-views docs...

Then add this to your

    # ...
    # ...

# point these to a function that gets the list of all binaries / a single binary
ABX_PKG_GET_ALL_BINARIES = 'abx_pkg.views.get_all_binaries'
ABX_PKG_GET_BINARY = 'abx_pkg.views.get_binary'

    "NAME": "Environment",
    "URLS": [
            "route": "binaries/",
            "view": "abx_pkg.views.binaries_list_view",
            "name": "binaries",
            "items": {
                "route": "<str:key>/",
                "view": "abx_pkg.views.binary_detail_view",
                "name": "binary",
        # Coming soon: binprovider_list_view + binprovider_detail_view ...

For a full example see our provided django_example_project/...

Note: If you override the default site admin, you must register the views manually...

class YourSiteAdmin(admin.AdminSite):
    """Your customized version of admin.AdminSite"""

custom_admin = YourSiteAdmin() custom_admin.register(get_user_model()) ... from abx_pkg.admin import register_admin_views register_admin_views(custom_admin)

Django Admin Usage: JSONFormWidget for editing BinProvider and Binary data

Expand to see more...

[!IMPORTANT] This feature is coming soon but is blocked on a few issues being fixed first:

Install django-jsonform to get auto-generated Forms for editing BinProvider, Binary, etc. data

pip install django-pydantic-field django-jsonform

For more info see the django-jsonform docs...

from django.contrib import admin
from django_jsonform.widgets import JSONFormWidget
from django_pydantic_field.v2.fields import PydanticSchemaField

class MyModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    formfield_overrides = {PydanticSchemaField: {"widget": JSONFormWidget}}, MyModelAdmin)

For a full example see our provided django_example_project/...


Advanced: Implement your own package manager behavior by subclassing BinProvider

from subprocess import run, PIPE

from abx_pkg import BinProvider, BinProviderName, BinName, SemVer

class CargoProvider(BinProvider):
    name: BinProviderName = 'cargo'
    def on_setup_paths(self):
        if '~/.cargo/bin' not in sys.path:

    def on_install(self, bin_name: BinName, **context):
        packages = self.on_get_packages(bin_name)
        installer_process = run(['cargo', 'install', *packages.split(' ')], capture_output = True, text=True)
        assert installer_process.returncode == 0

    def on_get_packages(self, bin_name: BinName, **context) -> InstallArgs:
        # optionally remap bin_names to strings passed to installer 
        # e.g. 'yt-dlp' -> ['yt-dlp, 'ffmpeg', 'libcffi', 'libaac']
        return [bin_name]

    def on_get_abspath(self, bin_name: BinName, **context) -> Path | None:
        return Path(os.which(bin_name))

    def on_get_version(self, bin_name: BinName, **context) -> SemVer | None:
        return SemVer(run([bin_name, '--version'], stdout=PIPE).stdout.decode())

cargo = CargoProvider()
rg = cargo.install(bin_name='ripgrep')
print(rg.binprovider)                   # CargoProvider()
print(rg.version)                       # SemVer(14, 1, 0)

Note: this package used to be called pydantic-pkgr, it was renamed to abx-pkg on 2024-11-12.


  • Implement initial basic support for apt, brew, and pip
  • Provide editability and actions via Django Admin UI using django-pydantic-field and django-jsonform
  • Implement update and remove actions on BinProviders
  • Add preinstall and postinstall hooks for things like adding apt sources and running cleanup scripts
  • Implement more package managers (cargo, gem, go get, ppm, nix, docker, etc.)
  • Add Binary.min_version that affects .is_valid based on whether it meets minimum SemVer threshold

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