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The ultra-versatile Minecraft RPG skills plugin

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AuraSkills (formerly Aurelium Skills) is a Minecraft plugin that adds skills, stats, abilities, and other RPG-related features. The plugin is fully configurable and customizable, enabling usage on a wide range of server types.

Features include:

  • Skills - Gain skill XP to level skills through general Minecraft tasks, such as Farming or Mining.
  • Stats - Get player buffs like increased health and damage by leveling skills, which can be as independent modifiers and on items.
  • Abilities - Skills have passive and active abilities that add gameplay mechanics, plus a full mana system.
  • Menus - Players can see everything related to skills in fully-configurable inventory GUIs.
  • Rewards - Customize rewards given for leveling skills, such as running commands or giving items.
  • Loot - Create custom loot tables for fishing, blocks, and mobs.

See the official website and wiki for a more complete list of features. The wiki also contains the list of server requirements to run the plugin.


AuraSkills uses Gradle for dependencies and building.

Compiling from source

First, clone the project (requires Git to be installed):

git clone
cd AuraSkills/

Then build depending on your operating system:

Linux / macOS

./gradlew clean build


.\gradlew.bat clean build

The output jar can be found in the build/libs directory.


AuraSkills has an extensive developer API.

Read the full API documentation on the wiki, or view the Javadocs.

Release versions are published to the Maven central repository. Snapshot versions require adding the Sonatype OSS repository.




Groovy DSL:

repositories {
    maven { url '' }

dependencies {
    compileOnly 'dev.aurelium:auraskills-api-bukkit:2.2.8'

Kotlin DSL:

repositories { 

dependencies { 


Contributions are welcome, just open a pull request.