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๐Ÿ“‹ Table of Contents


Windows macOS Linux

1. PyPI Installation

Install directly from PyPI:

pip install StreamingCommunity

Creating a Run Script


from import main

if __name__ == "__main__":

Run the script:


Updating via PyPI

pip install --upgrade StreamingCommunity

2. Automatic Installation

Supported Operating Systems ๐Ÿ’ฟ

OS Automatic Installation Support
Windows 10/11 โœ”๏ธ
Windows 7 โŒ
Debian Linux โœ”๏ธ
Arch Linux โœ”๏ธ
CentOS Stream 9 โœ”๏ธ
FreeBSD โณ
MacOS โœ”๏ธ
Termux โŒ

Installation Steps

On Windows:


On Linux/MacOS/BSD:

sudo chmod +x Installer/ && ./Installer/


On Windows:

python .\


source .venv/bin/activate && python && deactivate

On Linux/MacOS/BSD:


Binary Location

Default Locations

  • Windows: C:\binary
  • MacOS: ~/Applications/binary
  • Linux: ~/.local/bin/binary

You can customize these locations by following these steps for your operating system:


  1. Move the binary folder from C:\binary to your desired location
  2. Add the new path to Windows environment variables:
    • Open Start menu and search for "Environment Variables"
    • Click "Edit the system environment variables"
    • Click "Environment Variables" button
    • Under "System Variables", find and select "Path"
    • Click "Edit"
    • Add the new binary folder path
    • Click "OK" to save changes

For detailed Windows PATH instructions, see the Windows PATH guide.


  1. Move the binary folder from ~/Applications/binary to your desired location
  2. Add the new path to your shell's configuration file:
    # For bash (edit ~/.bash_profile)
    export PATH="/your/custom/path:$PATH"
    # For zsh (edit ~/.zshrc)
    export PATH="/your/custom/path:$PATH"
  3. Reload your shell configuration:
    # For bash
    source ~/.bash_profile
    # For zsh
    source ~/.zshrc


  1. Move the binary folder from ~/.local/bin/binary to your desired location
  2. Add the new path to your shell's configuration file:
    # For bash (edit ~/.bashrc)
    export PATH="/your/custom/path:$PATH"
    # For zsh (edit ~/.zshrc)
    export PATH="/your/custom/path:$PATH"
  3. Apply the changes:
    source ~/.bashrc   # for bash
    # or
    source ~/.zshrc    # for zsh


After moving the binary folder, ensure that all executables (ffmpeg, ffprobe, ffplay) are present in the new location and have the correct permissions:

  • Windows: .exe extensions required
  • MacOS/Linux: Ensure files have execute permissions (chmod +x filename)

3. Manual Installation

Requirements ๐Ÿ“‹


Install Python Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt


On Windows:


On Linux/MacOS:



Keep your script up to date with the latest features by running:

On Windows:


On Linux/MacOS:



You can change some behaviors by tweaking the configuration file.

The configuration file is divided into several main sections:

DEFAULT Settings

    "DEFAULT": {
        "debug": false,
        "show_message": true,
        "clean_console": true,
        "show_trending": true,
        "use_api": true,
        "not_close": false,
        "telegram_bot": false
  • debug: Enables debug logging
  • show_message: Displays informational messages
  • clean_console: Clears the console between operations
  • show_trending: Shows trending content
  • use_api: Uses API for domain updates instead of local configuration
  • not_close: If set to true, keeps the program running after download is complete
    • Can be changed from terminal with --not_close true/false
  • telegram_bot: Enables Telegram bot integration


    "OUT_FOLDER": {
        "root_path": "Video",
        "movie_folder_name": "Movie",
        "serie_folder_name": "Serie",
        "anime_folder_name": "Anime",
        "map_episode_name": "E%(episode)_%(episode_name)",
        "add_siteName": false
  • root_path: Directory where all videos will be saved

    Path examples:

    • Windows: C:\\MyLibrary\\Folder or \\\\MyServer\\MyLibrary (if you want to use a network folder)
    • Linux/MacOS: Desktop/MyLibrary/Folder

  • movie_folder_name: The name of the subdirectory where movies will be stored

    • Can be changed from terminal with --movie_folder_name

  • serie_folder_name: The name of the subdirectory where TV series will be stored

    • Can be changed from terminal with --serie_folder_name

  • anime_folder_name: The name of the subdirectory where anime will be stored

    • Can be changed from terminal with --anime_folder_name

  • map_episode_name: Template for episode filenames

    Episode name usage:

    You can choose different vars:

    • %(tv_name) : Is the name of TV Show
    • %(season) : Is the number of the season
    • %(episode) : Is the number of the episode
    • %(episode_name) : Is the name of the episode
    • Can be changed from terminal with --map_episode_name

  • add_siteName: If set to true, appends the site_name to the root path before the movie and serie folders

    • Can be changed from terminal with --add_siteName true/false


    "QBIT_CONFIG": {
        "host": "",
        "port": "6666",
        "user": "admin",
        "pass": "adminadmin"

To enable qBittorrent integration, follow the setup guide here.


    "REQUESTS": {
        "verify": false,
        "timeout": 20,
        "max_retry": 8
  • verify: Verifies SSL certificates
  • timeout: Maximum timeout (in seconds) for each request
  • max_retry: Number of retry attempts per segment during M3U8 index download

M3U8_DOWNLOAD Settings

    "M3U8_DOWNLOAD": {
        "tqdm_delay": 0.01,
        "default_video_workser": 12,
        "default_audio_workser": 12,
        "segment_timeout": 8,
        "download_audio": true,
        "merge_audio": true,
        "specific_list_audio": [
        "download_subtitle": true,
        "merge_subs": true,
        "specific_list_subtitles": [
        "cleanup_tmp_folder": true
  • tqdm_delay: Delay between progress bar updates

  • default_video_workser: Number of threads for video download

    • Can be changed from terminal with --default_video_worker <number>

  • default_audio_workser: Number of threads for audio download

    • Can be changed from terminal with --default_audio_worker <number>

  • segment_timeout: Timeout for downloading individual segments

  • download_audio: Whether to download audio tracks

  • merge_audio: Whether to merge audio with video

  • specific_list_audio: List of audio languages to download

    • Can be changed from terminal with --specific_list_audio ita,eng

  • download_subtitle: Whether to download subtitles

  • merge_subs: Whether to merge subtitles with video

  • specific_list_subtitles: List of subtitle languages to download

    • Can be changed from terminal with --specific_list_subtitles ita,eng

  • cleanup_tmp_folder: Remove temporary .ts files after download

Available Language Codes

European Asian Middle Eastern Others
ita - Italian chi - Chinese ara - Arabic eng - English
spa - Spanish jpn - Japanese heb - Hebrew por - Portuguese
fre - French kor - Korean tur - Turkish fil - Filipino
ger - German hin - Hindi ind - Indonesian
rus - Russian mal - Malayalam may - Malay
swe - Swedish tam - Tamil vie - Vietnamese
pol - Polish tel - Telugu
ukr - Ukrainian tha - Thai


    "M3U8_CONVERSION": {
        "use_codec": false,
        "use_vcodec": true,
        "use_acodec": true,
        "use_bitrate": true,
        "use_gpu": false,
        "default_preset": "ultrafast"
  • use_codec: Use specific codec settings
  • use_vcodec: Use specific video codec
  • use_acodec: Use specific audio codec
  • use_bitrate: Apply bitrate settings
  • use_gpu: Enable GPU acceleration (if available)
  • default_preset: FFmpeg encoding preset (ultrafast, fast, medium, slow, etc.)

Advanced M3U8 Conversion Options

The software supports various advanced encoding options via FFmpeg:

Encoding Presets

The default_preset configuration can be set to one of the following values:

  • ultrafast: Extremely fast conversion but larger file size
  • superfast: Very fast with good quality/size ratio
  • veryfast: Fast with good compression
  • faster: Optimal balance for most users
  • fast: Good compression, moderate time
  • medium: FFmpeg default setting
  • slow: High quality, slower process
  • slower: Very high quality, slow process
  • veryslow: Maximum quality, very slow process

GPU Acceleration

When use_gpu is enabled, the system will use available hardware acceleration:

  • AMD: AMF
  • Intel: QSV

You need to have updated drivers and FFmpeg compiled with hardware acceleration support.

M3U8_PARSER Settings

    "M3U8_PARSER": {
        "force_resolution": "Best",
        "get_only_link": false
  • force_resolution: Choose the video resolution for downloading:

    • "Best": Highest available resolution
    • "Worst": Lowest available resolution
    • "720p": Force 720p resolution
    • Or specify one of these resolutions:
      • 1080p (1920x1080)
      • 720p (1280x720)
      • 480p (640x480)
      • 360p (640x360)
      • 320p (480x320)
      • 240p (426x240)
      • 240p (320x240)
      • 144p (256x144)
  • get_only_link: Return M3U8 playlist/index URL instead of downloading


    "SITE_EXTRA": {
        "ddlstreamitaly": {
            "ips4_device_key": "",
            "ips4_member_id": "",
            "ips4_login_key": ""
  • Site-specific configuration for ddlstreamitaly:
    • ips4_device_key: Device key for authentication
    • ips4_member_id: Member ID for authentication
    • ips4_login_key: Login key for authentication

Update Domains

There are two ways to update the domains for the supported websites:

1. Using Local Configuration

  1. Create a domains.json file in the root directory of the project

  2. Add your domain configuration in the following format:

       "altadefinizione": {
           "domain": "si",
           "full_url": ""
  3. Set use_api to false in the DEFAULT section of your config.json:

       "DEFAULT": {
          "use_api": false

2. Using API (Legacy)

The API-based domain updates are currently deprecated. To use it anyway, set use_api to true in your config.json file.

Note: If use_api is set to false and no domains.json file is found, the script will raise an error.


  • Download a specific season by entering its number.

    • Example: 1 will download Season 1 only.
  • Use the wildcard * to download every available season.

    • Example: * will download all seasons in the series.
  • Specify a range of seasons using a hyphen -.

    • Example: 1-2 will download Seasons 1 and 2.
  • Enter a season number followed by -* to download from that season to the end.

    • Example: 3-* will download from Season 3 to the final season.

Examples of terminal usage

# Change video and audio workers
python --default_video_worker 8 --default_audio_worker 8

# Set specific languages
python --specific_list_audio ita,eng --specific_list_subtitles eng,spa

# Keep console open after download
python --not_close true


You can run the script in a docker container, to build the image just run

docker build -t streaming-community-api .

and to run it use

docker run -it -p 8000:8000 streaming-community-api

By default the videos will be saved in /app/Video inside the container, if you want to to save them in your machine instead of the container just run

docker run -it -p 8000:8000 -v /path/to/download:/app/Video streaming-community-api

Docker quick setup with Make

Inside the Makefile (install make) are already configured two commands to build and run the container:

make build-container

# set your download directory as ENV variable
make LOCAL_DIR=/path/to/download run-container

The run-container command mounts also the config.json file, so any change to the configuration file is reflected immediately without having to rebuild the image.

Telegram Usage


The bot was created to replace terminal commands and allow interaction via Telegram. Each download runs within a screen session, enabling multiple downloads to run simultaneously.

To run the bot in the background, simply start it inside a screen session and then press Ctrl + A, followed by D, to detach from the session without stopping the bot.

Command Functions:

๐Ÿ”น /start โ€“ Starts a new search for a download. This command performs the same operations as manually running the script in the terminal with

๐Ÿ”น /list โ€“ Displays the status of active downloads, with options to:

Stop an incorrect download using /stop .

View the real-time output of a download using /screen .

โš  Warning: If a download is interrupted, incomplete files may remain in the folder specified in config.json. These files must be deleted manually to avoid storage or management issues.

๐Ÿ›  Configuration: Currently, the bot's settings are stored in the config.json file, which is located in the same directory as the script.

.env Example:

You need to create an .env file and enter your Telegram token and user ID to authorize only one user to use it


Install Python Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

On Linux/MacOS:

Start the bot from the folder /StreamingCommunity/TelegramHelp



To Do


Contributions are welcome! Steps:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open Pull Request


This software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages, or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort, or otherwise, arising from, out of, or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

