# You can generate this tree with:
# $ tree -a -I '.git|assets|.github|venv|node_modules|images|.DS_Store|*.tfvars|.terraform'
βββ .gitignore
βββ README.md
βββ infra
β βββ README.md
β βββ instances
β βββ production
β β βββ .terraform.lock.hcl
β β βββ main.tf
β β βββ terraform.auto.tfvars.example
β βββ staging
β βββ .terraform.lock.hcl
β βββ create_staging_resource.sh
β βββ extra_staging.tf.example
β βββ main.tf
β βββ terraform.tfvars.auto.example
βββ web
βββ README.md
βββ app.js
βββ bin
β βββ www
βββ package-lock.json
βββ package.json
βββ public
β βββ javascripts
β βββ stylesheets
β βββ style.css
βββ routes
β βββ index.js
β βββ users.js
βββ tests
β βββ app.test.js
β βββ routes.test.js
βββ views
βββ error.jade
βββ index.jade
βββ layout.jade
12 directories, 26 files
: contains Packer template to build our AWS EC2 AMIinfra/instances
: contains our Terraform templates to setup ourstaging
EC2 instancesweb
: contains our simple Express web application
Click to expand
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branch and make some changes to the app - Push the new branch to GitHub
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