Linebacker will pick out the line height of your page and draw ruled notepaper lines to show you where your baselines should be.
<script src="" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
Activate with linebacker.rule()
<button onclick="linebacker.rule()">Draw them lines</button>
Built for Chrome, so your mileage may vary.
Important note: Every font has a different baseline, which isn't easy to detect in JavaScript. You may want to add an offset, like so:
All available options:
-- a one-off offset to apply to the ruled lines, default is 0behind
-- whether to draw the lines behind or in front of the page, default is truethickness
-- the thickness of the lines, default is 1opacity
-- the opacity of the lines, default is 0.1
Chain options like so:
Install dependencies:
$ npm install -d
Start the server:
$ node app.js
$ heroku create -s cedar
$ heroku config:add NODE_ENV=production
$ git push heroku master