- Christchurch, New Zealand
Convert email newsletters into Atom feeds
Slides and Examples for Ruby Talk on FileUtils & CSV
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
Symmetric Encryption for Ruby Projects using OpenSSL
A human-readable Markdown reference you can include in your projects.
Mongoid::Paperclip enables you to use Paperclip with the Mongoid ODM for MongoDB.
A Chrome plugin to turn YouTube comments into a herp derp derp.
An informative page about the Rails snowman (formerly hosted at http://railssnowman.info).
Rake hooks let you add callbacks to rake tasks.
Rails plugin for sending asynchronous email with ActionMailer and Resque
This gem adds a Redis::Namespace class which can be used to namespace Redis keys.
Try Ruby is a interactive shell that quickly and whimsically teaches the Ruby programming language. Originally _why's idea, it has been recreated from the ground up by Rubyists who have a passion f…