A collection of random bash scripts that have been of use.
- handBrakeAuto - A script to batch convert MP4 movies to M4V within a directory using HandBrake transcoder on Mac
Install HandBrake open source transcoder and command line interface (CLI)
https://handbrake.fr/downloads2.php - (CLI) Command Line Interface
Clone handBrakeAuto script to a desired area on the Mac Alter code for CLI installation path and point to where the CLI was installed on the machine.
Ex. /Users/<name>/Desktop/HandBrakeCLI
Feed me the folder that you want converted
Navigating to /some/path/that/contains/MP4 ......
Found the following files for conversion in
/some/path/that/contains/ls *.MP4
file3 ....
All files you want converted should be the same Height & Width before proceeding
Enter Desired Width:
Enter Desired Height:
Begins to convert each movie with verbose settings.