Every two weeks, the Cloud Native Global Black Belt team at Microsoft will hold a call to showcase new features, talk through important topics and engage in a Q&A regarding Azure Kubernetes Service and related Cloud Native technologies. The foundational goals of the call are highlighted below:
- Provide AKS customers with updates pertaining to AKS and the Cloud Native Ecosystem
- Host a short talk and/or demo on Cloud Native technologies related to Kubernetes and AKS
- Collect feedback from customers on issues, blockers, use cases, and questions related to AKS
Asset | Link |
đź”— Meeting Link | Teams Call: https://aka.ms/joinaksofficehours |
đź“ť Meeting Presentations | View |
🎥 Meeting Recordings | http://aka.ms/aksofficehours-recordings |
📆 Calendar invite | Download |
NOTE: If you are using Outlook for Mac, you may have trouble adding the invite to your calendar. In order to avoid issues, follow the steps below:
- Download the .ics file
- Open Outlook for the web
- Drag and drop the .ics file onto your calendar
- 5-10 minutes: Welcome, followed by AKS and ecosystem updates
- 20-30 minutes: Talk/demo on Azure container technologies or broader cloud native technologies
- 20-30 minutes: “Ask us anything” and customer feedback discussion
2022 Upcoming Meetings:
- Next Thursday: July 14th 11 am Central Time (CST) - CANCELLED for Summer Break: Back in September!
- Thursday July 28th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Cancelled for Summer Break: Back in September!
- Thursday August 11th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Cancelled for Summer Break: Back in September!
- Thursday August 11th 25 am Central Time (CST) - Cancelled for Summer Break: Back in September!
Past Meetings:
- Thursday June 30th 11 am Central Time (CST) - AKS Roadmap Update with Product Group
- Thursday June 16th 11 am Central Time (CST) - GitOps in Azure: FluxV2 Extension & Azure Arc Capabilities
- Thursday June 2nd 11 am Central Time (CST) - AKS On-prem Deep Dive
- Thursday May 19th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Tigera Calico CNI=None session
- Thursday May 5th 11 am Central Time (CST) - AKS Security Roadmap with PG
- Thursday April 21st 11 am Central Time (CST) - AKS Roadmap Update with PG: Fleet Management & Networking
- Thursday April 7th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Scheduling Cancellation
- Thursday March 24th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Azure AD Workload Identity
- Thursday March 10th 11 am Central Time (CST) - OOF Cancellation
- Thursday February 24th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Azure Container Apps with PG
- ~~Thursday February 10th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Cancelled
Thursday January 27th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Azure Container Apps with Container Apps PGRESCHEDULE DUE TO ILLNESS- Thursday January 13th 11 am Central Time (CST) - AKS Roadmap Update with PG
- Thursday December 16th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Microsoft Defender for Containers on AKS
- Thursday December 2nd 11 am Central Time (CST) - Linkerd with Buoyant
- Thursday November 18th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Open Discussion
Thursday November 4th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Cancelled for Ignite- Thursday October 21th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Calico Network Policy in AKS
- Thursday October 7th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Windows Container deep dive on AKS
- Thursday September 23rd 11 am Central Time (CST) - BoxBoat AKS Health Check
Thursday September 9th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Cancelled- Thursday August 26th 11 am Central Time (CST) - AKS Roadmap Update with PG
- Thursday August 12th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Azure Arc for Application Services (Cloud Native apps that run anywhere!)
- Thursday July 29th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Cloud Native Updates and Cloud Native Open Q&A/Roundtable (not recorded)
- Thursday July 15th 11 am Central Time (CST) - Azure Arc for Kubernetes
Thursday July 1st 11 am Central Time (CST) - Cancelled for July 4th Holiday- Thursday June 17th 11am Central Time (CST) - CI/CD With GitHub Actions
- Thursday June 3rd 11am Central Time (CST) - AKS with Terraform
- Thursday May 20th 11am Central Time (CST) - AKS Roadmap Update with PG
Thursday May 6th 11am Central Time (CST) - Cancelling due to KubeCon- Thursday April 22nd 11am Central Time (CST) - Open Service Mesh Add-on for AKS
- Thursday April 8th 11am Central Time (CST) - Bridge to Kubernetes
- Thursday March 25th 11am Central Time (CST) - Dapr on Kubernetes (Recording issue)
- Thursday March 11th 11am Central Time (CST) - AKS Roadmap Update with PG
- Thursday February 25th 11am Central Time (CST) - BYO Private DNS Zone Recording, Resource Links
- Thursday February 11th 11am Central Time (CST) - Service Mesh Discussion Recording, Resource Links
- Thursday January 28th 11am Central Time (CST) - Application Gateway Ingress Controller for AKS
- Thursday January 14th 11am Central Time (CST) - Quick AKS and ecosystem updates- Link to deck
- Thursday December 17th 11am Central Time (CST)- AKS GBB discussion panel (not recorded)
- Thursday December 3rd 11am Central Time (CST) on GitOps
- Thursday November 19th 11am Central Time (CST) on KEDA
- Thursday November 5th 11am Central Time (CST) on AKS Advanced Networking, Resource Links
- Thursday October 22nd 11am Central Time (CST) on Microsoft's OSS Strategy & Contributions
- Thursday October 8th 11am Central Time (CST) on Azure Policy for AKS
- Thursday September 24th 11am Central Time (CST) on AAD-Enabled Clusters
- Thursday September 10th on Private Clusters
See AKS Resources for a list of all resources referenced on previous calls!
Reach out to us at aksofficehours@microsoft.com and we'll make sure to answer your questions as soon as possible!
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