Releases: Azure/azure-powershell
Az 13.3.0
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
Release Notes
13.3.0 - March 2025
Az.CosmosDB 1.17.0
- Added support for Cosmos DB Table role definition and role assignment related cmdlets.
Az.DataBoxEdge 1.2.1
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataBoxEdge' Version '1.0.0' PackageReference
Az.DataFactory 1.19.1
- Added more support for Oracle connection properties.
- Added more support for Teradata connection properties.
- Added more support for AzurePostgreSql connection properties.
Az.DataShare 1.1.1
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataShare' Version '1.0.1' PackageReference
Az.Maintenance 1.5.1
- Migrated SDK generation from autorest csharp to autorest powershell.
Az.Migrate 2.7.0
- Updated Data.Replication to newer API version
- Updated Data.Replication to point to stable API version 2024-09-01
- Rebranded Data.Replication cmdlets
- Rebranded Data.Replication cmdlets from Azure Stack HCI to Azure Local
Az.PolicyInsights 1.7.1
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.PolicyInsights' Version '1.0.0' PackageReference
Az.RecoveryServices 7.5.1
- Updated Restore-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem to support 0 as a TargetZoneNumber to restore to NoZone.
- Updated Restore-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem to block cross zonal restore from snapshot RP.
Az.ResourceGraph 1.2.0
- Upgraded API version to 2024-04-01.
Az.Resources 7.9.0
- Added '-ApplicationId' as an alias of '-ServicePrincipalName'.
- Supported getting role assignments at the exact scope via '-AtScope' for 'Get-AzRoleAssignment'.
Az.ServiceBus 4.1.1
- Fixed a bug when invoke 'Set-AzServiceBusNamespace' with parameter 'NoWait' [#26998]
Az.Sql 6.0.2
- Fixed GitHub issue #12417 'Get-AzSqlElasticPoolDatabase doesn't enumerate output.'
- fixed the output to enumerate the results.
Az.Storage 8.2.0
- Supported new SkuName when create/update Storage account for Files Provisioned v2 account type: 'StandardV2_LRS', 'StandardV2_GRS', 'StandardV2_ZRS', 'StandardV2_GZRS', 'PremiumV2_LRS', 'PremiumV2_ZRS'
- 'New-AzStorageAccount'
- 'Set-AzStorageAccount'
- Supported Get File Service Usage on Files Provisioned v2 account type.
- 'Get-AzStorageFileServiceUsage'
- Supported create/update file share on new parameters on Files Provisioned v2 account type with new parameter: '-ProvisionedBandwidthMibps', '-ProvisionedIops''
- 'New-AzRmStorageShare'
- 'Update-AzRmStorageShare'
- Supported create/update/Get file share on new parameters on Files Provisioned v1 account type with new parameter: '-PaidBurstingEnabled', '-PaidBurstingMaxBandwidthMibps', '-PaidBurstingMaxIops'
- 'New-AzRmStorageShare'
- 'Update-AzRmStorageShare'
- 'Get-AzStorageFileServiceUsage'
- Supported get file share new properties for Files Provisioned v1/v2 account type
- 'Get-AzStorageFileServiceUsage'
Az.Synapse 3.1.2
- Updated Azure.Analytics.Synapse.Artifacts to 1.0.0-preview.21.
Az.Websites 3.3.1
- Migrated Websites.Helper generation from autorest csharp to autorest powershell.
Az.Workloads 1.0.0
- General availability for module Az.Workloads
- Upgraded API version to 2024-09-01
Thanks to our community contributors
- Sebastian Claesson (@SebastianClaesson)
- @soffensive, Update (#27098)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- Az-Cmdlets-
- 8E7F5D0D46A42B79AEE72D7D25436B3AC90BD6A3ACA78AC02D7BEC70EE38779D
Az 13.2.0
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
Release Notes
13.2.0 - February 2025
Az.Accounts 4.0.2
- Fixed unsigned dll:
- 'System.Buffers.dll'
- 'System.Memory.dll'
Az.Automation 1.11.1
- Fixed Bug: Start-AzAutomationRunbook throws object reference error when the automation account is not available in the subscription
Az.Compute 9.1.0
- Added new parameter 'EncryptionIdentity' to cmdlet 'Set-AzVmssDiskEncryptionExtension'
- Added new parameter 'EncryptionIdentity' to cmdlet 'New-VmssConfig'
- Added new parameter 'EncryptionIdentity' to cmdlet 'Set-AzVMDiskEncryptionExtension'
- Added new parameter 'EncryptionIdentity' to cmdlet 'New-AzVMConfig'
Az.DataProtection 2.6.1
- Updated Help Doc of Get-AzAccessToken Usage in DataProtection
Az.EventHub 5.2.0
- Added parameter 'MinCompactionLagInMin', 'TimestampType' and 'UserMetadata' to cmdlets 'New-AzEventHub' and 'Set-AzEventHub'
- Supported 'DelectorCompact' policy in parameter 'Cleanup-policy' of cmdlet 'new-AzEventhub'
Az.Network 7.14.0
- Updated 'New-AzRouteServer', 'Get-AzRouteServer', and 'Update-AzRouteServer' to include VirtualRouterAutoScaleConfiguration.
Az.RecoveryServices 7.5.0
- Added support for updating SoftDeleteRetentionPeriodInDays in Set-AzRecoveryServicesVaultProperty cmdlet.
- Added new cmdlet Undo-AzRecoveryServicesBackupContainerDeletion for undeleting soft deleted backup container.
- Resolved bug in Restore-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem cmdlet.
- Updated cmdlet Set-AzRecoveryServicesBackupProperty to use vault PATCH API while setting CRR, Redundancy settings.
- Updated cmdlets Get-AzRecoveryServicesBackupItem and Get-AzRecoveryServicesVaultProperty to expose more properties in the output.
- Updated the configure backup per policy protection limit for VMs from 100 to 1000.
Az.RedisEnterpriseCache 1.4.1
- Upgraded nuget package to signed package.
Az.Resources 7.8.1
- Updated to use bicep parameter --documentation-uri instead of the deprecated --documentationUri
Az.StorageSync 2.4.1
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Authorization' Version '2.13.0-preview' package reference
Az.Synapse 3.1.1
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Synapse' Version '2.6.0-preview' package reference
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- Az-Cmdlets-
- 5C0992238E99BADA79FD9E121E9B52D01330F04A89EC5593B8680F1B4D81C02F
Az.Network v7.13.0-preview
- Added cmdlets for Logging Configuration CRUD operations
- Updated
, andUpdate-AzRouteServer
to include VirtualRouterAutoScaleConfiguration.
Az.Accounts v4.0.2
- Fixed unsigned dll:
Az 13.1.0
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
Release Notes
13.1.0 - January 2025
- Signed all Az packages published to PowerShell Gallery
Az.Accounts 4.0.1
- Fixed the Managed Identity parameter set description of 'AccountId' in 'Connect-AzAccount'.
- Made the breaking change warnings about 'Get-AzAccessToken' not appear when '-AsSecureString' is used.
- Fixed an issue that cmdlets may report warnings of 'KeyNotFoundException'. #26624
- Fixed an issue that the '-AppliesTo' parameter of 'Update-AzConfig' does not work as expected.
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1 and Azure.Identity to 1.13.0.
- Updated Azure PowerShell intercept survey prompt.
Az.Aks 6.1.0
- Fixed the issue that HTTP request body contains empty userAssignedIdentities object when identity type is 'SystemAssigned'.
Az.ApiManagement 4.1.0
- Fixed model creation parameters of ApiCreateOrUpdateParameter, ProductContract, SubscriptionCreateParameters, GroupCreateParameters, OpenidConnectProviderContract, IdentityProviderCreateContract, BackendContract, CacheContract and DiagnosticContract with [#26672].
Az.Batch 3.7.0
- Fixed 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' error when setting null values inside job 'CommonEnvironmentSettings' property.
Az.Compute 9.0.1
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
- Compute gallery related cmdlets will now use 2024-03-03 GalleryRP API calls.
Az.ContainerInstance 4.1.1
- Added breaking change warning for removing default value for OsType 'New-AzContainerGroup'
Az.ContainerRegistry 4.3.0
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Az.CosmosDB 1.16.0
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Az.Databricks 1.10.0
- Updated Az.Databricks to use more intuitive parameter names for the ESC feature.
Az.DataFactory 1.19.0
- Added support for additional MySQL connection properties.
- Added support for Azure PostgreSQL v2, updated connection strings, and corrected Linked JSON configurations.
Az.DataProtection 2.6.0
- Added support for UAMI in Backup Instance
Az.DevTestLabs 1.1.0
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.DevTestLabs' Version '1.0.0' PackageReference
Az.HealthDataAIServices 1.0.0
- General availability for module Az.HealthDataAIServices
- Upgraded API version to 2024-09-20
Az.IotHub 2.8.0
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.IotHub' Version '4.2.0' PackageReference
Az.KeyVault 6.3.1
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Az.Kusto 2.4.0
- Added new cmdlets
- 'Add-AzKustoClusterCalloutPolicy'
- 'Get-AzKustoClusterCalloutPolicy'
- 'Remove-AzKustoClusterCalloutPolicy'
- 'Get-AzKustoClusterFollowerDatabaseGet'
Az.LogicApp 1.6.0
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Logic' Version '4.1.0' PackageReference
Az.Maintenance 1.5.0
- Added list of allowed classifications in description for Maintenance Configuration
- Fixed incorrect parameter mapping in Get-AzApplyUpdate
Az.Migrate 2.6.0
- Added support for PremiumV2 disk type.
- Added SBM support.
Az.Network 7.12.0
- Onboarded 'Microsoft.HeathDataAIServices/deidServices' to private link cmdlets
- Updated 'Remove-AzNetworkWatcherFlowLog' command to return boolean value
- Updated vnv and ipam cmdlets
- Allowed TA interval to be set as 0 incase TA is disabled
- Onboarded Azure Virtual Network Manager Cmdlets for IpamPool
- 'Get-AzNetworkManagerAssociatedResourcesList'
- 'Get-AzNetworkManagerIpamPool'
- 'Get-AzNetworkManagerIpamPoolStaticCidr'
- 'Get-AzNetworkManagerIpamPoolUsage'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerIpamPool'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerIpamPoolStaticCidr'
- 'Remove-AzNetworkManagerIpamPool'
- 'Remove-AzNetworkManagerIpamPoolStaticCidr'
- 'Set-AzNetworkManagerIpamPool'
- Onboarded Azure Virtual Network Manager Cmdlets for VnetVerifier
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerSecurityGroupItem'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspace'
- 'Get-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspace'
- 'Set-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspace'
- 'Remove-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspace'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspaceReachabilityAnalysisIntent'
- 'Get-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspaceReachabilityAnalysisIntent'
- 'Remove-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspaceReachabilityAnalysisIntent'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspaceReachabilityAnalysisRun'
- 'Get-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspaceReachabilityAnalysisRun'
- 'Remove-AzNetworkManagerVerifierWorkspaceReachabilityAnalysisRun'
- Updated cmdlet to add the property of 'NetworkGroupAddressSpaceAggregationOption', and updated corresponding cmdlets.
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerSecurityAdminConfiguration'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerAddressPrefixItemCommand'
- Added 'DefaultOutboundConnectivityEnabled' property in PSNetworkInterface
- Added support for 'AutoscaleConfiguration' property in 'AzureFirewall' model for 'New-AzFirewall' and 'Set-AzFirewall' commands
- Added support for 'ResiliencyModel' property in 'New-AzVirtualNetworkGateway' and 'Set-AzVirtualNetworkGateway' command for ExpressRoute
Az.NetworkCloud 1.1.0
- Upgraded API version to 2024-07-01
Az.PolicyInsights 1.7.0
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Az.PowerBIEmbedded 2.1.0
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.PowerBIEmbedded' Version '1.1.1-preview' PackageReference
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.PowerBIDedicated' Version '0.11.0-preview' PackageReference
Az.RecoveryServices 7.4.0
- Updated the policy, protection commands to support AFS Vault Tier.
Az.RedisCache 1.11.0
- Added support for choosing Zonal Allocation Policy
Az.Resources 7.8.0
- Added DefaultApiVersion to the returned properties of the 'Get-AzResourceProvider' cmdlet's Resource Type array
- Added Diagnostics/Warnings to WhatIf/Validate results for deployments.
- Fixed bug unexpected type issue: [#26752]
- Added parameter 'RequestedAccessTokenVersion' for 'New-AzADApplication' and 'Update-AzADApplication'
Az.SignalR 2.1.0
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.SignalR' Version '1.1.2-preview' PackageReference
Az.Sql 6.0.1
- Updated 'New-AzSqlDatabaseExport' with support for Managed Identity
- Added 'ManagedIdentity' to 'StorageKeyType' auth list
- Added 'ManagedIdentity' to 'AuthenticationType' auth list
- Updated 'New-AzSqlDatabaseImport' with support for Managed Identity
- Added 'ManagedIdentity' to 'StorageKeyType' auth list
- Added 'ManagedIdentity' to 'AuthenticationType' auth list
Az.Storage 8.1.0
- Added warning message for account migration cmdlet.
- 'Start-AzStorageAccountMigration'
- Fixed error message when creating OAuth based Storage context without first login with Connect-AzAccount.
- 'New-AzStorageContext'
- Upgraded Azure.Storage.Blobs to 12.23.0
- Upgraded Azure.Storage.Files.Shares to 12.21.0
- Upgraded Azure.Storage.Files.DataLake to 12.21.0
- Upgraded Azure.Storage.Queues to 12.21.0
- Supported ClientName property when listing file handles
- 'Get-AzStorageFileHandle'
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Az.Synapse 3.1.0
- Upgraded Azure.Core to 1.44.1.
Az.Websites 3.3.0
- Fixed the source app retrieval from Microsoft.Web RP instead of ARM cache for 'RestoreAzureWebAppSnapshot'
Thanks to our community contributors
- @debalinaroy, Adding managed identity support to sql import export (#26884)
- @riddhinilawar, Added return type boolean log for Remove Flow Log Command (#26958)
- sravani saluru (@sravanisaluru), Update (#26858)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- Az-Cmdlets-
- 685EBB404CCA050AA3911B1F32BFB3BE8C7842A5565DFADB40739B0C40CFFA0A
Az.ServiceFabric v3.4.0-preview
- Updated ServiceFabricManagedClusters.Sdk to 2024-06-01-preview
- Updated ServiceFabric.Management.Sdk to 2023-11-01-preview
- Updated ServiceFabricManagedClusters.Sdk to 2024-04-01
Az 13.0.0
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
Release Notes
13.0.0 - November 2024
Az.Accounts 4.0.0
- [Breaking Change] Removed alias 'Resolve-Error' for the cmdlet 'Resolve-AzError'.
- Updated the 'Get-AzAccessToken' breaking change warning message.
- Added Long Running Operation Support for Invoke-AzRest command.
Az.App 2.0.0
- The parameters of the 'New-AzContainerApp', 'New-AzContainerAppJob', 'Update-AzContainerApp', 'Update-AzContainerAppJob' commands have changed.
- 'IdentityType' has been removed. 'EnableSystemAssignedIdentity' is used to enable/disable system-assigned identities.
- The type of 'UserAssignedIdentity' is simplified to an array of strings that is used to specify the user's assigned identity.
Az.Compute 9.0.0
- Made '-PublicIpSku' parameter Standard by default in 'New-AzVM'
Az.ConnectedMachine 1.1.0
- Updated preview version api of HybridCompute to 2024-07-31
Az.ContainerInstance 4.1.0
- Added ContainerGroupProfileId ContainerGroupProfileRevision StandbyPoolProfileFailContainerGroupCreateOnReuseFailure StandbyPoolProfileId to Container Group properties.
- Added ConfigMapKeyValuePair to Container object properties.
- Added new cmdlet to define container without using the preset default properties New-AzContainerInstanceNoDefaultObject
- Added new cmdlets for Container Group Profile - Get-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfile, New-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfile, Remove-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfile, Update-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfile, Get-AzContainerInstanceContainerGroupProfileRevision
Az.DesktopVirtualization 5.4.0
- Added top level arm object for app attach packages
Az.DevCenter 2.0.0
- Updated data plane to 2024-05-01-preview and removed deprecation warnings.
Az.Dns 1.3.0
- Added 'NAPTR' record type support in cmdlets.
Az.DnsResolver 1.1.0
- Added 4 new DNS Resolver Policy (DNS Security Policy) resources into the cmdlets
- DNS Resolver Policy (DNS Security Policy)
- DNS Security Rule
- DNS Resolver Policy Link (DNS Security Policy Link)
- DNS Resolver Domain List
Az.ElasticSan 1.2.0
- Removed breaking change warnings for MI best practices
- 'New-AzElasticSanVolumeGroup'
- 'Update-AzElasticSanVolumeGroup'
Az.HDInsight 6.3.0
- Changed the type of parameter '-IdentityId' in command 'Update-AzHDInsightCluster' from 'string' to 'string[]'.
Az.KeyVault 6.3.0
- Added Secret URI Parameter to Key Vault Secret Cmdlets [#23053]
Az.Monitor 6.0.0
- The parameters of the 'New-AzDataCollectionEndpoint', 'New-AzDataCollectionRule', 'Update-AzDataCollectionEndpoint', 'Update-AzDataCollectionRule' commands have changed.
- 'IdentityType' has been removed. 'EnableSystemAssignedIdentity' is used to enable/disable system-assigned identities.
- The type of 'UserAssignedIdentity' is simplified to an array of strings that is used to specify the user's assigned identity.
Az.Network 7.11.0
- Updated Device Update Private Link provider configuration
- Updated Microsoft.DeviceUpdate/accounts API version to 2023-07-01
Az.RecoveryServices 7.3.0
- Added CRR support for southeastus, westus3 regions.
- Added support for enabling Disk access settings for managed VM restores.
Az.Resources 7.7.0
- Updated Resources SDK to 2024-07-01.
Az.Sql 6.0.0
- Added 'Start-AzSqlInstanceLinkFailover' cmdlet for Managed Instance Link.
- Updated 'New-AzSqlInstanceLink' with new input parameters
- Added 'DistributedAvailabilityGroupName', 'FailoverMode', 'InstanceLinkRole', 'SeedingMode'
- Renamed 'SecondaryAvailabilityGroupName' -> 'InstanceAvailabilityGroupName'
'SourceEndpoint' -> 'PartnerEndpoint'
'PrimaryAvailabilityGroupName' -> 'PartnerAvailabilityGroupName' - 'TargetDatabase' -> 'Database', parameter type is changed from string to string[].
- Updated 'AzureSqlManagedInstanceLinkModel' that is a return type of 'New-AzSqlInstanceLink', 'Get-AzSqlInstanceLink', 'Update-AzSqlInstanceLink' ,'Remove-AzSqlInstanceLink'
- Added new optional parameter for 'New-AzSqlDatabaseSecondary' to support cross-subscription geo-replication.
Az.Storage 8.0.0
- When downloading blob with parameter AbsoluteUri (alias Uri, BlobUri), not allow input parameter Context together.
- 'Get-AzStorageBlobContent'
- Migrated following Azure Storage File dataplane cmdlets from 'Microsoft.Azure.Storage.File' to 'Azure.Storage.Files.Shares'
- 'Close-AzStorageFileHandle'
- 'Get-AzStorageFile'
- 'Get-AzStorageFileContent'
- 'Get-AzStorageFileCopyState'
- 'Get-AzStorageFileHandle'
- 'Get-AzStorageShare'
- 'Get-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy'
- 'New-AzStorageDirectory'
- 'New-AzStorageShare'
- 'New-AzStorageFileSASToken'
- 'New-AzStorageShareSASToken'
- 'New-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy'
- 'Remove-AzStorageDirectory'
- 'Remove-AzStorageFile'
- 'Remove-AzStorageShare'
- 'Remove-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy'
- 'Rename-AzStorageDirectory'
- 'Rename-AzStorageFile'
- 'Set-AzStorageFileContent'
- 'Set-AzStorageShareQuota'
- 'Set-AzStorageShareStoredAccessPolicy'
- 'Start-AzStorageFileCopy'
- 'Stop-AzStorageFileCopy'
Thanks to our community contributors
- @sidesw1pe, Update (#26570)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- Az-Cmdlets-
- BAB1D61244808000B971F89153DFD9D91A2F42AC939DB1C53E848EC06EF59CF3
Az.ConnectedKubernetes v0.13.0
- Fixed output type of cmdlet
Az.ConnectedKubernetes v0.12.0
- Corrected function that only worked on Windows.
- Prevented unexpected value changes where parameters that were never set are unchanged but replayed back as part of Set-AzConnectedKubernetes processing.
Az 12.5.0
Gallery Module for Azure PowerShell:{version}
To install Az
from the PowerShell Gallery, run the following command:
Install-Module -Name Az -Repository PSGallery -Force
To update from an older version of Az
, run the following command:
Update-Module -Name Az
Docker images
Release Notes
12.5.0 - October 2024
Az.Accounts 3.0.5
- Fixed the issue that 'Export-AzSshConfig' and 'Enter-AzVM' from Az.Ssh are not able to use when WAM is enabled.
- Added breaking change preannouncement for the removal of alias 'Resolve-Error'. #26189
- Integrated new detection library to expand the scope of secrets.
Az.AnalysisServices 1.1.6
- Migrated AnalysisServices SDK to generated SDK
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Analysis' Version '2.0.4' PackageReference
- Added AnalysisServices.Management.Sdk ProjectReference
Az.ApiManagement 4.0.5
- Removed Microsoft.Azure.Management.ApiManagement
- Added ApiManagement.Management.Sdk
Az.Attestation 2.0.3
- Migrated Attestation SDK to generated SDK
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Attestation' Version '0.12.0-preview' PackageReference
- Added Attestation.Management.Sdk ProjectReference
Az.Batch 3.6.4
- Migrate Batch SDK to generated SDK
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.Batch' Version='15.0.0' PackageReference
- Added Batch.Management.Sdk ProjectReference
Az.Compute 8.5.0
- Added optional parameters '-SecurityPostureId' and '-SecurityPostureExcludeExtension' to cmdlets 'New-AzVmss' and 'New-AzVmssConfig'.
- Updated image aliases to be up-to-date in the azure-powershell\src\Compute\Strategies\ComputeRp\Images.json file.
- Added 'NvmeDisk' argument completer to 'DiffDiskPlacement' parameter for 'Set-AzVMOSDisk' and 'Set-AzVmssStorageProfile' cmdlets, allowing options for disk placement as 'CacheDisk', 'ResourceDisk', or 'NvmeDisk'.
Az.ConnectedMachine 1.0.0
- General availability for module Az.ConnectedMachine
Az.DataFactory 1.18.9
- Added pageSize support to Salesforce V2 Source.
- Added pageSize support to ServiceNow V2 Source.
- Added host property to Snowflake linked service.
- Fixed missing authenticationType in PostgreSQL V2 linked service.
Az.DataProtection 2.5.0
- Added support for vault tier backup and restore for AzureKubernetesService
- Added support for resource modifier reference
- Added a fix for Update-AzDataProtectionBackupInstance
Az.DesktopVirtualization 4.3.2
- Preannounced the breaking changes for Az.DesktopVirtualization 6.0.0
Az.EventGrid 2.1.0
- Fixed an issue that caused some commands ending in 'Object' to not work properly.
Az.EventHub 5.0.1
- Migrated EventHub SDK to generated SDK
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.EventHub' Version '5.0.0' PackageReference
- Added EventHub.Management.Sdk ProjectReference
Az.Functions 4.1.1
- Used 'Get-AzAccessToken -AsSecureString' inside the 'Functions' for the plain text version is going to be deprecate in the next release.
Az.Migrate 2.5.0
- Validated user login with Microsoft Managed System Identity (MSI) in 'Initialize-AzMigrateHCIReplicationInfrastructure'
- Passed appropriate Hyper-V Generation value based on source VMware firmware type in 'New-AzMigrateHCIServerReplication'
- Added support for LinuxLicenseType in Az.Migrate module.
Az.Monitor 5.3.0
- Added new cmdlet for Azure Monitor Pipeline Groups
- 'Get-AzPipelineGroup'
- 'New-AzPipelineGroup'
- 'Update-AzPipelineGroup'
- 'Remove-AzPipelineGroup'
Az.Network 7.10.0
- Onboarded Azure Virtual Network Manager Cmdlets for UDR and NSG Management
- 'New/Get/Remove/Set-AzNetworkManagerRoutingConfiguration'
- 'New/Get/Remove/Set-AzNetworkManagerRoutingRuleCollection'
- 'New/Get/Remove/Set-AzNetworkManagerRoutingRule'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerRoutingGroupItem'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerRoutingRuleDestination'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerRoutingRuleNextHop'
- 'New/Get/Remove/Set-AzNetworkManagerSecurityUserConfiguration'
- 'New/Get/Remove/Set-AzNetworkManagerSecurityUserRuleCollection'
- 'New/Get/Remove/Set-AzNetworkManagerSecurityUserRule'
- 'New-AzNetworkManagerSecurityUserGroupItem'
- Added support for 'MemberType' property in 'New-AzNetworkManagerSecurityUserGroupItem' command
Az.PrivateDns 1.1.0
- Updated new property ResolutionPolicy to Get, New and Set virtual network link cmdlets.
- Created autorest generated sdk in PrivateDns.Management.Sdk folder
Az.RecoveryServices 7.2.1
- Fixed bug in 'Set-ASRReplicationProtectedItem' cmdlet of H2A for replication to MD scenario.
Az.ResourceGraph 1.0.1
- Migrated ResourceGraph SDK to generated SDK
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceGraph' Version '2.1.0' PackageReference
- Added ResourceGraph.Management.Sdk ProjectReference
Az.Resources 7.6.0
- Fixed customer-reported 'Remove-AzPolicyAssignment' behavior.
- Added new cmdlets of DataBoundary
Az.ServiceBus 4.0.1
- Migrated ServiceBus SDK to generated SDK
- Removed 'Microsoft.Azure.Management.ServiceBus' Version '5.0.0' PackageReference
- Added ServiceBus.Management.Sdk ProjectReference
Az.StackHCI 2.4.1
- added support for new environment
Az.Storage 7.5.0
- Added a warning for an upcoming breaking change for download blob will block input parameter -AbsoluteUri and -Context together.
- 'Get-AzStorageBlobContent'
- Revised AzureStorageBlob construct logic to make it more stable.
Thanks to our community contributors
- Laurent Bouriez (@lbouriez), Update (#26259)
- @reyjordi, made note to address a limitation on AppGW PowerShell (#26473)
SHA256 Hashes of the release artifacts
- Az-Cmdlets-
- A86C8BFE119A1A07C871A0190C840A9C7978B374794FCC91ACECC63A7339DF4F