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OPC Publisher Command Line Arguments for Version 2.5 and below

    Usage: opcpublisher.exe <applicationname> [<iothubconnectionstring>] [<options>]

    applicationname: the OPC UA application name to use, required
                     The application name is also used to register the publisher under this name in the
                     IoTHub device registry.

    iothubconnectionstring: the IoTHub owner connectionstring, optional. Typically you specify the IoTHub owner connectionstring only on the first start of the application. The connection string is encrypted and stored in the platforms certificiate store.
	On subsequent calls it is read from there and reused. If you specify the connectionstring on each start, the device which is created for the application in the IoTHub device registry is removed and recreated each time.

    There are a couple of environment variables which can be used to control the application:
    _HUB_CS: sets the IoTHub owner connectionstring
    _GW_LOGP: sets the filename of the log file to use
    _TPC_SP: sets the path to store certificates of trusted stations
    _GW_PNFP: sets the filename of the publishing configuration file

    Command line arguments overrule environment variable settings.

          --pf, --publishfile=VALUE
                                   the filename to configure the nodes to publish.
                                   Default: '/appdata/publishednodes.json'
          --tc, --telemetryconfigfile=VALUE
                                   the filename to configure the ingested telemetry
                                   Default: ''
          -s, --site=VALUE
                                   the site OPC Publisher is working in. if specified
                                   this domain is appended (delimited by a ':' to
                                   the 'ApplicationURI' property when telemetry is
                                   sent to IoTHub.
                                   The value must follow the syntactical rules of a
                                   DNS hostname.
                                   Default: not set
          --ic, --iotcentral
                                   OPC Publisher sends OPC UA data in IoTCentral
                                   compatible format (DisplayName of a node is used
                                   as key, this key is the Field name in IoTCentral)
                                   . you need to ensure that all DisplayName's are
                                   unique. (Auto enables fetch display name)
                                   Default: False
          --sw, --sessionconnectwait=VALUE
                                   specify the wait time in seconds publisher is
                                   trying to connect to disconnected endpoints and
                                   starts monitoring unmonitored items
                                   Min: 10
                                   Default: 10
          --mq, --monitoreditemqueuecapacity=VALUE
                                   specify how many notifications of monitored items
                                   can be stored in the internal queue, if the data
                                   can not be sent quick enough to IoTHub
                                   Min: 1024
                                   Default: 8192
          --di, --diagnosticsinterval=VALUE
                                   shows publisher diagnostic info at the specified
                                   interval in seconds (need log level info).
                                   -1 disables remote diagnostic log and diagnostic
                                   0 disables diagnostic output
                                   Default: 0
          --ns, --noshutdown=VALUE
                                   same as runforever.
                                   Default: False
          --rf, --runforever
                                   OPC Publisher can not be stopped by pressing a key on
                                   the console, but runs forever.
                                   Default: False
          --lf, --logfile=VALUE
                                   the filename of the logfile to use.
                                   Default: './<hostname>-publisher.log'
          --lt, --logflushtimespan=VALUE
                                   the timespan in seconds when the logfile should be
                                   Default: 00:00:30 sec
          --ll, --loglevel=VALUE
                                   the loglevel to use (allowed: fatal, error, warn,
                                   info, debug, verbose).
                                   Default: info
           --ih, --iothubprotocol=VALUE
                                    the protocol to use for communication with IoTHub (
                                    allowed values: Amqp, Http1, Amqp_WebSocket_Only,
                                     Amqp_Tcp_Only, Mqtt, Mqtt_WebSocket_Only, Mqtt_
                                    Tcp_Only) or IoT EdgeHub (allowed values: Mqtt_
                                    Tcp_Only, Amqp_Tcp_Only).
                                    Default for IoTHub: Mqtt_WebSocket_Only
                                    Default for IoT EdgeHub: Amqp_Tcp_Only
          --ms, --iothubmessagesize=VALUE
                                   the max size of a message which can be sent to
                                   IoTHub. When telemetry of this size is available
                                   it is sent.
                                   0 enforces immediate send when telemetry is
                                   Min: 0
                                   Max: 262144
                                   Default: 262144
          --si, --iothubsendinterval=VALUE
                                   the interval in seconds when telemetry should be
                                   sent to IoTHub. If 0, then only the
                                   iothubmessagesize parameter controls when
                                   telemetry is sent.
                                   Default: '10'
          --dc, --deviceconnectionstring=VALUE
                                   if publisher is not able to register itself with
                                   IoTHub, you can create a device with name <
                                   applicationname> manually and pass in the
                                   connectionstring of this device.
                                   Default: none
      -c, --connectionstring=VALUE
                                   the IoTHub owner connectionstring.
                                   Default: none
          --hb, --heartbeatinterval=VALUE
                                   the publisher is using this as default value in
                                   seconds for the heartbeat interval setting of
                                   nodes without
                                   a heartbeat interval setting.
                                   Default: 0
          --sf, --skipfirstevent=VALUE
                                   the publisher is using this as default value for
                                   the skip first event setting of nodes without
                                   a skip first event setting.
                                   Default: False
          --pn, --portnum=VALUE
                                   the server port of the publisher OPC server
                                   Default: 62222
          --pa, --path=VALUE
                                   the enpoint URL path part of the publisher OPC
                                   server endpoint.
                                   Default: '/UA/Publisher'
          --lr, --ldsreginterval=VALUE
                                   the LDS(-ME) registration interval in ms. If 0,
                                   then the registration is disabled.
                                   Default: 0
          --ol, --opcmaxstringlen=VALUE
                                   the max length of a string opc can transmit/
                                   Default: 131072
          --ot, --operationtimeout=VALUE
                                 the operation timeout of the publisher OPC UA
                                   client in ms.
                                   Default: 120000
          --oi, --opcsamplinginterval=VALUE
                                   the publisher is using this as default value in
                                   milliseconds to request the servers to sample
                                   the nodes with this interval
                                   this value might be revised by the OPC UA
                                   servers to a supported sampling interval.
                                   please check the OPC UA specification for
                                   details how this is handled by the OPC UA stack.
                                   a negative value sets the sampling interval
                                   to the publishing interval of the subscription
                                   this node is on.
                                   0 configures the OPC UA server to sample in
                                   the highest possible resolution and should be
                                   taken with care.
                                   Default: 1000
          --op, --opcpublishinginterval=VALUE
                                   the publisher is using this as default value in
                                   milliseconds for the publishing interval setting
                                   of the subscriptions established to the OPC UA
                                   please check the OPC UA specification for
                                   details how this is handled by the OPC UA stack.
                                   a value less than or equal zero lets the
                                   server revise the publishing interval.
                                   Default: 0
          --ct, --createsessiontimeout=VALUE
                                   specify the timeout in seconds used when creating
                                   a session to an endpoint. On unsuccessful
                                   connection attemps a backoff up to 5 times the
                                   specified timeout value is used.
                                   Min: 1
                                   Default: 10
          --ki, --keepaliveinterval=VALUE
                                 specify the interval in seconds the publisher is
                                   sending keep alive messages to the OPC servers
                                   on the endpoints it is connected to.
                                   Min: 2
                                   Default: 2
          --kt, --keepalivethreshold=VALUE
                                   specify the number of keep alive packets a server
                                   can miss, before the session is disconneced
                                   Min: 1
                                   Default: 5
          --aa, --autoaccept
                                   the OPC Publisher trusts all servers it is
                                   establishing a connection to.
                                   Default: False
          --tm, --trustmyself=VALUE
                                   same as trustowncert.
                                   Default: False
          --to, --trustowncert
                                   the OPC Publisher certificate is put into the trusted
                                   certificate store automatically.
                                   Default: False
          --fd, --fetchdisplayname=VALUE
                                   same as fetchname.
                                   Default: False
          --fn, --fetchname
                                   enable to read the display name of a published
                                   node from the server. this increases the
                                   Default: False
          --ss, --suppressedopcstatuscodes=VALUE
                                   specifies the OPC UA status codes for which no
                                   events should be generated.
                                   Default: BadNoCommunication,
          --at, --appcertstoretype=VALUE
                                   the own application cert store type.
                                   (allowed values: Directory, X509Store)
                                   Default: 'Directory'
          --ap, --appcertstorepath=VALUE
                                   the path where the own application cert should be
                                   Default (depends on store type):
                                   X509Store: 'CurrentUser\UA_MachineDefault'
                                   Directory: 'pki/own'
          --tp, --trustedcertstorepath=VALUE
                                   the path of the trusted cert store
                                   Default: 'pki/trusted'
          --rp, --rejectedcertstorepath=VALUE
                                   the path of the rejected cert store
                                   Default 'pki/rejected'
          --ip, --issuercertstorepath=VALUE
                                   the path of the trusted issuer cert store
                                   Default 'pki/issuer'
          --csr                    show data to create a certificate signing request
                                   Default 'False'
          --ab, --applicationcertbase64=VALUE
                                   update/set this applications certificate with the
                                   certificate passed in as bas64 string
          --af, --applicationcertfile=VALUE
                                   update/set this applications certificate with the
                                   certificate file specified
          --pb, --privatekeybase64=VALUE
                                   initial provisioning of the application
                                   certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a
                                   private key passed in as base64 string
          --pk, --privatekeyfile=VALUE
                                   initial provisioning of the application
                                   certificate (with a PEM or PFX fomat) requires a
                                   private key passed in as file
          --cp, --certpassword=VALUE
                                   the optional password for the PEM or PFX or the
                                   installed application certificate
          --tb, --addtrustedcertbase64=VALUE
                                   adds the certificate to the applications trusted
                                   cert store passed in as base64 string (multiple
                                   comma-seperated strings supported)
          --tf, --addtrustedcertfile=VALUE
                                   adds the certificate file(s) to the applications
                                   trusted cert store passed in as base64 string (
                                   multiple comma-seperated filenames supported)
          --ib, --addissuercertbase64=VALUE
                                   adds the specified issuer certificate to the
                                   applications trusted issuer cert store passed in
                                   as base64 string (multiple comma-seperated strings supported)
          --if, --addissuercertfile=VALUE
                                   adds the specified issuer certificate file(s) to
                                   the applications trusted issuer cert store (
                                   multiple comma-seperated filenames supported)
          --rb, --updatecrlbase64=VALUE
                                   update the CRL passed in as base64 string to the
                                   corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted
          --uc, --updatecrlfile=VALUE
                                   update the CRL passed in as file to the
                                   corresponding cert store (trusted or trusted
          --rc, --removecert=VALUE
                                   remove cert(s) with the given thumbprint(s) (
                                   multiple comma-seperated thumbprints supported)
          --dt, --devicecertstoretype=VALUE
                                   the iothub device cert store type.
                                   (allowed values: Directory, X509Store)
                                   Default: X509Store
          --dp, --devicecertstorepath=VALUE
                                   the path of the iot device cert store
                                   Default Default (depends on store type):
                                   X509Store: 'My'
                                   Directory: 'CertificateStores/IoTHub'
          -i, --install
                                   register OPC Publisher with IoTHub and then exits.
                                   Default:  False
          -h, --help
                                   show this message and exit
          --st, --opcstacktracemask=VALUE
          --sd, --shopfloordomain=VALUE
                                   same as site option
                                   The value must follow the syntactical rules of a
                                   DNS hostname.
                                   Default: not set
          --vc, --verboseconsole=VALUE
          --as, --autotrustservercerts=VALUE
                                   same as autoaccept
                                   Default: False
          --tt, --trustedcertstoretype=VALUE
                                   the trusted cert store always resides in a
          --rt, --rejectedcertstoretype=VALUE
                                   the rejected cert store always resides in a
          --it, --issuercertstoretype=VALUE
                                   the trusted issuer cert store always
                                   resides in a directory.

OPC Publisher Command Line Arguments for Version 2.6 and above

         --pf, --publishfile=VALUE
                                   the filename to configure the nodes  to publish.
                                   If this Option is specified it puts OPC Publisher into stadalone  mode.
         --lf, --logfile=VALUE
                                   the filename of the logfile to use.
         --ll. --loglevel=VALUE
                                   the log level to use (allowed: fatal, error,
                                   warn, info, debug, verbose).
         --me, --messageencoding=VALUE
                                   the messaging encoding for outgoing  messages
                                   allowed values: Json, Uadp
         --mm, --messagingmode=VALUE
                                   the messaging mode for outgoing  messages
                                   allowed values: PubSub, Samples
         --fm, --fullfeaturedmessage=VALUE
                                   the full featured mode for messages (all fields filled in).
                                   Default is 'true', for legacy compatibility use 'false'
         --aa, --autoaccept
                                   the publisher trusted all servers it is establishing a connection to
         --bs, --batchsize=VALUE
                                   the number of OPC UA data-change messages to be cached for batching.
         --si, --iothubsendinterval=VALUE
                                   the trigger batching interval in seconds.
         --ms, --iothubmessagesize=VALUE
                                   the maximum size of the (IoT D2C) message.
         --om, --maxoutgressmessages=VALUE
                                   the maximum  size of the (IoT D2C) message egress buffer.
         --di, --diagnosticsinterval=VALUE
                                   shows publisher diagnostic info at the specified interval in seconds
                                   (need log level info). -1 disables remote diagnostic log and diagnostic output
         --lt, --logflugtimespan=VALUE
                                   the timespan in seconds when the logfile should be flushed.
         --ih, --iothubprotocol=VALUE
                                   protocol to use for communication with the hub.
                                   allowed values: AmqpOverTcp, AmqpOverWebsocket, MqttOverTcp,
                                   MqttOverWebsocket, Amqp, Mqtt, Tcp, Websocket, Any
         --hb, --heartbeatinterval=VALUE
                                   the publisher is using this as default value in seconds for the
                                   heartbeat interval setting of nodes without  a heartbeat interval setting.
         --ot, --operationtimeout=VALUE
                                   the operation timeout of the publisher OPC  UA client in ms.
         --ol, --opcmaxstringlen=VALUE
                                   the max length of a string opc can transmit/receive.
         --oi, --opcsamplinginterval=VALUE
                                   default value in milliseconds to request the servers to sample values
         --op, --opcpublishinginterval=VALUE
                                   default value in milliseconds for the publishing interval setting
                                   of the subscriptions against the OPC UA  server.
         --ct, --createsessiontimeout=VALUE
                                   the interval in seconds the publisher is sending keep alive
                                   messages to the OPC servers on the endpoints it is  connected to.
         --kt, --keepalivethresholt=VALUE
                                   specify the number of keep alive  packets a server can miss,
                                   before the session is disconnected.
         --tm, --trustmyself
                                   the publisher certificate is put into the  trusted store automatically.
         --at, --appcertstoretype=VALUE
                                   the own application cert store type  (allowed: Directory, X509Store).