class CloudMonk:
def __init__(self): = CloudMonk("Cloud Native DevOps Engineer")
self.oss = Kubernetes("Consultant")
self.home = USA("Pacific Mountain Northwest")
async def run(self, inputs: Union[Vegetables, Tea]) -> None:
while True:
def sleep(self):
raise NotImplementedError
🔭 I’m currently working on Kubernetes / Red Hat OpenShift and GitOps
🌱 I’m currently focused on Cloud Native Java-based Quarkus and Spring Microservices with K8S on AKS (Azure), EKS (AWS), GKS (GCP) with PostGres and MongoDB on Kubernetes with Istio Service Mesh
Experimenting with Kotlin Mobile SDK for Kotlin on Android and Kotlin on iOS
I’m looking to collaborate on DevOps jobs remotely ONLY.
🤔 I’m looking for help from Buddhist Masters on Enlightenment.
💬 Ask me about the Buddha, Buddhism, DevOps-GitOps, Cloud Native, Spring Boot, Python, PowerShell, Windows Server 2022, DokuWiki, Ayurvedic Medicine, Permaculture Gardening
📫 How to reach me:
⚡ Fun fact: I was a Buddhist Monk in the HH Dalai Lama Tradition of Nalanda Monastery (Tibetan Buddhism)
I'm a member of Octo-Ring - a webring (remember those?) for github user profiles. Because why wouldn't I?