Repository for CDKTF Typescript learning
Install node. Package managers:
- npm
- yarn
- bun
- pnpm
Init the project commands:
corepack enable
# say yes when yarn asks you a question
yarn init
# tell yarn how to manage dependencies
yarn config set nodeLinker node-modules
# setup dev dependency
yarn add -D typescript
# verify
yarn info typescript version
Execute the script:
yarn add -D ts-node
# add script or run
ts-node index.ts
# respawn
yarn add -D ts-node-dev
- Why Import?
- Organizes code by splitting it across multiple files
- Enables code reuse and modularity
- Basic Syntax:
import { exportedMember } from './fileName';
- Importing Default Exports:
import defaultExport from './fileName';
- Importing Everything:
import * as utils from './utils';
- Importing an installed package:
- `import lodash from 'lodash;'
- ECMAScript Modules / (ESM) import statements are preferred
Install Terraform:
brew tap hashicorp/tap
brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
brew update
Install CDKTF & Init a Project:
npm install -g cdktf-cli
cdktf --version
# Init a Project (equivalent of terraform init)
cdktf init --template=typescript
# Switch to yarn if you want to
rm package-lock.json
# commands
corepack prepare yarn@stable --activate;
touch yarn.lock;
yarn config set nodeLinker
# update .gitignore
# Yarn
Add the cdktf-cli into the project (optional):
yarn add -D cdktf-cli
//construct = used to define components of infrastructure
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
//app = root of construct, all stacks are defined and synthesized in the app
import { App,) TerraformStack } from 'cdktf';
class MyStack extends TerraformStack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {}
// scope parent construct for the stack (usually app)
super (scope, id);
// define resources here
const app = new App();
new MyStack(app, 'cdktf-project-builder');
//synthesizes your code into Terraform
file is the configuration and command used to execute the cdktf actions (synth, deploy, etc.). We changed the deploy method to useyarn
rather thannpx
. -
To synthesize the terraform code, run
yarn cdktf synth
. This produces the thecdktf.out
folder. -
To deploy run
yarn cdktf deploy
Or use cdktf cli
cdktf synth
cdktf deploy # if you want add --auto-approve
from the help docs:
cdktf synth [stack] Synthesize Terraform resources from stacks to cdktf.out/ (ready for 'terraform apply')
cdktf diff [stack] Perform a diff (terraform plan) for the given stack
cdktf deploy [stack] Deploy the given stack
cdktf destroy [stack] Destroy the stack
Adding local provider using yarn: yarn add @cdktf/provider-local
// Output the readMefile content
new TerraformOutput(this, 'readMeContent', {
value: readMeFile.content,
Similar to Terraform modules, but can be more dynamic that Terraform Modules.
interface ProjectFolderProps {
readonly projectName: string;
readonly projectDirectory: string;
export class ProjectFolder extends Construct {
constructor( scope: Construct, id: string, props: ProjectFolderProps) {
const { projectName, projectDirectory } = props;
// resusable code
We can use Terraform asset for our Terraform to be more aware of code changes and trigger automated changes to deployments.