This are the source files for the ROS C++ course These are my answers to the ROS Basics course by Robot Ignite Academy.
The Courses covers ROS basics like NODES,TOPICS,SERVICES and ACTIONS. It has 3 quizes which are to be completed.
This Project used standard Code Style
ROS In 5 Days is the ideal course if you are new to ROS.The objective of this course is to give you the basic tools and knowledge to be able to understand and create any basic ROS related project. You will be able to move robots, read their sensor data, make the robots perform intelligent tasks, see visual representations of complex data such as Point Clouds and debug errors in the programs.
This course covers following topics:
1. ROS Basic Structure
2. ROS Topics
3. ROS Services
4. ROS Actions
5. ROS Debugging Tools
- Interacting with a simulated robot and What you will need to learn to program a robot with ROS
- It is possible to learn ROS fast if you have the proper method
- Robots we are going to use along the course
- Main Objective of this course
- Learning ROS: attack in two ways
- Apply what you learnt to a Robot Project
- How to proceed with the whole course
- Basic Concepts
- Move a Robot with ROS
- What's a ROS Package
- What is a launch file
- Create a ROS Package
- Your first ROS program
- ROS Nodes
- Compiling a ROS Package
- Parameter Server
- ROS Core
- Environment Variables
- Topic Publisher
- ROS Messages
- Exercises
- Topic Subscriber
- Custom Topic Message Compilation
- ROS Topics Mini Project
- Topics - Services - Actions
- Services Introduction
- How to call a ROS Service
- Exercises
- How to give a Service
- How to create your own service message
- Custom Service Compilation
- Playing with the Quadrotor simulation
- What are ROS Actions
- Calling an Action Server
- Performing other tasks while the Action is in progress
- The axclient
- Writing an Action Server
- Creating your own Action Server Message
- Custom Action Messages compilation
- ROS What The F*ck
- ROS Debugging Messages and RQT-Console
- Plot topic data and RQT Plot
- Node Connections and RQT graph
- Record experimental data and ROSBags
- Visualize Complex data and RViz
- Win the Sphero Race
- What Sphero provides to program It
- Ideas to start working on
- Steps you should cover
- Keep Learning