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The Right Price is an application that calculates the real price you'll be charged.
As a traveler myself, I figured out that, in some countries, the price you see isn't always the price you'll pay. Indeed, to the initial price, you'll maybe have to add local taxes, or tips, or both ! And if you don't precisely know the change rates of the local currency, you could have big surprises when you check out your bank account !
In the app, follow those easy steps to quickly find out which total amount you’ll be paying :
- Select your favorite currency
- Enter the initial amount and select its currency
- Select and add any tax or tip percentage
The final amount will be then calculated based on the data you entered, and be converted into your favorite currency.
The application is available on internet browsers so you can use it either from your computer or your mobile phone, as it is surely more convenient when traveling.
All selected or added data are saved locally on your device. This prevents you from setting your custom information every time you will be using the application. However, any cached data clearing will result in these data loss.
Huge thanks to Katheleen LEMAIRE for designing the app, go check all of her shots at Dribbble here !
npm start
npm run build
npm run lint