Read the introductory post: Better mocks in Vitest
Stub behaviors of Vitest mock functions with a small, readable API. Inspired by testdouble.js and jest-when.
npm install --save-dev vitest-when
Create stubs - fake objects that have pre-configured responses to matching arguments - from Vitest's mock functions. With vitest-when, your stubs are:
- Easy to read
- Hard to misconfigure, especially when using TypeScript
Wrap your vi.fn()
mock - or a function imported from a vi.mock
'd module - in when
, match on a set of arguments using calledWith
, and configure a behavior
- Return a value.thenResolve()
- Resolve aPromise
- Throw an error.thenReject()
- Reject aPromise
- Trigger a function
If the stub is called with arguments that match calledWith
, the configured behavior will occur. If the arguments do not match, the stub will no-op and return undefined
import { vi, test, afterEach } from 'vitest'
import { when } from 'vitest-when'
afterEach(() => {
test('stubbing with vitest-when', () => {
const stub = vi.fn()
when(stub).calledWith(1, 2, 3).thenReturn(4)
when(stub).calledWith(4, 5, 6).thenReturn(7)
let result = stub(1, 2, 3)
result = stub(4, 5, 6)
result = stub(7, 8, 9)
You should call vi.resetAllMocks()
in your suite's afterEach
hook to remove the implementation added by when
. You can also set Vitest's mockReset
config to true
instead of using afterEach
Vitest's mock functions are powerful, but have an overly permissive API, inherited from Jest. Vanilla vi.fn()
mock functions are difficult to use well and easy to use poorly.
- Mock usage is spread across the arrange and assert phases of your test, with "act" in between, making the test harder to read.
- If you forget the
step, the test will pass even if the mock is called incorrectly. expect(...).toHaveBeenCalledWith(...)
is not type-checked, as of Vitest0.31.0
// arrange
const stub = vi.fn()
// act
const result = stub('hello')
// assert
In contrast, when using vitest-when stubs:
- All stub configuration happens in the "arrange" phase of your test.
- You cannot forget
. calledWith
(et. al.) are fully type-checked.
// arrange
const stub = vi.fn()
// act
const result = stub('hello')
// assert
See the ./example directory for example usage.
// meaning-of-life.test.ts
import { vi, describe, afterEach, it, expect } from 'vitest'
import { when } from 'vitest-when'
import * as deepThought from './deep-thought.ts'
import * as earth from './earth.ts'
import * as subject from './meaning-of-life.ts'
describe('get the meaning of life', () => {
afterEach(() => {
it('should get the answer and the question', async () => {
when(earth.calculateQuestion).calledWith(42).thenResolve("What's 6 by 9?")
const result = await subject.createMeaning()
expect(result).toEqual({ question: "What's 6 by 9?", answer: 42 })
// meaning-of-life.ts
import { calculateAnswer } from './deep-thought.ts'
import { calculateQuestion } from './earth.ts'
export interface Meaning {
question: string
answer: number
export const createMeaning = async (): Promise<Meaning> => {
const answer = await calculateAnswer()
const question = await calculateQuestion(answer)
return { question, answer }
// deep-thought.ts
export const calculateAnswer = async (): Promise<number> => {
throw new Error(`calculateAnswer() not implemented`)
// earth.ts
export const calculateQuestion = async (answer: number): Promise<string> => {
throw new Error(`calculateQuestion(${answer}) not implemented`)
Configures a vi.fn()
mock function to act as a vitest-when stub. Adds an implementation to the function that initially no-ops, and returns an API to configure behaviors for given arguments using .calledWith(...)
import { vi } from 'vitest'
import { when } from 'vitest-when'
const spy = vi.fn()
import type { WhenOptions } from 'vitest-when'
option | required | type | description |
times |
no | integer | Only trigger configured behavior a number of times |
Create a stub that matches a given set of arguments which you can configure with different behaviors using methods like .thenReturn(...)
const spy = vi.fn()
When a call to a mock uses arguments that match those given to calledWith
, a configured behavior will be triggered. All arguments must match, but you can use Vitest's asymmetric matchers to loosen the stubbing:
const spy = vi.fn()
If calledWith
is used multiple times, the last configured stubbing will be used.
Due to fundamental limitations in TypeScript, when()
will always use the last overload to infer function parameters and return types. You can use the TFunc
type parameter of when()
to manually select a different overload entry:
function overloaded(): null
function overloaded(input: number): string
function overloaded(input?: number): string | null {
// ...
// Last entry: all good!
// $ts-expect-error: first entry
// Manually specified: all good!
when<() => null>(overloaded).calledWith().thenReturn(null)
When the stubbing is satisfied, return value
const spy = vi.fn()
To only return a value once, use the times
import { when } from 'vitest-when'
const spy = vi.fn()
when(spy, { times: 1 }).calledWith('hello').thenReturn('world')
You may pass several values to thenReturn
to return different values in succession. If you do not specify times
, the last value will be latched. Otherwise, each value will be returned the specified number of times.
const spy = vi.fn()
when(spy).calledWith('hello').thenReturn('hi', 'sup?')
When the stubbing is satisfied, resolve a Promise
with value
const spy = vi.fn()
expect(await spy('hello')).toEqual('world')
To only resolve a value once, use the times
import { when } from 'vitest-when'
const spy = vi.fn()
when(spy, { times: 1 }).calledWith('hello').thenResolve('world')
expect(await spy('hello')).toEqual('world')
You may pass several values to thenResolve
to resolve different values in succession. If you do not specify times
, the last value will be latched. Otherwise, each value will be resolved the specified number of times.
const spy = vi.fn()
when(spy).calledWith('hello').thenResolve('hi', 'sup?')
expect(await spy('hello')).toEqual('hi')
expect(await spy('hello')).toEqual('sup?')
expect(await spy('hello')).toEqual('sup?')
When the stubbing is satisfied, throw error
const spy = vi.fn()
when(spy).calledWith('hello').thenThrow(new Error('oh no'))
expect(() => spy('hello')).toThrow('oh no')
To only throw an error only once, use the times
import { when } from 'vitest-when'
const spy = vi.fn()
when(spy, { times: 1 }).calledWith('hello').thenThrow(new Error('oh no'))
expect(() => spy('hello')).toThrow('oh no')
You may pass several values to thenThrow
to throw different errors in succession. If you do not specify times
, the last value will be latched. Otherwise, each error will be thrown the specified number of times.
const spy = vi.fn()
.thenThrow(new Error('oh no'), new Error('this is bad'))
expect(() => spy('hello')).toThrow('oh no')
expect(() => spy('hello')).toThrow('this is bad')
expect(() => spy('hello')).toThrow('this is bad')
When the stubbing is satisfied, reject a Promise
with error
const spy = vi.fn()
when(spy).calledWith('hello').thenReject(new Error('oh no'))
await expect(spy('hello')).rejects.toThrow('oh no')
To only throw an error only once, use the times
import { times, when } from 'vitest-when'
const spy = vi.fn()
when(spy, { times: 1 }).calledWith('hello').thenReject(new Error('oh no'))
await expect(spy('hello')).rejects.toThrow('oh no')
You may pass several values to thenReject
to throw different errors in succession. If you do not specify times
, the last value will be latched. Otherwise, each rejection will be triggered the specified number of times.
const spy = vi.fn()
.thenReject(new Error('oh no'), new Error('this is bad'))
await expect(spy('hello')).rejects.toThrow('oh no')
await expect(spy('hello')).rejects.toThrow('this is bad')
await expect(spy('hello')).rejects.toThrow('this is bad')
When the stubbing is satisfied, run callback
to trigger a side-effect and return its result (if any). thenDo
is a relatively powerful tool for stubbing complex behaviors, so if you find yourself using thenDo
often, consider refactoring your code to use more simple interactions! Your future self will thank you.
const spy = vi.fn()
let called = false
.thenDo(() => {
called = true
return 'world'
To only run the callback once, use the times
import { times, when } from 'vitest-when'
const spy = vi.fn()
when(spy, { times: 1 })
.thenDo(() => 'world')
You may pass several callbacks to thenDo
to trigger different side-effects in succession. If you do not specify times
, the last callback will be latched. Otherwise, each callback will be triggered the specified number of times.
const spy = vi.fn()
() => 'world',
() => 'solar system',
expect(spy('hello')).toEqual('solar system')