- I love to write clean and reusable code
- Knowledge of databases, SQL Server 2019 or higher.
- Excellent customer service.
- Programming skills in C #, Js, HTML, MVC.
- Object-oriented programming.
- Orderly, disciplined and proactive.
- Oriented towards meeting objectives.
- Self-taught and in constant search of new knowledge.
* 🌍 I'm based in San José, Costa Rica
* 🖥️ See my portfolio at [My Portafolio](http://benjaminsalascr.github.io/Portafolio)
* ✉️ You can contact me at [Email:](mailto:BenjaminSalas718@gmail.com)
* 🧠 I'm learning Machine Learning
* 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on IoT Things
* ⚡ I love reading books
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