A πͺ² tracking Flask based API with No-SQL database integration.
- Bug --> bugs, issues in the solutions
- Bounty --> a project is characterized as a bounty
- Clan --> a project team is a clan
- Hunter --> each user ia a hunter, who hunts down bugs in a bounty, a member of a/more clan/s
A Bug is an issue or a bug in your current solution that is associated with the Bounty a bug is included currently. A Bug can be resided in a Bounty. A Bug has attributes such as:
int::b_id // immutable unique id
char[]::bname // immutable name for a/an bug/issue
int::author // immutable unique hunter id who spot the bug for the first time
bool::status // muttable two state status indicating whether the bug is open or closed using 1 or 0 ints
float::cstamp // immutable POSIX timestamp corresponding the origin of the bug in the server(not that much accurate)
int::bo_id // mutable bounty id bug is related to
char[]::desc // extra info about the bug
int[]::assignees // muttable var. length array of ints whom this bug is assigned to
- Here
is changed accordingly using/bug --> PATCH
A Hunter is just an alleged user in the system who can create bugs, clans, bounties etc. A Hunter becomes a leader when the Hunter creates a Clan and has some privileges inside that Clan. A Hunter can have many Clans as well as participate in many as well. A Hunter has attributes such as:
int::h_id // immutable unique id
char[]::hname // immutable name for the hunter
char[]::phash // mutable hash in binary string for the passwd of the hunter
float::cstamp // immutable POSIX timestamp corresponding the origin of the hunter in the server(not that much accurate)
int[]::c_ids // muttable var. length array of ints relating hunter to various clans
int[]::b_ids // muttable var. length array of ints relating hunter to various bounties
A Clan is just a Team consists of one/many Hunter/s that occurs within a County(more on County later). A Clan can have a/many Bounty/s associated with it, but a Bounty can ONLY have 1 Clan associated with it. A Clan has attributes such as:
int::c_id // immutable unique id
char[]::cname // immutable name for the clan
float::cstamp // immutable POSIX timestamp corresponding the origin of the clan in the server(not that much accurate)
int[]::ls // muttable var. length array of ints relating clan to particular leader/s
int[]::hs // muttable var. length array of ints relating clan to a/various hunter/s
int[]::bs // muttable var. length array of ints relating clan to a/various bounty/s
- A
is like an admin to the Clan who has more privileges to the Clan than normal Hunter/s
The struture of this project is custom. Scripts are divided into different folders according to their puprpose and types. The current(as of May 04, 2021) is as follows and may be changed par purpose:-
-- app.py : main script that initalized the API
-- .gitignore,LICENSE, README.md : usual git files and others
-- utility/ : utility func.s and helpers
-- .env : this is where your .env file should be if const.py is not configured
-- const.py : most of the const are saved here in one place
-- mongo_api.py : mongo API object resided here and intialized here
-- helpers.py : helper func.s to create a unique id, hash passwd etc.
-- exceptions.py : custom exceptions
-- resources/ : resource object for flask_restful modules
-- resource_bounty.py : resource object for /bounty API endpoint
-- resource_bug.py : resource object for /bug API endpoint
-- resource_clan.py : resource object for /clan API endpoint
-- resource_hunter.py : resource object for /hunter API endpoint
Project Bug Bounty is a collection of client-and-server softwares in πͺ² tracking system. And this repository contains the backend API of the system. Bug Bounty uses Flask (a Python based web framework) as RESTful API and MongoDB as Database Server.
Code with β₯, Birnadin Erickπ, May 2021.