👋 Hi, I’m Harish G Krishnamurthy, an software engineer uses Playwright to automate UI flows
👀 I’m interested in building Decentralized Apps & Blockchain Protocol.
🌱 I’m currently working on personal Defi projects - WillSettler, Debonds using ERC standards (ERC20, ERC721, ERC 3475) using Solidity.
💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on Hackathons, Build Defi & NFT projects.
📫 How to reach me twitter: @harrypks19 and linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hari-g-krishna-a69846229/
:) last but least, I also develop web based UI to connect to contracts on testnets using tools such as
Frontend Tools : "ethers.js | web3modal | wagmi | mantine | chakraui | rainbowkit" Languages : "Solidity | Typescript | SQL | GRAPHQL | Rust Beginner | Python Beginner" Framework : "Nextjs | Hardhat | Foundry" Distributed Systems : "RESTAPi | AXIOS " Distributed Ledger T : Hedera Hashgraph | Polygon Matic Scaling Solutions : "ZK-Rollup" Query Blockcain : "GrapQL protocol" CI/CD : "AWS | AZURE | VERCEL | GIT" DATABASE : "MONGODB | MSSQL | POSTGRE" TESTING Lib/Frame : "CHAI | NUNIT | PLAYWRIGHT" Protcols : "Openzepplin ERC20 | ERC1155 | ERC721" Rpc tools : "Alchemy | Infura | IPFS | ThirdWeb" ```
Index links to Project /Repo maintenance
contract addr - 0xE2004201614A5D19753bd0356f96296fF536E175 -Deployed to Polygon MumbaiTestnet
Repo: Frontend - TS-Nextjs-mantine-wagmi2-ethers.js
Routing | Api Routing | Paasing value between components/pages uses posgressql | ORM - prisma | Vercel | CI-CD pipeline wagmi | metamask
- Demo - NFT Minting using Thirdweb-Website- Deployed on Azure
- Repo
Thirdweb libraries | metamask | IPFS | Azure
👀 Checkout my finished products.
https://www.showwcase.com/gtrharish |
- Index to Projects
- Project notes
- Project d: Create new Blockchain similar to Bitcoin. Using Blockchain bulding blocks like Cryptography | Consensus Algorithm | Peer-to-Peer | Distributed mechanism
- Github Repo
Project c: Inherit Blocks this smart contract is written on top of ERC20 to allow users to save their assets(for now crypto) and set a future date, when system reaches that date, using chainlink, smart contract will settle the amount to Benefitor automatically. Github Repo
Project b: Treasury Bonds creation using ERC1155 - allows Bond Managers to create new bonds and sell them in market. Bond Buyers can select suitable bond, redeem whenver necessary before deadline. Github Repo | Demo Video
Project a: Beta of Fractal Fantasy Web3 site - NFT based authentication implemented, based on the type of NFT owned, user will be navigated to appropriate version of the game or type of games defined by admin. Github Repo | Demo App
View the raw content of this file to understand my future goals.
- Work on the website ~3d #feat @john 2020-03-20
- zk Starknet fb/Winterfell
- Fix the kafka ~1d #bug @jane
- Sub-task to push local blockchain on kafka | docker
- Work on Github Repo [JIRA-345]
- build a local blockchain using RUST