"week_calendar" is a command line tool which shows calendar weeks.
It provides the number and start/end date of a week.
Different intervals can be chosen. Year, month, or just one specific week. You can also convert week numbers into their respective weeks.
week_calendar date 2023 6 30
| Week Number | From | To |
| 26 | 2023-06-26 | 2023-07-02 |
week_calendar week-number 9 --year 2023
| Week Number | From | To |
| 9 | 2023-02-27 | 2023-03-05 |
Version on crates.io and the latest git tag correspond to the current version.
There are pre-built binaries for the following targets under the latest release:
- x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu => Linux 64 Bit
After downloading the archive and unpacking it. Put the binary to a location which is in your PATH environmental variable.
This application is also published on this page of crates.io
You can install via
cargo install week_calendar
- Clone this repository
- Go into to the cloned folder
- Type the following command into the terminal
cargo install --path=. --force
or via
just local-install
Changelog can be found here
This application can be used under MIT or Apache 2.0 at your choice
"week_calendar" is a command line tool which shows calendar weeks.
It provides the number and start/end date of a week.
Different intervals can be chosen. Year, month, or just one specific week.
You can also convert week numbers into their respective weeks.
Usage: week_calendar [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>
today Shows calendar week for today [aliases: t]
date Shows calendar week of a given date. Given date must be a valid date. Example: 30.02.2023 is not valid [aliases: d]
month List all calendar weeks in a given month in a given year [aliases: m]
year List all calendar weeks in a given year. If no year is provided then the current year is assumed [aliases: y]
week-number Converts given week numbers into their respective week calendars [aliases: w]
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
-f, --for-machine
Data entry about week calendar are outputted with spaces between. This is intended to make parsing of the date easier
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
-V, --version
Print version
This application can be used under MIT or Apache 2.0 at your choice
For more details see the license file within source code base
on GitHub.
Shows calendar week for today
Usage: week_calendar today
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Show current week calendar
# today is 04.07.2023. here
week_calendar today
| Week Number | From | To |
| 27 | 2023-07-03 | 2023-07-09 |
Shows calendar week of a given date. Given date must be a valid date. Example: 30.02.2023 is not valid
Usage: week_calendar date <YEAR> <MONTH> <DAY>
<YEAR> Year of a date
<MONTH> Month of a date. Must be between 1 and 12
<DAY> Day of a date. Must be between 1 and 31
-h, --help Print help
List all calendar weeks in a given month in a given year
Usage: week_calendar month [MONTH] [YEAR]
[MONTH] Month of a date. Must be between 1 and 12. If not provided then the current month and year are assumed
[YEAR] Day of a date. Must be between 1 and 31. If not provided then the current year is assumed
-h, --help Print help
List all calendar weeks in a given year. If no year is provided then the current year is assumed
Usage: week_calendar year [YEAR]
[YEAR] Given year. If omitted then the current year is assumed
-h, --help Print help
Converts given week numbers into their respective week calendars.
Value for week numbers are between 1 and 53. Note: Some years only have 52 week numbers. If for such year 53 is given then that number is treated as 52.
Usage: week_calendar week-number [OPTIONS] <START> [END]
Single week number to convert if no end week number is given
End week number within a year
-y, --year <YEAR>
Given year. If omitted then the current year is assumed
-h, --help
Print help (see a summary with '-h')
Showing the calendar week with week number 10 of 2024, assuming the year 2024
week_calendar week-number 10
| Week Number | From | To |
| 10 | 2024-03-04 | 2024-03-10 |