A promise based streaming tokenizer for Node.js and browsers.
The strtok3
module provides several methods for creating a tokenizer from various input sources.
Designed for:
- Seamless support in streaming environments.
- Efficiently decode binary data, strings, and numbers.
- Reading predefined or custom tokens.
- Offering tokenizers for reading from files, streams or Uint8Arrays.
can read from:
- Files, using a file path as input.
- Node.js streams.
- Buffer or Uint8Array.
- HTTP chunked transfer provided by @tokenizer/http.
- Amazon S3 chunks with @tokenizer/s3.
npm install strtok3
Starting with version 7, the module has migrated from CommonJS to pure ECMAScript Module (ESM). The distributed JavaScript codebase is compliant with the ECMAScript 2020 (11th Edition) standard.
Requires a modern browser, Node.js (V8) ≥ 18 engine or Bun (JavaScriptCore) ≥ 1.2.
For TypeScript CommonJs backward compatibility, you can use load-esm.
This module requires a Node.js ≥ 16 engine. It can also be used in a browser environment when bundled with a module bundler.
If you find this project useful and would like to support its development, consider sponsoring or contributing:
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Use one of the methods to instantiate an abstract tokenizer:
only available when importing this module with Node.js
All methods return a Tokenizer
, either directly or via a promise.
Creates a tokenizer from a local file.
function fromFile(sourceFilePath: string): Promise<FileTokenizer>
Parameter | Type | Description |
sourceFilePath | string |
Path to file to read from |
- Only available for Node.js engines
automatically embeds file-information
Returns, via a promise, a tokenizer which can be used to parse a file.
import * as strtok3 from 'strtok3';
import * as Token from 'token-types';
(async () => {
const tokenizer = await strtok3.fromFile("somefile.bin");
try {
const myNumber = await tokenizer.readToken(Token.UINT8);
console.log(`My number: ${myNumber}`);
} finally {
tokenizer.close(); // Close the file
Creates a tokenizer from a Node.js readable stream.
function fromStream(stream: Readable, options?: ITokenizerOptions): Promise<ReadStreamTokenizer>
Parameter | Optional | Type | Description |
stream | no | Readable | Stream to read from |
fileInfo | yes | IFileInfo | Provide file information |
Returns a Promise providing a tokenizer.
- Only available for Node.js engines
Creates tokenizer from a WHATWG ReadableStream.
function fromWebStream(webStream: AnyWebByteStream, options?: ITokenizerOptions): ReadStreamTokenizer
Parameter | Optional | Type | Description |
readableStream | no | ReadableStream | WHATWG ReadableStream to read from |
fileInfo | yes | IFileInfo | Provide file information |
Returns a Promise providing a tokenizer
import strtok3 from 'strtok3';
import * as Token from 'token-types';
strtok3.fromWebStream(readableStream).then(tokenizer => {
return tokenizer.readToken(Token.UINT8).then(myUint8Number => {
console.log(`My number: ${myUint8Number}`);
Create a tokenizer from memory (Uint8Array).
function fromBuffer(uint8Array: Uint8Array, options?: ITokenizerOptions): BufferTokenizer
Parameter | Optional | Type | Description |
uint8Array | no | Uint8Array | Uint8Array or Buffer to read from |
fileInfo | yes | IFileInfo | Provide file information |
Returns a Promise providing a tokenizer.
import * as strtok3 from 'strtok3';
const tokenizer = strtok3.fromBuffer(buffer);
tokenizer.readToken(Token.UINT8).then(myUint8Number => {
console.log(`My number: ${myUint8Number}`);
The tokenizer is an abstraction of a stream, file or Uint8Array, allowing reading or peeking from the stream. It can also be translated in chunked reads, as done in @tokenizer/http;
- Supports seeking within the stream using
. - Offers
methods to preview data without advancing the read pointer. - Maintains the read position via tokenizer.position.
Read methods advance the stream pointer, while peek methods do not.
There are two kind of functions:
- read methods: used to read a token of Buffer from the tokenizer. The position of the tokenizer-stream will advance with the size of the token.
- peek methods: same as the read, but it will not advance the pointer. It allows to read (peek) ahead.
Read data from the tokenizer into provided "buffer" (Uint8Array
readBuffer(buffer, options?)
readBuffer(buffer: Uint8Array, options?: IReadChunkOptions): Promise<number>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
buffer | Buffer | Uint8Array | Target buffer to write the data read to |
options | IReadChunkOptions | An integer specifying the number of bytes to read |
Return promise with number of bytes read. The number of bytes read maybe if less, mayBeLess flag was set.
Peek (read ahead), from tokenizer, into the buffer without advancing the stream pointer.
peekBuffer(uint8Array: Uint8Array, options?: IReadChunkOptions): Promise<number>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
buffer | Buffer | Uint8Array | Target buffer to write the data read (peeked) to. |
options | IReadChunkOptions | An integer specifying the number of bytes to read. |
Return value Promise<number>
Promise with number of bytes read. The number of bytes read maybe if less, mayBeLess flag was set.
Read a token from the tokenizer-stream.
readToken<Value>(token: IGetToken<Value>, position: number = this.position): Promise<Value>
Parameter | Type | Description |
token | IGetToken | Token to read from the tokenizer-stream. |
position? | number | Offset where to begin reading within the file. If position is null, data will be read from the current file position. |
Return value Promise<number>
. Promise with number of bytes read. The number of bytes read maybe if less, mayBeLess flag was set.
Peek a token from the tokenizer.
peekToken<Value>(token: IGetToken<Value>, position: number = this.position): Promise<Value>
Parameter | Type | Description |
token | IGetToken | Token to read from the tokenizer-stream. |
position? | number | Offset where to begin reading within the file. If position is null, data will be read from the current file position. |
Return a promise with the token value peeked from the tokenizer.
Peek a numeric token from the tokenizer.
readNumber(token: IToken<number>): Promise<number>
Parameter | Type | Description |
token | IGetToken | Numeric token to read from the tokenizer-stream. |
Returns a promise with the decoded numeric value from the tokenizer-stream.
Advance the offset pointer with the token number of bytes provided.
ignore(length: number): Promise<number>
Parameter | Type | Description |
ignore | number | Numeric of bytes to ignore. Will advance the tokenizer.position |
Returns a promise with the decoded numeric value from the tokenizer-stream.
Clean up resources, such as closing a file pointer if applicable.
Optional attribute describing the file information, see IFileInfo
Pointer to the current position in the tokenizer stream. If a position is provided to a read or peek method, is should be, at least, equal or greater than this value.
Each attribute is optional:
Attribute | Type | Description |
length | number | Requested number of bytes to read. |
position | number | Position where to peek from the file. If position is null, data will be read from the current file position. Position may not be less then tokenizer.position |
mayBeLess | boolean | If and only if set, will not throw an EOF error if less then the requested mayBeLess could be read. |
Example usage:
tokenizer.peekBuffer(buffer, {mayBeLess: true});
Provides optional metadata about the file being tokenized.
Attribute | Type | Description |
size | number | File size in bytes |
mimeType | number | MIME-type of file. |
path | number | File path |
url | boolean | File URL |
The token is basically a description what to read form the tokenizer-stream. A basic set of token types can be found here: token-types.
A token is something which implements the following interface:
export interface IGetToken<T> {
* Length in bytes of encoded value
len: number;
* Decode value from buffer at offset
* @param buf Buffer to read the decoded value from
* @param off Decode offset
get(buf: Uint8Array, off: number): T;
The tokenizer reads token.len
bytes from the tokenizer-stream into a Buffer.
The token.get
will be called with the Buffer. token.get
is responsible for conversion from the buffer to the desired output type.
To convert a Web-API readable stream into a Node.js readable stream, you can use readable-web-to-node-stream to convert one in another.
import { fromWebStream } strtok3 from 'strtok3';
import { ReadableWebToNodeStream } from 'readable-web-to-node-stream';
(async () => {
const response = await fetch(url);
const readableWebStream = response.body; // Web-API readable stream
const webStream = new ReadableWebToNodeStream(readableWebStream); // convert to Node.js readable stream
const tokenizer = fromWebStream(webStream); // And we now have tokenizer in a web environment
The diagram below illustrates the primary dependencies of strtok3
graph TD;
- peek-readable: Manages reading operations with peeking capabilities, allowing data to be previewed without advancing the read pointer.
- @tokenizer/token: Provides token definitions and utilities used by
for interpreting binary data.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use, modify, and distribute as needed.