Rummaging in your trash
MSc in Atmospheric Science.
Interested in Earth System Modelling & Optimisation in Python and Fortran.
- Aberdeen, Scotland
- same time - ratravein.space
- in/borisivanov1
- https://discord.gg/RDZTMcAz
- https://projecteuler.net/profile/ScienceMacaroni.png
RealisticDaylight Public
Estimates the sunlight available at a location, taking into account the surrounding orography.
PySDM Public
Forked from open-atmos/PySDMPythonic particle-based (super-droplet) warm-rain/aqueous-chemistry cloud microphysics package with box, parcel & 1D/2D prescribed-flow examples in Python, Julia and Matlab
Feigenbaum Public
A study on deterministic chaotic systems and the obtaining of Feigenbaums constant.
EUWS Public
A study on the relationship between the North Atlantic Oscillation and the severity, frequency and path of windstorms in Europe.
css-in-readme-like-wat Public
Forked from sindresorhus/css-in-readme-like-watStyle your readme using CSS with this simple trick
UpdatedSep 22, 2024