- Vue 3, Vite 5, pnpm, ESBuild - fast and faster !
- Typescript - of course! necessary
- Element Plus - A powerful Vue.js 3 UI Library
- Axios - Http Library based on Promise
- Vue Router 4 - The official router for Vue.js
- Components auto importing - Automatically register components on demand without import
- Auto import APIs - Automatically import APIs
- Pinia - The Vue Store that you will enjoy using
- I18n - Want to translate? Yes, you can!
- NProgress - Page loading progress feedback
- icones - Powerful Icon Library, Use icons from any icon sets
- Markdown - Markdown as components / components in Markdown
git clone my-vitemo-app
cd my-vitemo-app
pnpm i
When you use this template, try follow the checklist to update your info properly
- Change the author name in
- Change the author name in
- Change the title in
- Change the favicon in
- Clean up the
and remove routes
And then, enjoy it!
Just run and visit http://localhost:5173
pnpm run dev
To build the App, run
pnpm run build
And you will see the generated file in dist
that ready to be served.
This template has some features inspired by Vitesse ❤