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Nvim(Chad) configuration

Powered by NvChad v2.5



I do not own anything related to NvChad, this is only the configs that I use with it.

I have been a VSCode user for years and I am slowly moving forward to NVIM, so this is my config that mimics VSCode key binds and UI, with a goal of removing plugins as I am getting used to it and learning more about NVIM.

Installation guide

  1. Same as NvChad
  2. I am using Hack Nerd Font
  3. My terminal is WezTerm


For questions feel free to open an issue or you can find me in the NvChad discord server.

Configured environments

  • Lua
  • Go (go.nvim)
  • Web development (JS, TS, HTML, CSS, React, Astro)
  • Markdown

TreeSitter is enabled and will automatically install parsers for you.

CMP fully integrated with AI completions


Cmp has some custom configs for performance, and it will open automatically.

You can disable cmp auto-complete with cmd CmpToggle.

To trigger it, press <C-Space>, you can navigate between the options with <Up> and <Down> and select with <CR>`.

If Cmp is visible, you can use <Esc> to close it without leaving Insert mode.

If the copilot suggestion is active, you can use <Tab> to select the copilot option.

Code foldable in a VSCode style


With UFO

Diagnostics in a VSCode style

Diagnostics Tab


With Trouble

Diagnostics with LSP Lines


With lsp-lines

TODO Tracking

Search and replace

Local Search


With SearchBox

Global Search and Replace


With Grug Far

Local rename


With Muren

Custom Statusline tweaks

  1. It will show when it's recording a macro.
  2. It will show a custom icon when the file is hooked by Harpoon.
  3. It will show colored icons for the file icon.
  4. It will show a Git icon with the status of the copilot

Custom Tabufline icons


From left to right:

  1. GitHub UI (on click will open LazyGit window)
  2. Split window button (on click will split the current window vertically)



With Glance


All the keybindings are available in the mappings.lua file, and also described in the NVCheatSheet, you can access it with <leader>ch.

Common Text key binds are also available:

  • Ctrl + A: Select All
  • Ctrl + X: Cut
  • Ctrl + C: Copy
  • Ctrl + V: Paste
  • Ctrl + Z: Undo


I do not like the format on save, so my config is set to format on <leader>fm only, but you can change it to whatever you want, to do it, just uncomment the autocmd in the autocmd.lua file.

For .go files, you can use <leader>fi to complete imports.



With LazyGit

Other plugins