🔭 I’m currently working as a Software Engineer @ Ringier Axel Springer Tech
👨💼 Before that, I worked as:
- Junior Python Developer @ Nexio Management
- Junior Java Developer @ Central Information Technology Center
🌱 I’m currently learning about DevOps & Cloud & Artificial Intelligence
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Open Source
💬 Ask me about anything related to Backend Web Development
📫 Contact me via email: kontakt@budzynskimaciej.pl
⚡ Fun fact: If you check the previous version of this README you will see that the previous fun fact was completely mindlessly copied🤫
- AI, LocalLLM i DeepSeek. O co chodzi i jak zanurzyć się w świecie LLM?
- Odświeżenie i aktualizacja strony
- O mnie
- Jak uzyskać dostęp do admina na Linuxie wykorzystując Dockera?
- Projekty