- New Zealand
- in/carloskenny
music-visualizer-4-friend Public
Music Visualizer, written in Processing 3
aws-marketplace-user-guide-for-sellers Public
Forked from awsdocs/aws-marketplace-user-guide-for-sellersThis is the open source version of the documentation for AWS Marketplace for Sellers. You can submit feedback & requests for changes by submitting issues in this repo or by making proposed changes …
Other UpdatedAug 31, 2021 -
dot_files Public
.zhsrc .bashrc .tmux.conf etc
floccus Public
Forked from floccusaddon/floccus☁️ Sync your bookmarks across browsers via Nextcloud, WebDAV or Google Drive
JavaScript Mozilla Public License 2.0 UpdatedApr 24, 2021 -
TwitchFollowerCountAlert Public
TwitchFollowerCountAlert (Linux GUI Pop Up, Windows stdio)
Python GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedDec 31, 2020 -
cpython Public
Forked from python/cpythonThe Python programming language
Python Other UpdatedDec 21, 2020 -
Tool to output a list of instances that are not EC2 "managed instances".
aws-cloudformation-templates Public
Forked from aws-cloudformation/aws-cloudformation-templatesA collection of useful CloudFormation templates
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 27, 2019 -
KeyboardVisualizer Public
Forked from CalcProgrammer1/KeyboardVisualizerIssue tracker has been moved to GitLab (https://gitlab.com/CalcProgrammer1/KeyboardVisualizer) #movingtogitlab
C++ UpdatedJan 19, 2019 -
butterchurn Public
Forked from jberg/butterchurnButterchurn is a WebGL implementation of the Milkdrop Visualizer
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 17, 2018 -
youtube-dl Public
Forked from Jamie-Landeg-Jones/youtube-dlCommand-line program to download videos from YouTube.com and other video sites
Python The Unlicense UpdatedOct 8, 2018 -
DFA_parser_COSC261 Public
Converts JFLAP files (jff) to a format understandable by the University of Canterbury's quiz servers
Python UpdatedAug 28, 2018 -
batch_file_renamer_python Public
Removes characters between () and [] in filenames
Dota2GSI Public
Forked from antonpup/Dota2GSIA C# library to intrerface the Game State Integration found in Dota 2.
C# Other UpdatedOct 31, 2017 -
dota-hero-layout-editor Public
Forked from devilesk/dota-hero-layout-editorDota 2 Hero Layout Editor
JavaScript UpdatedJan 26, 2017 -
ChromeAudioVisualizerExtension Public
Forked from afreakk/ChromeAudioVisualizerExtensionAudio Visualizer extension for chrome/chromium
JavaScript UpdatedMay 31, 2015 -
CorsairKeyboardSpectrograph Public
Forked from CalcProgrammer1/CorsairKeyboardSpectrographSpectrograph audio visualizer for Corsair K70 RGB keyboard for Windows and Linux
C++ UpdatedMar 11, 2015 -
party-mode Public
Forked from preziotte/party-modeAn experimental music visualizer using d3.js and the web audio api.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 16, 2014 -
recursive_404_checker_python Public
Recursively checks outgoing links for 404 errors and returns location of broken links
xenia Public
Forked from xenia-project/xeniaXbox 360 Emulator Research Project
C++ Other UpdatedMar 29, 2014