I am a student at Chandigarh College of Engineering And Technology pursuing my bachelor's in Computer Science interested in fusion of Web Development and Artificial Intelligence. Currently, exploring the field of Deep Learning. I love to interact with new people and to get the insights on how they choose their career paths.I love to try new things even if I don't get success as it is my belief to be successfully exponentially we need to fail sometimes greatly!! I love to play football and quite fond of movies, especially sci-fi.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Convolutional Networks.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Natural Language Processing
- 👯 I’m looking forward to collaborate on a tech project integrating Deep Learning and Web Technologies
- ⚡ Elon Musk and Andrew Ng are my Ideals
TO KNOW MORE ABOUT ME : https://inderpreet-portfolio.netlify.app/