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React Firebase Hooks - Cloud Messaging

React Firebase Hooks provides a convenience hook for getting a cloud messaging token, providing an error and loading property to give a complete lifecycle for accessing the cloud messaging token on Firebase Cloud Messaging.

All hooks can be imported from react-firebase-hooks/messaging, e.g.

import { useToken } from 'react-firebase-hooks/messaging';

List of Cloud Messaging hooks:


const [token, loading, error] = useToken(messaging, vapidKey);

Get a token from Firebase Cloud Messaging

The useToken hook takes the following parameters:

  • messaging: messaging.Messaging instance for your Firebase app
  • vapidKey: a string representing the VAPID key credential needed for Cloud Messaging


  • token: a string token to use with cloud messaging
  • loading: a boolean to indicate if the function is still being executed
  • error: Any Error returned by Firebase when trying to execute the function, or undefined if there is no error

Full example

import { getMessaging } from 'firebase/messaging';
import { useToken } from 'react-firebase-hooks/messaging';

const MessagingToken = () => {
  const [token, loading, error] = useToken(getMessaging(firebaseApp));
  return (
        {error && <strong>Error: {JSON.stringify(error)}</strong>}
        {loading && <span>Loading token...</span>}
        {token && <span>Token:{token}</span>}